I'm thinking of taking up a martial art, specifically Krav Maga. Is it legite or just a Jew meme? Should I pick something more Aryan?
Krav Maga
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martial arts is a joke. its by nature alone that determines if youre going to be the
better fighter
krav maga is the only art approved by the gilmore girls kike writers. so you should definitely go with that fagot. but if you want to learn something useful find a chink who knows traditional not contemporary wushu.
Just get a gun dude
yeah just pick something more Aryan like putting a bullet to your head
Do it as a sport,if you want to protect yourself get a Nigger Killer 3000 also know as a gun
Its overrated honestly user and go MMA and Kickboxing ... really. Krav Maga really is more for movies and acting than anything else and not very realistic in real world uses. Only reason I say this is, is because I did MMA and Kickboxing for about 10 years and was IL state champ for a bit. It has helped in real life issues at parties when I was younger and in defending myself in other scenarios
krav maga is jew bullshit. Buy a gun and learn how to use it. If you absolutely must LARP as the karate kid study thai kickboxing or brazilian jiu jitsu. Western boxing, wrestling, and judo are also good.
I do not think those shenanigans will help you in real life unless you are a very advanced user and competing.
However some amateur boxing sparring can prove effective.
Jew jitsu haha
It's very good. Poles have Combat 56, which is a similar system, but I really doubt you'll have access to that. Some people seem to believe that Krav Maga isn't all that great for fighting on the ground and teach themselves at the least one other martial art just for that, but you could also simply fuck someone up before you both end up on the ground.
It's a kike martial art. Learn MCMAP.
> Krav MAGA
I am sure Sensei Goldstein will give you a discount if you tell him you want to enlist in the US Army so that President Trump can send you to Syria to die for Israel. You may even get an additional discount if you remind him that your taxes fund the Israel border wall while Trump still hasn't secured your borders. Goyim always pay extra for training tho.
tldr: just go to a good MMA gym with an instructor that has sports achievements and a good reputation. Martial arts are first and foremost a sport and a business, especially in America.
Krav Maga is legit, however it is not a simple act to learn and learn to use well. It takes a lot of training to become even semi-proficient in anything but very controlled situations. If you are going to devote to it, maybe, but you are likely better off with some other martial art or even MMA that incorporates some Krav Maga aspects.
I recently got super lucky avoiding a major confrontation with an attempted car jacker recently and on account of not being able to conceal carry (Cali, fuck this state) I've been thinking of getting an OC spray and baton carry certification. Got back to lifting again. I don't have the money for lessons for anything ATM so I think the spray and baton will have to do
t. Jew
It's very hard to find a martial arts school that works in the real world. If you've ever seen what major militaries teach, it's very crude barbaric shit, which is what real fighting is. Your best bet would be to focus on something like jiu jitsu and learn basic striking. If you can control your opponent you've already won. Real fighting with no rules is not flashy. It's what works and what kills.
>I've been thinking of getting an OC spray and baton carry certification. Got back to lifting again. I don't have the money for lessons for anything ATM so I think the spray and baton will have to do
Don't you need to be a security guard for that carry shit?
You're fucking retarded.
Your entire post is a contradiction. You tell OP "hey learn an art where it is no hold barred" but recommend Jew Jitsu where you're not allowed to go psycho on a sparing partner.
>grabbing the gun
lesson one in krav maga: cry out in pain everytime you strike your opponent
>Krav Maga
>repackaged kosher women's self defense
>If you've ever seen what major militaries teach, it's very crude barbaric shit
But that's exactly what Krav Maga is... There's plenty of brutal "moves" like gouging eyes out, hits on the neck, that sorta stuff. It's not flashy by any means, it's not capoeira. It's about survival, no matter the cost.
It's honestly really good for protecting yourself. If you want something more classical, I'd recommend boxing. Don't fall for Aikido or anything like that.
nice trips!
How old is too old to learn self-defense/kick-boxing?
When you're dead.
Krav Maga + Russian Sambo = Machine
Aikido is a a resourceful bonus
Tried krav. Didn't seem practical, and didn't help at all when I started Muy Tai and jiu jitsu. Muy Tai for standing, judo for taking it to the ground, and jiu jitsu for once you're down.
BJJ and Muay Thai. There's a reason these two systems are the foundation for MMA
Check out sheep dog jiu jitsu if you want bjj for actual combat scenarios. Tim Kennedy is a legit killer, and keeps real combat in mind when rolling.
>something more Aryan
The ancient were pragmatists. Pic related.
Most martial arts are difficult to apply in the real world where there is no rules in fighting, and size disparity can become a real problem if you are smaller. If you can't have a gun then carry a Karambit knife, first strike is a hook behind the knee if you can get in there without getting kneed in the face. After that it's all over for the giant.
Your real self-defense is figuring out how to eat right, exercise, manage your finances. If you want to play ninja to keep in shape -- on OCCASIONALLY use it to handle a physical situation -- I'm a big fan of BJJ. Any martial art that you can't practice against a fully resisting opponent is worthless, just an ego stroke.
We all know that Systema is the best form of self-defence. You see overweight fat people effortlessly taking down roided up slavs constantly
Seriously though, do whatever you find fun and will get you fit. You won't be using any MA in real-life, ever, unless you're a ghetto nigger too stupid to have a gun.
Krav is where you scratch their eyes and bite their testicles right?
No thanks, Thai kickboxing for fitness, and practice at the range for me
They should have called Krav Maga Jew Jitsu.
every jewjitsu art that teaches you how to disarm knives is just a retarded meme.
Youll most likely never see the attacker wielding the knife in the first place and if someone stabs you with a knife youre already fucked and should just bolt out there. Youre better off spending your money on protective vest rather than wasting months learning something you will never use
ah yes the ancient and wise jewish martial art of kicking a man in the balls
The Jews stole it from Russian sambo, learn sambo
Kinda. More like slam your hands on your opponent's ears as hard as you can, then immediately pull them in opposing directions and finally bring the whole head down to meet your knee. That sorta shit.
>wow, didn't know Jow Forums was actually the secret dojo of so many military instructors and martial art expertsù
you want a real good advice kid? avoid combat at all cost, and when you can't, aim at the eyes, the crotch, the lower belly and the ears, it doesn't take years of training to make someone blind with a fork or paraplegic with a bat
Glad you believe those lies. Stay in fantasy land, we don't need you.
Muay Thai is very practical in the real world. You land a leg kick on someone and their whole plan goes out the window as blood rushes to the muscle. It's absolutely crippling mentally for someone who isn't prepared for it. youtu.be
This, I carry a knife (Karambit), it is almost effortless to take down an opponent when you have the skill with one.
Basically the art of kicking dudes in the balls and fingering their eye sockets. Very effective.
Do Muay Thai you literal homosexual
>avoid combat at all cost, and when you can't, aim at the eyes, the crotch, the lower belly and the ears
Italian army motto.
Serious question can you develop reasonable fighting skills by regularly beating the shit out of a punching bag? Literally everything taught in my area is either a meme martial art aimed at kids or something like krav maga that has piss poor teachers.
>didn't know Jow Forums was actually the secret dojo of so many military instructors and martial art experts
Jow Forums is whatever you want it to be sweetie.
I assume you want to get reasonably proficient at self-defense in like a year or so. Instead of learning a bunch of different styles then figuring out how to combine them, just pick an MMA gym. Focus on boxing in particular since that's less risky than grappling and it's also what people are naturally familiar with and thus what you need to practice the most.
Also, lift weights and do some cardio.
Not against a trained person you fucking moron. But I'm sure you could beat an mma fighter with "no rules" right?
what's this from
You need to spar with another human being. Trying to punch someone trying to punch you isn't something you can get good out without doing. It's like pull ups. You get better by doing pull ups.
>thinking that physical fitness and reaction time is determined at birth
What's the best meditative Martial Arts? I'm looking for something that focuses strictly on self-defense, on using the opponent's force and energy and directing it back at him. I've been told that Tai-Chi focuses on this, is it true?
Video related: youtube.com
Oh dear.... user fell for the kike propaganda
If (((Krav Maga))) is so superior
How come it takes MULTIPLE of your IDF faggots to overpower an unarmed civillian KEK
and IDF are suppose to know the top level krav maga secret shit.
the Italian army motto is "rape the corpse too while it's still warm". And if you're so eager to be stabbed in a karaoke night just because you complain to the ex convict singing that you don't like "My Way" you're free to go
>hurr durr y don't they let me fuck up my training partner
You're that asshole at the gym. Arn't you?
Jews can't into physical activity.
Two material art that i trust to rely on
>Gun fu
>Muay thai
Other than that are fucking useless. Include that crap manga. Fucking scam dont waste your time.
sorry to see frustration in you ahmed, didn't they treat you well at lampedusa?
I'm a big guy. For u.
> Go psycho on a sparring partner
That gym wouldn't have many students after some time
It is meditative but not actually effective.
>smashing an unarmed guy as hard as you can in the throat
>8 guys standing around with rifles
Yeah, get a muay thai bag and look up videos on stance, jab, cross, hook (1-2-3 combos) weight transfer, footwork for these combos as well as footwork for low leg kicks and how to throw them with punching combos.
Finding someone to spar with will develope muscle memory for defense and counters.
Nigga just bite people, kick the balls and bite them in the jugular
>where you're not allowed to go psycho on a sparing partner
I'm sure you're truly a force to be reckoned with, user.
Back to the oven
Incorect. If your fighting instincts need to be modified in order to complete one of the most primordial tasks humans are meant to function, you do not deserve to win the fight.
> martial arts
> more Aryan
The absolute muttt education
Any other suggestions then? Looking for a good ratio of meditative:effectiveness. I'm sure the old Tai-Chi masters were hard to take down, a lot of old Eastern martial arts have lost the original knowledge.
Krav Maga is utter and total trendy meme. If you want to be serious, then start with Muay Thai, do at least a year of that, then add BJJ for the groundwork. After that continue with Muay Thai, do some knife-fighting (Libre is based) and collapsible baton courses.
Own a gun, train how to use it.
Learn to fight instead, don't get limited by a style.
>attack the knee woth a 2 inch dagger
>don't get kneed in the face
Pick one
>t. morbidly obese autist
>morbidly obese
>t. american
Just do muy thai. The early tradition was very spiritual nature. Can be expensive but I think it would be well worth your time
Lol its true though.
Übermensch like me have heightened awareness and enlarged adrenaline glands.
I drink beer and eat junk all the time, it just turns into muscle. I am in better shape than 95% of other humans without even trying.
Oh Im also a black belt, forgot to mention.
Good post. Complete self defense includes striking, groundgame and weapons training. Only doing one of these is incomplete.
Is this the least intelligent post ever made?
>What's the best meditative Martial Arts?
None. They are a meme for fighting.
>I'm looking for something that focuses strictly on self-defense, on using the opponent's force and energy and directing it back at him. I've been told that Tai-Chi focuses on this, is it true?
No, its not true. If you're looking to use an opponents force against them go find a good jiujitsu gym and practice gi and no gi so you understand how different grips work. There is a certain meditate aspect too it because it is a surprisingly technical art.
>inb4 hurr durr no gi is more effective
When was the last time you saw anybody in the streets wearing a rash guard and spats?
It's obviously better than nothing (taekwondo is the worse for self-defense btw), but real life situations are unpredictable and have no rules. You're always better off with a gun or knife on hand.
>how to spot someone who doesn't know how to fight
Everyone I know who's been in the military says it's the only practical martial art.
Adaptation is the cornerstone of natural selection you fucking dork. Don't post for a week, you're on probation.
Jew jitsu and boxing. Start there.
>hurr durr amerimutt
Have you turned in your kitchen knives and rolling pins yet faggot?
Please choose krav maga so that if we ever get into a fight I won't have anything to worry about
Is it summer already?
jew memes
look at what the mma guys train. (jew jitsu)
>Übermensch like me
Almost got me, 6/10 for effort, be more subtle next time.
Thanks user, I'll look into it.
Perfect answer
Okay you get one joke.
Just shoot them in the head. A shotgun you don’t even have to aim.
It depends, most krav maga teachers are absolutely ridicolous.
But if you get trained in a gym where:
1) The instructor is not a retard and has combat sports experience
2)There are sparring matches
3)They make you do fitness training
You would become pretty tough
Take Greco-Roman wrestling, Jiu Jitsu(regular or Brasilian), Judo, boxing, and/or kick boxing.
You need something you can strike with while standing, and wrestling/Jiu Jitsu skills to get yourself out of a ground fight.
Do not stay in a ground fight, get on your feet as soon as possible.
Staying on the ground somebody could easily put a knife in you.
Avoid a fight if possible.
Don't be afraid to run.
Stay away from Taekwondo and Aikido for you first martial art.
They might be able to supplement later, but alone they suck.
Karate, though can be goodm, is loaded with many fake masters who run McDojos.