I'm no royalist, however the idea of a mixed race child being brought into the royal family is abhorrent. Do you think the queen would allow the bloodline to be tainted ?
Negro infiltration into the royal family
The royal crown died at the hands of Oliver Cromwell, now they are mere tools of the illuminati to propagate whatever latest agenda they're trying to push - in this case it's:
>"Blanda up goy, look even the Royals are doing it! This is the new face of Britain!"
You're in luck. Prince Chuck the cuck loves you lot. King Chuck the cuck soon!
didnt they kill Diana for being pregnant with an arab's kid? maybe they are okay with black but not brown
That's just a rumor, and no one would be that retarded. Black is the worst.
why do think William and Katie are popping them out in rapid motion
Royal family has had plenty of mongrels throughout the year, none of which ever ruled.
This one will not have a chance to rule either. Not even sure what you're concerned about.
Skin color doesn't matter. Stop with your judgement, you racists. She's jewish and the Queen of England is also jewish. Mitochondrial DNA is passed by the mothers. The british royal family has maintained it's jewish bloodline for many generations. The British should be proud of having a beautifully diverse royal family.
It's not "infiltration", it's inevitability.
>muttify your country
>act shocked when your royal family gets muttified
Harry probably isnt a royal, his mum got around abit so i doubt the Queen gives a shit, looks like the royals are progressive while her favorite grandson William is taking care of things so Harry is more removed from succession. Just have to hope Williams kids dont get blacked.