
>Black adolescents in the US are less likely to use alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco compared with non-Hispanic Whites, but little is known about the consistency of these racial/ethnic differences in substance use across the lifecourse.

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Only true according to self reporting. Not true when they randomly test urine or hair samples. Also, they are more likely to end up in the hospital for overdosing on drugs (not related to marijuana or tobacco)

Why are white kids such druggies Jow Forums? I thought you said blacks were degenerates but looks like the shoe is on the other foot now.
Alcoholism and alcohol use is such a big phenomenon among white people. Alcoholism is practically inherent to white culture. White people are awkward and socially stunted which is why they need alcohol to function socially. It's kid of sad really but going to parties and getting fucked up is a milestone for the average white kid. wh*Toids are extremely degenerate

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From the paper:

>Measures of self-reported substance use have well-documented reliability and validity (Buchan et al., 2002; Midanik, 1988; Patrick et al., 1994), especially when asked over short, recent time frames. We utilized measures of substance use in the past 30 days and past year.

My gut tells me those black kids are lying because they actually think they will get in trouble.
Because you know, the man is out to get them and all.
Hell we had one of those surveys when I was in high school, I lied on it just because I was a little shit.

Degenerates makes white people suicidal. Some white people do drugs. Some white people kill themselves and some white people kill others.

This is great because it fundamentally challenges and disproves the average Jow Forumsyps belief that blacks are druggie degenerates and whites are noble and pure.
seeBut according to the study, white people do drugs more than even black people. How the fuck are white people supposed to compete with Asians, no wonder they look at whites like subhumans.

i wish that were me (both of them)

Blacks have been shown to lie on self report tests when finally drug tested.

Wtf are you talking about, blacks are constantly drunk

>Muh anecdotes versus peer reviewed articles

Sorry, whites are bigger drug junkies than noble pure black people.

>the paper says it's legit so it's legit

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Is that because there's more difficulty of obtaining narcotics in prison?

You know, a sign you have a drug problem is denial.
>I only drink a little
>I drink the same as any other normal person
It's time to admit you have a problem and seek help for your drug abuse white boy

It's a very strange mating ritual but common among those of the white subset. Here you can see the whitoids in their natural habitat. A sizeable volume of ethyl alcohol is poured into the asscrack of the white female. The white male gets on his knees and ingests the liquid after which he tongues the anus and ass crack of the female. Here you can see the white female is visibly shocked yet aroused by the male's bold gesture, an act that will surely add him in the courtship process.

How the could they even know its legit? They gonna follow the kids around and make sure they don't do drugs?

>From the paper:
>>Measures of self-reported substance use have well-documented reliability and validity (Buchan et al., 2002; Midanik, 1988; Patrick et al., 1994), especially when asked over short, recent time frames. We utilized measures of substance use in the past 30 days and past year.
From the paper:

>Measures of self-reported substance use have well-documented reliability and validity (Buchan et al., 2002; Midanik, 1988; Patrick et al., 1994), especially when asked over short, recent time frames. We utilized measures of substance use in the past 30 days and past year.

Paper is retarded if it trusts self-reporting blacks. Sorry man, they lie, a lot.

>Measures of self-reported substance use have well-documented reliability and validity (Buchan et al., 2002; Midanik, 1988; Patrick et al., 1994), especially when asked over short, recent time frames. We utilized measures of substance use in the past 30 days and past year.

Basically this.
>My paper says it's true
>You can't refute this
>S C I E N C E

>Measures of self-reported substance use have well-documented reliability and validity (Buchan et al., 2002; Midanik, 1988; Patrick et al., 1994), especially when asked over short, recent time frames. We utilized measures of substance use in the past 30 days and past year.

>repeating it makes it true for the case
Despite the distinction made from that, the only way you're going to actually counter the claim logically is to prove that blacks are usually truthful in self-reporting on criminal activities, which they're not.

Well-documented reliability and validity don't mean anything if that's speaking about three studies, the act itself in regards to data submission, and the admission of information is generally among the sample group found to be unreliable.

A testimony is a self-reported process and can be considered to have well-documented reliability and validity, but there are restraints on courts to not use all available people (or at least not their entire consideration) for evidence because of untrustworthy attributes.

This is stupid, please stop shitting up the board, and if you're going to continue, give yourself a bit more credibility as a shit stirrer.
I won't SAGE but you don't deserve a (You).

Attached: oogagrugmadwojack.png (486x408, 24K)

I think it broke.

Isn't it just literally white teenagers easily being able to afford weed, while alot of poor black kids won't? This seems manipulative and implicative as hell.

So publish your comment in the relevant journal. So it can be taken seriously as science.

You keep pasting that but it does not make a difference. Common sense dictates that self-reporting is the least reliable method of measurement. It's retarded to think that people in general are honest about their degenerate habits. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Have you read the referenced papers?

Have you had any interaction with people ever? People lie. Even when it's anonymous, people lie about themselves. If not to fool others it is to fool themselves. They know doing drugs and stealing bikes are bad things to do but they'll keep doing it if they can get away with it and no amount of self-reporting from lying criminals will give you a truthful or honest answer. Just because a study says that self-reporting can be reliable does not make it always reliable! This is not hard to grasp, is it?
If you told me that people are self-reporting the number of bowel movements they had per day, I would be more inclined to believe the results. But to expect criminals to basically admit to criminal acts is so fucking retarded I do not even know how a person could fool themselves into believing such a thing.

People lie. Black people and white people. It's a wash.


I mean, to be honest. I know far more white people, so I know far more white people who are liars. And who do drugs, incidentally.

>Black adolescents in the US are less likely to use alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco compared with non-Hispanic Whites, but little is known about the consistency of these racial/ethnic differences in substance use across the lifecourse.
tl;dr: self reports by nogs can't be trusted

White people have been fighting a Jew led cultural civil war for at least 45 years.

Their moral and cultural institutions are in shambles and alcoholism is just one symptom.

The Negro is the Jew's RAT!

itt: emotional and incoherent responses which don't address the science.

The science of askin them black bois if they been smokin da reefer?
Surely there is no flaw in this well thought out experiment.
Oh wait this was a survey, not an experiment?
Don't you need to conduct experiments for it to be sci- OH I SEE WHATS GOIN ON HERE!

Because half of them are in juvenile hall.