Which countries will still be "Western" aka huwhite countries in 50 years

Which countries will still be "Western" aka huwhite countries in 50 years.
I mean countries in which western culture will still be prevalent and not overtaken by gook or shitskin "culture"

Canada and Australia are already lost. They are basically a part of China.

The USA is probably next. The radical leftists and the influx of shitskins will make America collapse and the western culture will be lost.

Germany, UK, France and Sweden are pretty critical as well, but there is some opposition.
I still think they will be non-western countries in 50 years.

My country will probably resist a little bit longer, because we're not part of the EU and our biggest party is still opposed to immigrants.

So what countries will be left?
Eastern European countries probably.
Pretty sad that the only "western" countries that will be left are barely white.

Attached: kampf-der-kulturen.jpg (1288x625, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Andorra, San Marino, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Norway, Czech Republic,
Iceland, Hungary, and maybe Italy (that's if they stop the Black African Invasion). Most Italians are against Sub-Saharan Africans in Italy.

>Germany, UK, France and Sweden are pretty critical as well, but there is some opposition.

No there isn't.

>Andorra, San Marino
meme countries

>Spain, Portugal, Italy
barely white, they have a lot of North African DNA, especially Spain and Portugal since they got invaded by the Arabs in the Umayyad conquest of Hispania (pic related).

they are really a stronghold in this crisis. A shame that they are so few people though.

>Czech Republic
They have a lot of European culture in their country, but just like in Poland I feel like the culture and their people are disconnected since it's not them that build the culture in their country.

So it's basically up to us, but I don't think we'll make it.
When I walk around my city I see so many shitskins.
I used to think it was only Turks and Albanians, but it's increasingly Niggers now.

Attached: The_Emirate_of_Córdoba.svg.png (694x539, 127K)

I'm pretty sure about Germany that there is.
The AfD is a meme yes, but it's something.
I talk to a lot of Germans and they all seem pretty opposed to immigrants, so there is at least a little resistence I think.
Sweden is slowly waking up too, from what I've heard.
UK and France are pretty lost yeah.

That's not true. Only 10% of Spain's population have North African DNA. Most Spaniards are 95 - 100% European.

There was no population replacement or huge mixing done in Spain. There was only religious exchanges. Most Muslims in Islamic Spain were converted Spaniards. Do you understand?

And italians? Only Sicily was invaded by North Africans. Based on DNA testing, they have more Jewish DNA than anything else. Most people in Sicily come out 85- 90% European and the rest is mostly Ashkenazi Jewish.

My family is from North Italy. North and Central Italy was never invaded by North Africans. We are pure Europeans.

Russia and east europe are free
wester europe is awakening little by little
I still have hope

>barely white


Attached: Y Distribution Europe.jpg (879x599, 104K)

>90% of the population has black/brown hair and brown eyes

North Italy is pretty white, even people with blue eyes there.
My father is from the very southern part of Switzerland (almost italy) and he has blue eyes too.

Attached: 54c953a66eabce0d0710f2fcabbd0652--claudio-marchisio-soccer.jpg (540x700, 57K)