Why are whites so violent?

Why are whites so violent?

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He's Australian and not white.

Every race is violent.

S _ _ _

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Cultural appropriation.

A genetic need to dominate

>1 example
>you can millions for non-Whites

What did (((OP))) mean by this?

Theres a reason most serial killers are white. The niggers and spics get caught almost immediately where as it takes a moderate amount of brain power to get away.


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Only because of blackys

>Why are whites so violent?
Statistically speaking according to your FBI whties are 5x less murderous than blacks 3x than hispanics. Unless you're an asian, shut your trap

lol his victims described him as having a smaller or smaller than average penis

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Most serial killers are black.

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Attached: us serial killers percentage by race and decade.png (890x773, 71K)

The plan is to release these into the most racist and white Starbucks.

We're actually not very violent until we need to be. We have a spirit of violence pent up in us, ready to go when it's needed. But some of us are born with a short fuse and bad judgment. Our extraordinary powerful out-group destruction abilities can run out of control when we believe that everyone is from the out-group. We used to identify and kill these individuals when our societies were small. Now they can hide in big anonymous cities.

Incan scientists theorized that they were exposed to a dark God that can't stop asking more.

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nice slide thread. Sage

Blacks rapes, murders, loots and robs everyone and nobody bats an eye

A white dude did the same and everyone loses their shit

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That’s just defining a serial killer as someone who kills x number of people. Sure, niggers commit vastly more murder, but you know as well as I do that it’s just gang banging and has nothing to do with the pathology of a serial killer.