>Ford turns away from making cars to focus on trucks and SUVs
Why can't american auto-makers compete? I thought Trump was supposed to MAGA?
Ford turns away from making cars to focus on trucks and SUVs
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>what is specialization?
celebrating the troubles of an american company
very democrat of you
The last good car Ford made was the crown vic
Ford hasnt been competitive for about 70 years rabbi
I like your twist on "privatizing profits, socializing losses" logic. Very innovative.
fuck this company, i did the american thing buy purchasing a ford, what a piece of shit! 3 months in it needed a new clutch. i gave the piece of shit to my wife and bought a based honda. never again
signed Detroit resident
Trucks and suvs sell.
Cant compete with beamers. The falcon was their best bet and they axed it.
If you're driving a Ford and its not a 2005-14 Mustang or a 2010-16 Raptor, you're not a real man.
Learn how to drive a manual and clutch isnt a problem
Ford took zero bailout money you retarded meme flagging nigger. Probably why they’re going lean and mean for the time being. And they’re leveraging strengths and putting eggs into the new Ranger. Once gas goes back up or we get some new MPG regulations, this gay crossover phase will go away
>destroy a clutch in 3 months
You must be a nigger
it was the ford "auto clutch" system, went bad in most cars they put it in,
This isnt a crown vic.
>american car companies are afraid of this unironically
This is nothing new. Basically they're going to keep making the Mustang and a chassis that they can sell as a police car but also a civilian car to get those Ford loyalists that want a car. Everything else is getting culled. Ford has been moving towards more commercial vehicles for over a decade. There's a reason they remain the American automaker that didn't get a fucking bailout.
They make the focus. Which is a "nice" mid tier car. I've beat mine to shit. Still starts.
I think I'll be moving towards a foreign build next. Hyundai or Honda have some neat offers.
Wtf is auto clutch. I feel retard
Because people aren't buying cars anymore. The automotive Jew has successfully convinced everybody that they need an SUV to raise a family. Meanwhile my parents got by raising a family of 3 with a fucking K car and a roll of bus tickets.
some useless bullshit that ford tried that failed and left the consumers holding the bag. i love my honda uWu
>le raptor
I could take a stock f150 and turn it into an actual pre runner for under 50k, total cost
I work for Ford, helping to make trucks.
We get a profit sharing check every year that is written into our collective bargaining contract. You know nothing about the working class. Go fuck yourself.
Auto-Clutch is between a standard and automatic.
You can shift without pushing a clutch pedal.
Mfw newest car i ever owned is an 02 s10
Oh, they'll need a bailout once the interest rates go up and people can't afford payments on $40k+ ford SUVs or when the price of gasoline goes up and everyone will rush to buy small cars.
7 inchs reporting in. I drive a lowered s10
>Driving a car built in the 21st century
no wonder your cars are shit
Because the motors for these cars can no longer be imported from Spain thanks to Trump.
Smaller models are not profitable for Ford otherwise.
Who cares?
Americans buy Japanese cars anyway
Pickup trucks are for hauling, not racing. A real man realizes this, hence no F150. That extended bed makes the deal.
10 inches. Vespa here.
They do compete. Ford figured out how to make big body on frame vehicles with a big engine and a live rear axle. And they do it spectacularly well. They've decided to focus on what they are good at and where they get 90% of their profits anyway. They own the light truck and SUV market and have decided to abandon models that are dragging the company down.
How true is this video? Or is it a fabrication?
Your all idiots. Big trucks that use gas are for faggots. Diesel
>modern Mustangs
>not being cars for high school cheerleaders
auto clutch guy here, my boss owns and explorer or some shit that is being scrapped because the water pump went out and you have to take the entire engine out to replace it. a fucking water pump. fucking americans
you’re a disingenuous person and someday you’ll be swinging from a lamp post. just thought you should know.
A small diesel truck will pull you backwards you meme fag fuck
A real man realizes that destroying the environment is more important than driving a faggotmobile.
There is absolutely no reason for Ford to have 5 different lines of cars. All they need is the Focus and Mustang. People forget there are multiple models in each line.
Very nice argument. Appreciate your valuable contribution to this thread.
Diesel is the fuel of communists.
Idk about a real man. But if you actually use your truck for intended purpose you want diesel not fancy badges
He's just pissed that Ford is doing well and never took a bailout in 2009. Ford execs attended the bailout hearings, but when congressmen started giving the auto execs shit for flying to Washington on corporate jets, the Ford executives got up an left. And basically said that they came to talk about how to save the US auto industry and when it was clear Congress was basically just shittalking them, they told them to fuck off, we don't need your damned money.
It's the kikes in Wall Street telling them 10% profit margins aren't enough. So if the Focus only makes them 5% it has to go. Focus and the other sedans are profitable, but just not enough to the Wall Street cunts that only see a number on their screen.
Ford's slogan used to be "Maker of fine Automobiles" or some shit like that. Now it should be "We make money for Wall Street paper pushers, and some cars on the side."
>girls think my truck is cool
>so my truck must be cool
Yeah there's not much market left for the Taurus either since police have pretty much gone all exploder.
Ford never took a bailout. Go suck GM's dick.
CIA glowies had Israel bomb the liberty.
If your buying a fourby get a diesel otherwise your wasting your time.
Pic is greatest for ever made.
A real man realizes those badges make or brake a good tow; If you're hauling your Pontoon boat down to the quarry for a good sail and one of the badges you don't have falls off, who are you going to blame but yourself for driving a pussmonster?
Bet you rode the clutch like a retard.
Focus production is ending in about 3 weeks. They are only keeping the focus active which is a crossover suv ASSEMBLED IN CHINA IMPORTED TO THE US.
Bet you didn't read my other posts
Pontoons dont sail
Mine is a '72 F100. Fyt me.
I have a Tacoma that runs sub 12 second quarter miles. Street legal
>3 months in it needed a new clutch
Durrr, I think I saw you the other day. Burning the shit out of your clutch to get going from a stop. Protip: Since you have a vagina, you should let your boyfriend drive.
A real man realizes that in order to utilize his Pontoon boat to the maximum extent, he must invest in a vintage Schooner main sail and install it onto the stern of his Pontoon boat. There is no questioning this widely-coveted rule of true sailing in quarries.
Why buy auto clutch and not just a regular fucking manual with a regular fucking clutch?
F150 lariat is with more than u make a year kiddo
Because chain driven water pumps are becoming the norm (probably due to lower energy loss and higher durability or something). So if the pump is faulty you have to remove the timing chain to replace it. So if your pump is defective you have to hope it goes out while the warranty is still good.
That's a fine truck, real man.
Trucks aren't meant for racing, a real man realizes this. Don't perpetuate the hate, remove that v8!
All the cops around here drive Tahoes
Didn’t watch it all, but we don’t make f150s with tiny brakes.
I’m gonna say it’s a propaganda vid
A real man realizes that money is a measure and not an object, as well as understanding the self-profitability of vanity recognition.
Americans love big body on frame vehicles with a live rear axle in back and big engine up front. That sort of sedan effectively got legislated out of existence. So Americans started buying SUVs and trucks instead.
Well around here they are like 75% exploders and 25% Taurus
How about you read my other posts. How about you look into the Ford class action lawsuit over this piece of garbage that Ford put out and then left it's consumers holding the bag.
>this is america
Damn straight, Pierre. Functionally, you belong to us.
12" BBC here. Driving a bike.
But you can drive a manual without your left leg just fucking rev match
Uh huh. They'll be making mostly trucks with the bulk of their sales going to commercial fleet sales.
hello Toyota salesman
the real thing going on here is that many police are opting for the suvs now instead of cars. and if they get cars they go chevy
I mean you still have to clutch to get moving and yeah... My dad's a trucker and he likes to go on about the virtues of clutchless shifting.
No v8. Only 6s allowed in my garage
Always stealing bikes
Well, that's true. Apologies.
>still have to clutch to get moving.
Nope just put it in gear and turn the ignition over. Works best in diesel but whatev petrol will fo it to. Used to do it in my petrol v8 commie and do it in my current diesel ranger.
>trucks and SUVs
Nothing wrong with this.
>heat shields are for the comfort of the passenger
that dude is a literal retard
Shill thread, take this shit to /o/ MODS DO YOUR FUCKING JOB GODDAMN YOU.
>V6 in ID
Witj dub DD and dub 33
This thread was made for you
>purchasing a ford
Which year/model? I personally have no problems with their trucks, and suvs.
Thats bait
My 72 has a 302 with a 2bbl on it. It gets about 19 mpg. And it's a long wheelbase model.
The problem is with sedans these days is that a small to medium sized CUV/SUV gets just as good fuel economy as a full sized sedan... except has way more utility than one. And they are roughly on par price wise. So the only reason you would buy a mid-sized or larger sedan would be for cornering, but small SUVs are actually pretty decent at that too now. They also have tighter dimensions making them more maneuverable in every day driving as well. Sedans are basically obsolete other than by personal preference. And I see 20 Impalas on the road for every Taurus. Ferd just isn't reading consumer wants right in that market.
What happens on may 5 what does k12 mean?
K-12, kindergarten to grade 12.
He graduates secondary school on May 5th
outed as underage poster by his ID
President Trump does not control private industry, cuck.
why did Fard only sell this in Australia?
I know it was your own homebrew but why not try taking it over sees like Chebby tried with the Commodore?
Literally the cuck car
>Start making your vehicles built to break down.
>Trucks are a pile of expensive shit.
>Gee wiz, Found on road dead.
>Stop selling vehicles in America except for a pile of shit battery car and a Mustang.
>Implying anybody even buys a shitstang anymore.
>Chevrolet is picking up their game and is in 4th place when it comes to dependable vehicles.
>Toyota still in the top 3.
>Can buy a Toyota a year they are so cheap.
>Lasts 475 years because of 600 fold steel engines from glorious nippon.
>Every Toyota has a strange smell of sake from spiritual blessing to ward away evil spirits.
>Any wreck in a Toyota is a glorious display of anime battle movements but the driver is fully fine.
>Ford actually thinks anybody outside of the states buys a fucking Ford.
Even the Iran's buy old beat up chevy or toyota trucks.
>ford gutting their econobox lineup in favor of cutting into the offroad market
Fine with me
They all drive Klugers around here.
>everyone buys trucks and SUVs over here
>ford caters to its market
>hurr durr ford sucks checkmate drumpfies
It’s the domino effect. Once a lot of people have big trucls, the little car people can’t see around them so then they have to get a big truck.
Australians really are car Bros.
The only group that loves A good muscle car as much as us burgers.