Muhammad's (pbuh) first revelation

i am reading about muhummad's first revelation right now, which is the reason islam exists, and muhammads first contact with any 'supernatural entity' (the archangel gabriel in this case).

i have temporal lobe epilepsy, and honestly its so fucking obvious that muhammad was suffering the same condition and had experienced a seizure.
the description is just SPOT ON, including a visual aura proceeding the incident, strong feelings of fear and a huge adrenaline rush.

>tfw islam started all because some random sandniggers brain spazzed out one night 1400 years ago

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I see auras sometimes

do you get the zig zag one?
its weird as fuck.

No just light around people's heads

Go on mein freund

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I see auras and letters have colors.

Like this but not as intense and focused arou d the head, its subtle. I also get this thing sometimes where everything looks far away and small but its not, get that one laying around on the couch and i have to get up and sort of shake it off, its weird.

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honestly, when you study islam, you find mohammed's life is nothing but a dark comedy. he literally
comes up with "revelations" on the spot when people disagree or are questioning him. allah says and
wills it bro so i am right!

>hey let me have your 6 year old child to marry
>uurr.. muhammed, isnt that..
>look fucking hell, allah just told me to do it anyway

>Some poet is mocking me
Allah now bans poetry

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Arabs were familiar with epilepsy. There used to be many "enlightened" European scholars who declared him epileptic, but were all refuted.