Don't taste bad

Don't taste bad

What's the problem, >>Jow Forums?

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it's hard to open

>What's the problem, >>Jow Forums?

It's hard to open.

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Anyone here gone full So ylent diet?

Why would i want to drink a meal? Im on a carnivore diet, my fridge is full of game meat, and i have never felt better/stronger in my life, thanks Joe Rogan i guess... something that stoner talked about on his podcast actually work

It's an American product, why would I even touch it?

It weakens you to the point that you can't even open the bottle.

When they get complaints that people can't open the bottle, they know their product is working

But I do admit that I want to taste onions


LITERALLY lmao'ing at you.

[spoiler] fuck shit like onions [/spoiler]

I have. I am also HIV+ so i'm struggling with keeping food down. The liquid can stay down but i still have a very bad burning diareia sme mornings when sick but the liquid only onions diet makes the painful diareea not as awful for me so overall yes, i would recommend onions

onions = s o y l e n t

onions onions

test post:

why tf are onions and s0y1m scensored here?

>It's hard to open.
Damn straight.

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soiboi mods are assblasted

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Gonna hwut you teeny tiny wittle handy wandy opening you onions bwottle?

Weren't raw onions the ultimate testosterone booster ?

heres a treat for you since you've been such good basedbois

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My bones are so weak. But I always drink my... malk?

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Onions green is people.

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It's creepy how obsessive people are with this drink. Why do they drink it so much?

>I always drink my Malk
Now with vitamin R

I hate HIV faggots.
Thank Jesus he cursed you to Hell, homosexual!

>i still have a very bad burning diareia
That's what you get for having a penis up your ass.
That's what you get when swallow another man's load.

>soi lent drinker
>diarrhea that isnt painful

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>Bench 350

Sure bud

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but onions has protein

That still makes me laugh. When they opened the door and all the rats were hooked up to milking machines....

Thanks. Ok, so, the diarrrrita is caused by your existing condition and the so ylent helps with that? Or the diarrrrta is caused by the onions?

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