Kanye West goes full MAGA in new song

Now this guy is making music about MAGA

Guys, this is fucking insanity. Yes I know, it's the "BASED BLACK GUY" meme, but come on, this is crazy shit. Kanye West is not some D-list celebrity like fucking Roseanne or some shit, this guy is actually respected by pop culture.

Also, his wife is KIM KARDASHIAN. She's literally queen stacy, and she even came to Kanye's defense over going full MAGA.

This will now create an incentive for other businesses or public figures to go full MAGA if Kanye shows you can do it and still make money. This is going to normalize right-wing nationalism faster than anything else we can do.

This is because of us lads. I don't want to jerk ourselves off or some shit, but we helped to create a grassroots movement around right-wing nationalism on the internet and now Kanye is getting in on that too.

Good job guys. We really are winning now, it's not a joke or a meme. We are successfully pushing the overton window the right, this is some historical shit guys. I am proud of you, and I'm proud of us.

Here's the song

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Other urls found in this thread:


We are winning the culture war.

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Good post. Kinda dope how he and tip go back and forth with the lyrics. Waiting for a clearing version

Is there anything more cucked then a trumpcuck? lol holy shit

No. Kanye West is just a rebel in an era sorely in need of many many more rebels.

lol okay retard. I don't think there's anyone more cucked than you, toeing the line and saying/thinking what you're told. Good goy.

Lyrics: hiphopdx.com/news/id.46644/title.kanye-west-t-i-debate-trumps-politics-on-ye-vs-the-people

Song: youtube.com/watch?v=modDkm0b8OM


Fifteen years after Tupac Shakur's murder, the FBI has released documents showing that the rapper received death threats from the Jewish Defense League as part of an extortion scheme

that kikes ok/666 based-maga-pede-kekistan hand gesture gets to me even though it is edited out in OP's photo.. however, i am glad to see this nig on the train. i do unironically believe in his redpilling just from his goofy anti illuminati breakdowns. thats why the gesturing irks me... maybe we aught have him explain that type of shit now that he's here.

Stay triggered, kike.

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Pats on the back all round

You really can't minimize how huge this is.

It has the potential to really open a lot of eyes and minds, it's an incredible opportunity for the country, for the Republicans and for our movement.

There are many more based blacks than the media would have you know.

It's a shame this isn't during a Presidential campaign year, can you imagine the absolute shit storm if Kanye and his wife and their clan speak at the RNC or hold a massive campaign rally with Trump?

Heads would do more than explode.

Stop shitting up the board with all these gayass threads faggot, kanye west is a nigger attention whore, get back to me when he starts openly naming the jew.

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No he's definitely redpilled

He had Jordan Peterson in his window tabs when he uploaded a screenshot of his monitor, and shared Scott Dilbert. For a pop culture icon to be watching that is fucking insane.

He's clearly been surfing the redpill side of YouTube and twitter, and it got in his head. This is literally part of a gigantic internet propaganda campaign we started back in 2013, and public figures sprung up around that in 2015-2016 and they started delivering the (slightly watered down) message to normies.

Good shit. Propaganda works.

This song is what people needed

I can't wait to hear the NON radio edit


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Hahahha leftypol subverters and stormcucks are so transparent now

>black that is under the thumb of record exec kikes pushes civnat (something only whites care about) as white racial consciousness is on the rise

Rly meks me thunk.You fucking brainlets never fail to disappoint me for not seeing the obvious. We need to manipulate this towards a black ethnostate (thereby legitimizing a white one.)

everyone but me gotta learn kanye is BASED

WHO? Jewdan Peterson is "Red Pilled"? Boy you better take your Jewish ass out of here and go yuck it up with the Zionist cunts raving about his Assad Atrocities tweet. Show me a Peterson fan i'll show you a bitch nigger or just a flat ass KIKE.

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>based black guy
We do not need more retards to dilute our ideological views.
>pol does not have to change but the world

lol, trumpcucks are truly the most retarded faggots

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Big if true?

>>black that is under the thumb of record exec

He actually fired all of his managers and announced that he's not doing Hollywood shit anymore and that he's going to start his own thing though

>it's an incredible opportunity for the country, for the Republicans and for our movement.
>There are many more based blacks than the media would have you know.
mental gymnastics, thats the problem with pussy faggots like you. Who gives a fuck what niggers think. Restore the constitution and if they chimp out, mow them down in the streets. Capitulation never works. What you are doing is getting on your knees and sliding a nigger dick down your throat.

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fuck off stormcuck

Peterson today, Jared Taylor tomorrow. That's how it always works, and the fact that low-IQ stormers don't understand this is why they will never win

I'm not completely up to date with him but I know his record label GOOD, the parent company was Sony. Is he disassociating himself from them?

>we should all love niggers guys
Fuck off back to where you came from you double nigger faggot.

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Just wait until blacks learn the jews were heavily involved in the slave trade. First synagogue in America was in the middle of a slave trading town

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I believe he is opening his own studio and hiring a small team and doing everything himself now

I think he's doing his own label, own distribution, all that stuff. He hinted that he wanted to start a whole new platform or something like that.

>our ideological views
Everyone point at this faggot and laugh. He thinks Jow Forums is one person, and he thinks every one on Jow Forums is the same as some Kraut cuck living in a Muslim shit hole.
Get the fuck out. You'll never be anything more than a bitch. Germans are weak. Don't ever lump "us" in with you Merkel loving fags.


>I don't want normies to wake up to the jq and instead keep things on the course they've been on
Look kike, you're not fooling anyone.

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>queen stacy
shes not white shes an asian that wishes she was a negro



All that needs to happen is for dems to lose even 2-3% of the black vote. It will given GoP major advantage in midterms. If Kanye can somehow accomplish this, he's a hero.

>saving a picture of a pedophile

>fuck off stormcuck
Who is the one here trying to suck nigger dick? Would you let kanye fuck your wife and eat his cum out of her asshole? Because you sound like a faggot that would.

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The jew fears the gentile alliance.

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>blacks are 14% of the population
>-2 or 3%
>open borders neocucks and democucks increase spic population from 12% to 16% in a decade

Even if this happened, as long as we get the same neocuckservatives as candidates who really gives a fuck? They'll keep flooding us with spics until anyone with even the conservative label can never be elected again.

Im holding my breath

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>nigger is starting to bite the jew hands
>jew is on Jow Forums begging whites to stay divided

you glow nigger

Show me where this nigger has names the jew?at least Michael Jackson openly named them, kanye is a larping faggot.

He's been reading Scott Adams too. Adams gave him a shout out during the transition when he visited Trump Tower saying the visit alone can change reality because it alters perception.

He's right.

Trump wants to pass Raise Act. That will stop even legal immigration to a big extent. To build the wall he needs 60 votes in congress. Only happening if the midterm pays off. Midterm only pays off if the niggers don't show up to vote because the white millennial sure as shit will. Kanye is about to put a damper on the whole blue wave right now.

Lurk more you jizz guzzler

That's where he's going, faggot. Already tweeted a hitler youth member and talked about michael jackson re: all this.... which is how mj talked about the kikes. But you know this and are just a kike.

why do you care? why does anyone care about this attention whore?

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Best timeline. Tired of winning.

>if you dont love niggers you glow in the dark

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Kanye named the jew in Pablo. Also showed the start of david on mind control soldier keeping him in a mental hospital. I'm surprised he's not been shoa'd yet.

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I know you're trying to hype everyone up like we've all made a movement here. But if you think the right wing doesnt also manipulate and build its followers then you're being naive. This is likely another publicity stunt to garner support for the right, and utimately funnel those people into some business model. Its always about money. I'm not saying don't be happy about it, but try to think outside the box, and make sure you aren't being used.

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70iq ubermenche detected

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Going alt-right hurts your business though. Conservatives don't even listen to rap and he's facing a ton of shit from nearly every other nigger celeb.

We currently live in the best timeline. So much winning

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Too many kids with non nuanced views. They proclaim niggers BASTE because they happen to share one view. The result of the RTD magapede rapefugees flooding Jow Forums. Kanye at present has some good views which align with white interests. That's good and we should exploit it. But don't confuse a temporary asset with an ally, kiddos.

>and utimately funnel those people into some business model

Of course but this is the capitalism empire of the world so that is how American politics goes. The cycle is:

>grassroots movement starts
>it's doing taboo things and people are afraid to associate themselves with it
>some investors decide to do a risky investment and see if they can profit from it
>they profit from it
>this signals to the rest of the investors that it is safe to publicly endorse now
>businesses start pumping it
>it becomes normalized
>it becomes enforced by corporate America and everyone else after being proven to be a profitable thing to endorse

When the money starts coming in, that is when you know you have won. The best thing we can do is buy Kanye's new album, not joking

>Kanye is about to put a damper on the whole blue wave right now.
You are fucking retarded, other niggers hate his ass
Go choke to death kanye's nigger dick faggot
He is larping, get back to me when he accually names the jew.
>70iq ubermenche detected
still smarter than kanye west, and faggots that suck his dick though

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Retarded memeflag. Everyone wants their own ethnostate and the sooner all gentile wake up to the jq the faster that will happen. Fucking moron.

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You're probably right.

What's even more concerning is how this mundane footnote is getting so much attention. A celebrity supports the sitting president of the United States and the left treats it like a war crime.

they do that whenever they get an early/exclusive release, so other DJs can't just rip and replay. it's shit, but they've always done that in rap.

Unironically this. Watch all of his fans start sporting Trumps MAGA hat. This might just be the turning point.

This is the biggest win since trump being elected. Anyway saying "based black man" "td cucks" are either leftypol or some other liberals trying to D&C pol.

DESU I am no stormfront retard, even hitler didin't care much about that shit. America just isn't a white country. I would much rather try to appeal to some blacks (obviously republican blacks aren't the same tier as nig nogs.. Crime, welfare, etc. Much much lower).

Yes white supremacy has caught on a bit the past few years, but because democrats have literally forced whites to become tribal.. Good for europe, they are literally white countries.. But white supremacy is a waste of effort to push in America, all it will do is D&C republicans and push people left.

This is untrue. Niggers do not want their own ethnostate because they know they can sponge gibs off white societies. Are you legitimately retarded?

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>You are fucking retarded, other niggers hate his ass

>Claims to hate niggers
>knows everything about nigger culture

Well well. Whose been secretly listening to nigger music?

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Did anyone hooktube it before umg shut it down?

>America just isn’t a white country

Good Goy!

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Niggers already have there own ethnostate faggot, its called liberia

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>Niggers do not want their own ethnostate because they know they can sponge gibs off white societies.

Muhammad Ali did, Malcolm X did, Farrahkhan does. Two of them named the jew and Ali damned near said segregation was good for society. All probably did more for the cause then you will your entire life.

>I took Make America Great Again and added empathy, caring love and affection

You're full of shit. You literally are using leftypol talking points

>America just isn't a white country

Wrong. Nicely done trying to cloak yourself though. You're so transparent you'll only fool other retarded brainlets like yourself.

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>This is the biggest win since trump being elected. Anyway saying "based black man" "td cucks" are either leftypol or some other liberals trying to D&C pol

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>America isn’t a white country, we should appeal to niggers and spics just like old uncle schlomo told us

Im convinced most r/t_d faggots are literally retarded enough to listen to any Jew’s demands. No better then a Swede accepting multiculturalism.

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Great, then they need to go back to it. But not with your faggot ass around, jew shill

I wonder what it's like to be this dumb. You must be getting paid by the pedo masters. Even if you did want to more then down in the streets of they don't follow orders, you have to remove the kikes first. one battlr at a time mr full out1488 rice warp nao...

A very small minority is insufficient to get anything done. I don't disparage the work of those black people. They did not, do not and will not in the foreseeable futrue, represent the majority or even significant minority opinion for niggers. So what is your point? They did nothing and got nothing done. Seems we're even. If I get anything done I'll already have done more than anything those 3 did towards the creation of an ethnostate or racial separatism.

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Once right-wing civic nationalism is normalized then white nationalism is a stone's throw away

The fact people can't see this honestly makes me wonder if we might be too stupid to win in the long-term. I am legitimately starting to get worried

>Schlomo screams “Jewish shill” to pretend to be apart of Jow Forums

JIDF is really failing at their job

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God you glow

You have to be 18 to post here.

The dirty Jew blocked the video in the US.

Civic Nationalism is just multiculturalism under neocons rather then Democrats. No different between the two.

So are you schlomo, but do go on about how Jow Forums isn’t suppose to be “national socialist”

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And? She's white enough for you Muhammad

Please explain how CivNat naturally or can be directed towards growing white nationalism? They had been pushing CivNat since the early 1900's. Where was the white nationalism that resulted from it? If it wasn't historically true that CivNat will lead to WN, what makes circumstances different now?

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>Civic Nationalism is just multiculturalism under neocons rather then Democrats. No different between the two.

The logical step for normies goes like this:

>Wow, it's okay to put your nation first before other nations?
>okay I guess...
>Wow it's okay to put your race within your nation before other races within your nation?
>okay I guess...

Most normies can't even come to this conclusion while under the norm of multicultural globalism


>A very small minority is insufficient to get anything done.

The very small minority is what is needed to inspire millions. Had Malcolm X not been killed, he could have turned millions on the jq and we'd be much better off today.

>I don't disparage the work of those black people.

lol yet you're here shitting up Jow Forums when there's a rapper talking about leaving the (((plantation))) and stop voting dems. Try harder kike.

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>Muh muhammeds
Another kike talking point to divide Europeans. You just keep showing your true self. I bet you also think Le 56% is a psy-op because it talks about the demographic decline of America.

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>Jow Forums and every cuckservative go crazy "le based black man" after some shit this degenerate nigger said
fucking hell this board has gone to hell

Kanye is one dumb fucking nigger.

Literally the only black guy besides Ben Carson begging to go on Nuremberg trial after the Dem supermajority sweeps Congress in November.

He should have kept his yap shut.

Fuck his black ass.

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>It’s a stepping stone

Explain why kekistani retards and migrants from Reddit are still civic nationalists then? Face it, it’s another Jewish trick to make are America remains a mutt hellhole.

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>blacks about to get woke to turn on the jews
>quick head to Jow Forums and reverse the damage

I'm sure you have teams blaming whitey on nigger forums right now. It won't work, you're afraid.

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rae is are guy?

wrong on all counts.

The song sucks, but I like what he's doing.

>They had been pushing CivNat since the early 1900's.

Segregation didn't even end until 1964, and Neo-Con right-wing politics started right before that.

We have not had an explicitly nationalist president in office in a very long time. This is uncharted waters right now. White nationalism was the norm for white people before the immigration act of 1965 because the nation was like 85% white.

Leftists call civ-nat racist because they are smart enough to know that civ-nat leads to ethno-nat

>all blacks gotta be democrats? Its like we aint made it off the plantation

Holy shit if blacks wake up to how the dems have been using them for votes for the last 40 years....

The majority of Jow Forums wants these faggots gone, however their voices are hidden by the amount of “1 Post by this ID” shills who come straight out of JIDF. I wouldn’t be surprised if the mods start banning people for literally saying “nigger” like the good goys they are.

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