>"civilized races have to replace the lesser ones!"
>turns out Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans
>"hmm actually might makes right!"
>turns out arabs, mexicans chinese and western africans are replacing you without any effort
>"e-europe for europeans!"
>America for Amerindians and South Africa for Africans
So, which is it?
"civilized races have to replace the lesser ones!"
Other urls found in this thread:
the white minority is dying at record paces, yet you will get some white basedboys trying to waste their time online while their women are raped and subjugated by the niggers
enjoy your thread
>myth spouting
I see.
So you are just a "white" "basedboys" with a proxy.
Just admit you are racist and are trying to spread your irrational intentions over here.
might does make right. we are not trying to play the victim when we say Europe for the Europeans. if people are able to conquer a bit of land it is theirs until another takes. it is the fault of our own traitorous governments letting the invaders in.
pol isn't one person gayboi
I am racist against the pathetic white race (and any other race really, but whites are most docile)
might? kek
achmad has a mighty big dick when he shoves it down your white womans throat
also this
There are traitors on every side.
>might makes right
So you agree with european replacement.
>i am
I know. I've already posted who you are.