Gay face detector

So, now you can detect who's gay with an app

Is it the end of deeply closeted gay guys (ie Lindsey 'Nancy' Graham)?

How many of you are in deep trouble?

Attached: 3770.jpg (1240x744, 43K)

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That's retarded and false

Someone's afraid.

It's science, people will know, man.

correlation = causation

do gayfags even consider that I'm just not as degenerate as them?

>unironically calling anyone man

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Someone start scanning politicians faces and post results



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>The paper suggested that the findings provide “strong support” for the theory that sexual orientation stems from exposure to certain hormones before birth, meaning people are born gay and being queer is not a choice

Doesn't go against and those theories of gay propaganda and shit.
Are we horrible people

Attached: 1520520282574.jpg (480x360, 13K)

def is_gay():
return true