Pretty hard to tell...
Potato or Alfie Evans?
So called BOOMER here,
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Praise KEK
potato getttt doubles
consider putting a bullet in your head you soulless fuck :)
Heh. The scouse louse has been terminated.
And I thought the Germans and the Russians were suppose to be the bad guys. Guess I was lied to again.
They should have sent him over to the USA the braindead cunt would have fit right in
Potatoes should be euthanised. Was this not part of Hitler's doctrine?
This is awful. Also this is amazing. You’re doing kek’s work user
I wouldn't know. What part of "I thought... Germans.. bad guys didn't you understand?
Fuggin kek
Imagine thinking that about the Germans to begin with. Your brain is more mush than Alfie's.
his and your digits disagree
Fucking southerners
Well guess it's a good thing I don't live in Britbonistan or I'd be killed for spare parts for your socialized health care. Just. Like. Alfie.
Yeah that's all there is to it. Go read the court documents you mong
stop arguing with the mutt, you would get more sense out of alfie
YOU are fucking horrible, go away stop trying to make us look like heartless demons faggot.
I’m guessing the London mayor made that graphic... you muslims are real funny.
He doesnt even look that potato-y. Thread reeks of reddit.
Uk is a fucking shithole that treats its citizens like servants
Because the government always tells the truth doesn't it? It never falsifies documents for "your own protection". It never does fucked up shit and says it for a good cause?
You're a fucking idiot. Yeah da gubment is killing children just for the sake of it cuz No gunz amirite? Dumb cunt
Seriously... North Korea gets a lot of shit, but Britain is worse and more in your face about it
that's pretty edgy and fucked
honest to god, end yourself.
Hehe bitin is so fooken totalitarian innit. Dey don't even let braindead people live
Who is he?
>They should have sent him over to the USA the braindead cunt would have fit right in
Well your government won't let that happen because they're afraid of exposing the utter shit management this poor kid went through under your shit doctors. I mean, the kid suffers seizure episodes and your doctors say he's just a "late developer"? Fucking really?
Murdering children for fun... your country is a fucking gay utopia
Am I? Rotherham ring a bell? Or did you memory hole that already?
What has Rotherham got to do with letting a brainlet die? The law was followed in this case, not in Rotherham
If i want to use my own money to take my braindead kid somewhere else for treatment what business is it of the state?
>implying there's any useful spare parts Brits could get out of americans other than gallons of fat for their fish&chips fryers
who the fuck murdered anyone? clearly god wanted to kill the kid, keeping him alive was wrong.
Are those tubes sticking out his nose hooked up to power a clock?
It's not in the boy's interests because he's beyond repair. Prolonging his futile life is immoral. Parental rights are not non-negotiable btw
Except you know goddamned well that a doctor under the employ of a state is going to do anything in his power for his own self interest.
I'm not saying don't euthanize, I'm saying let the kid get to an age where you are 100% certain he's a veggie. This fucking kid was moving arms and kicking, and BREATHED ON HIS OWN after the breathing machine was removed.
There is no such thing as a "fact" in a society without morals and without the desire for truth, and there is no such thing as an "expert" when ulterior motives can be established - like retaining your career, masking your incompetence, or when big daddy government steps in and tells you to comply with their mandate in violation of the physicians moral code, because it's 2018 and you can lose your medical license over the pettiest inane political shit.
There is no reason to believe anything you are told, or any justification given without critical review, and the empathetic but logical and morally cold assumption that everyone from the nurses and doctors, on up to the government, has a reason to cover their ass.
>Government has an example to set
>Government doesn't want a lawsuit
>Government doesn't want a foreign power intervening in a domestic issue
>Government wants to exercise its control further and further
>The doctors, hospital staff and administration have hard earned careers to protect, that can be stripped from them by the government for the most petty shit.
Many older generations have made the mistake in placing 100% faith and trust in doctors.
This has nothing to do with feels, this is government justifying murder because it funds and runs a socialized healthcare system, and doing backflips to protect that system instead of rightfully denying further care and funds and just letting the family take the kid to Italy to either die or get treated.
This is the totality and brutality of socialism laid bare and the degeneration of the West in the open for all to see
>letting a brainlet die?
More like preventing the parents from fleeing the country to seek medical treatment elsewhere. Smells like corruption. Just like politicians covering up a pedo gang in Rotherham.
paki terrorist post
Thanks. I needed the laugh.
coming from the country that cuts baby dicks off at birth
Wrong. They were initially given the option but declined. Time passed and after further inspection they realised he was a lost cause.
If hes a vegetable he isnt suffering. The child belongs to the parents not the state.
The state can and does suspend parental rights where necessary. We didn't know if he could feel or not.
We need to bomb Britain and conquer it. The fact that muslims have the balls to run people down but whites don't have the balls to kill doctors who would kill their kids makes me sick.
I hope every cop that guarded that hospital ensuring Alfie died gets tortured.
I don't give a fuck about saving Britain anymore. Let them go to hell.
People are not property. They belong to themselves. Parents only have custody, and it can be taken away if they are judged unfit.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm that’s right
And I thought jokes couldn't offend me anymore.
Why not show your flag rather than use the meme one you're clearly in opposition to.
You're a reactionary moron
t. Poortherner
These kind of people always use empathy as a cover for their egotism. Just let them rot.
Yeah, truly the best treatment for this child was to cut off his air supply and then cut off his water and food supply when he keeps living and then when that still doesn't work and a fucking country offers to treat the child for you free of charge and the parents ask if they can take their child for other treatment options that don't include having your child suffocated and starved but then barricading the hospital and threatening to arrest the parents and also anybody who complains about it online.
>give us your children goyim.
>we know what is best for them.
>And I thought jokes couldn't offend me anymore.
poor ikkle baby
>people should kill doctors because they don't want to prolong the painful life of a terminally ill child
And god forbid the child be brought to a facility where that could be determined.
That is a compliment coming from a Brit. Go suck some muslim dick and kill more babies. That is why your country is shit now and you aren't respected.
the fact ameircans let ((doctors)) mutilate their sons at birth disgusts me, death to america
>Supporting your government this hard
>It's not in the boy's interests because he's beyond repair.
Well thanks to your dumb doctors he was literally braindead. His choices were: "I die here in this shit country and let my parents live the rest of their lives thinking they didn't do enough" or "I get medical treatment from better doctors"
>Prolonging his futile life is immoral.
What's immoral was your government deciding that the parents couldn't do shit anymore even after they failed trying to kill the kid by removing life support. It's only immoral if the kid would suffer, but he's braindead, so he wouldn't even know what was happening to him
Don't cut yourself
I reported every brit flag in this thread. I've been doing it for about a month. do your part to help make pol a better place without the Anglo menace
And what makes these parents unfit? And for that matter how can the state even have the moral authority to make that claim with all the corruption under its belt.
You're literally low-IQ. I can feel the redneck vibes
No, actually. How on earth your mind can make that link makes me suspect your own ideology would hold you should euthanise yourself.
>poor ikkle baby
The cheeto-stained edgelord's response to anyone with a functioning morality left. Can anything get you hard anymore, you mentally-annihilated pustule?
He was braindead. Stop virtue signalling you SJW.
I'm an upper class northerner. British people don't know jackshit about what a redneck is or American subcultures. You are busy studying the types of turbans there are in Sandniggerville.
Britain doing damage control.
Jew posting?
You aren't upper-class. You're trailer trash lmao
t. moron who despite being a polack has only learnt one response to someone who shows him up as the valueless cunt he is
>And what makes these parents unfit?
The fact that they let their emotions overrule their rationality.
>how can the state even have the moral authority to make that claim
Because that's the law. Don't like it, lobby to change it, or start a revolution.
The brits dont want their subjects leatning that America has superior medicine even though its not socialized. Theres a reason it can be really expensive.
I was born with a hand that was just two fingers fused together. Surgeon in Toronto said 50/50 that hed be able to do anything. Surgeon in salt lake city said no problem. And this was back in 1989
+1 upboats fellow sóymen
Shart in mart
Is this mentality a European thing?
Who the fuck is Alfie Evans why do I see this faggot pop on almost every board
Take this shit to /b/
Trailers don't even exist in this part of the country. If you think every American who hates Brits lives in a trailer come over here and come back with a clue. Most of our Revolutionaries were rich people for the time and used their century's equivalent of harsh language.
Primitive island dwellers can't even hold on to India and think they are tough. Bob and Vegenes order you around.
You seem to know a lot about Reddit, more than I do. No doubt you get immense satisfaction in going there to do some AWSUM TROLLIN INCLUDE ME IN SCREENSHOT XDXDXD
Absolute brainlet. No wonder you're unloved.
NHS pulled the plug on a potato and now Christian Americans are chimping out.
You are trailer trash scum.
YES! Thank you UK government, one less scouse animal to worry about!
No, pretty much every country has laws providing for parental authority to be revoked, including yours.
>socialist hellhole condemns freedom to discuss a valid political topic even if it causes offence.
colour me shocked :O
>He was braindead.
Yes. But if your shit doctors were actually competent (which, in this case, they clearly weren't), they would've realized that there are pediatric cases where the child recovers from supposed "brain death". But I guess I can't expect much from a bunch of idiots who were presented with a West syndrome case, literally went "duurrr but da next EEG was different until the child had another seizure", made some stupid excuse about how "any stimuli can cause ANOTHER seizure ooooohhhhh" and literally got BTFO by a supposed braindead child when they took off his life support. Your government and healthcare system fought against a vegetable and almost lost. How pathetic is that?
I think you mislabeled "Before no go zones" and "After no go zones"
>Yes. But if your shit doctors were actually competent (which, in this case, they clearly weren't), they would've realized that there are pediatric cases where the child recovers from supposed "brain death".
A condition where the brain becomes more and more veggified is not something you can recover from
*NHS pulled the plug on a potato after the parents wanted to use their own money to take him to the US to see if doctors who arent incompetent beauracrats could do anything for him and the NHS said "nah we know whats best for your baby, death"
Now all British white males who end up in comas can be left to die and have their organs harvested because a (((doctor))) decides to say they’re braindead
This is what a truly progressive and open minded society looks like
English women are so ugly, not like sexeh American ladies!
Read the court files, brainlet.
No thats not what I was talking about. I know these laws exist, but the complacent mentality seems to be more common place in europeans
Newsflash circumcision is legal in Britain too. You telling me you guys kill doctors when they let a muslim circumcise their boy?
If you have a point to make don't be a hypocrite.