I get the Muslims and Mexicans but why do black people hate Trump again?

I get the Muslims and Mexicans but why do black people hate Trump again?

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Niggers will take any opportunity they can to look oppressed

Literally no fucking reason other than the media says so

he be racist yo

Because he is white

republican party platform is to cut gibs so they assume he will do that even though he's made no mention of it. They're probably right.

Because they are the arms of the jews

Ask them.
>Their only answer is he is racist.
Ask them how
>Blank stares

I'm actually afraid to ask why they think he's racist like it's just completely assumed in society now with little to no reasoning.

I even got it from my English professor showing us that Netflix propaganda doc 13th. Where Trump throws out a black guy disrupting his rally like he's doing it cause the guy is black and they have fucking Nazi's attacking Jews intercut with it. The most fucked thing I've ever been shown in a class

I think many of them secretly like him.

LBJ has literally brainwashed the black community since 1964 to only vote democrat.

Nevermind that democratic policies have repeatedly only hurt blacks, destroyed the black family, and made many welfare dependent.

Nevermind that the South democratic party from 1870 to 1964 were the ones consistently voting for and pushing Jim Crow Laws

Nevermind that the Republican party fought and freed the slaves, always worked for the individual, and works on principles of logic and reason rather than Empathy and feeling to empower all people of effort objectively.

Nevermind that all the things Democrats push for (universal healthcare, higher minimum wages, welfare states) all price blacks out of healthcare/job markets and killed their culture.

Republicans iz raycist

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In the 80s one of his building managers discriminated against blacks for rental units. Trump took responsibility, as he should being the top dog, even though it wasn't his instructions. he be rayciss yo

So far he has said:
“I will enforce existing laws” illegal immigration
“I will use the power given to this office to control who gets in and how hard it is for them to get in here” the ban on some Muslim countries to come here until the proper vetting is performed.

You let them have a nog president
There is no way back now

Which was common practice amoung all city landlords.

>why do black people hate Trump again?
They don't know about Clinton and Haiti yet

Now that they’re all getting jobs, I wonder if they don’t even remember that the gibs was part of their allegiance to the democrats

the way back


>I get the Muslims and Mexicans but why do black people hate Trump again?

Black people arent going to be happy until they are slaves again

That's literally the only charge against him I've been able to elicit from my fellow black acquaintances.


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because the democrats have erected a societal structure to keep black people living like niggers to make them vote democrat

For decades, blacks have acted as Schlomo's shock troops.

I have run it down to some.
>blank stare
Followed by basically
>literally fuck Haiti!!! I HATE HAITI NAOW!!!

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mostly because low iq and jew d&c. Guys like kanye, farrahkhan, malcolm x, Clarence Thomas are rare exceptions.

Because he insulted Obama

Because (((white))) people told them he is racist, and it's in their interest to oppose him.

As always FPGAYPost

The wall and stopping illegal immigration all good for the black economy. MSM hides this. Most blacks don't dig past msm. Encouraging to see recent people in the news:
- BET CEO praises Trump economy for blacks.
- Diamond & Silk didn't take shit from Congress.
- Kanye comes out as MAGA.
- Candace Owens highlighted by Kanye.

this is why they're giving kanye so much shit because it proves Trump isn't racists and they're full of shit


The msm lies and smear on Dr. Ben Carson, one of the most wonderful humans of any color, are the most disgusting ever.

I love Trump.
t. Muzzie.

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Because they're stupid.

Because they've been told to

Nigga fuk donal trump fuk donal trump nigga fuk donal trump. He ain’t do shiieet fo da blak kangz of wakanda dat orainje finna take r EBT nigga dats rasiyst were dem repoureashins at

Blacks are the Jew's pets. They aren't smart enough to think for themselves.

Same reason all other discerning individuals do.
Adolf hitwee!

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Maybe it's just my area or field, or maybe it's just the fact that all the niggers that I know hold a decent job, but they all like Trump. Albeit we're talking about black men here. Every black woman I've met hates Trump.

Not all black people are against Trump or his policies. This guy gets it and fights for the right too.


Trump is critical of BLM and NFL kneelers, both of which most black people support.

What percantage of black opposed to white would that be?

Some people would probably say the Obama birth certificate thing is a factor.
In all fairness, if a white guy named "Barack Hussein Obama" was elected President of the United States people would probably want to see his birth certificate too.

Not to mention if he was advertised at his law firm as being from Indonesia

This. They hated him just to hate him, even though they vote 95% republican anyway, and I guess now they can bitch about the kneeling NFL shit but that was a year into his presidency. Its why nobody takes their bullshit seriously.

I guess the drug war stuff is the most logical thing.

He badmouths Obama and most of the black community likes Obama (90+%).

He takes credit for the black unemployment numbers because he thinks "the blacks" are dumb enough to think he's solely responsible for them (16% - 8% under Obama) (8% - 7% under Trump)

He constantly gets into feuds with popular black celebrities that are generally well-liked (Steph Curry, Jay-Z, Oprah)

He thinks "the blacks" are easily susceptible to social programming and by parading around coons like Diamond & Silk and Kanye he will get their approval

At the end of the day, all the shit he does to pander to blacks is what turns them off the most. Look at his approval with whites and he never outwardly talks about helping them out. He's using the same strategy he accuses democrats of using and thinks they are dumb enough to fall for it (although some, like Kanye, are).

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Do you want a real answer?

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They're a hateful race in general.

The democrats need to be reminded again that they don't own black people

Republicans are all racist... that is it. Even Ronald Reagan was a "racist."