What value do women have?

And why are they worthless?

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Because they fucked 1 nigger

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Women are useful as emotional medication to counteract the evils committed by other women!

>emotional medication
>2 holes

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If you apply the modern expectation of a woman on to them (doing and being as good as men at everything) just about no value honestly, a man doesn't need a woman. If you put them back into their traditional roles and apply some real self-respect and moral decency to them, they have endless value. They infact become more valuable than a man.

their holes

That's a weird-looking potato.


These look like bait threads and belong on r9k anyhow

Poor Soloflesh needs a home.


Found out my wife of 5 years cheated on me last week.

They can't be trusted. They only need the smallest of excuses. Their friends are all poisonous fucking vipers.

Non-Chad cucked by an actual big-dicked hard bodied alpha. I hate my life. 32 and alone now.

>What value do women have?
Just making babby and machines can do that now so they're totally worthless. Women need to be exterminated and replaced with girlchildren that don't grow into women.

Sorry to hear that user. Did you have kids with her?

80% of women have no use. 20% are okay to breed with. Beyond that, though. They’re pointless.

>80% of women have no use. 20% are okay to breed with.
No doubt you could say the same about men though, there's a lot of trash people about nowadays that belong to both genders.

Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. Why do Jews constantly try and divide men and women; especially whites? Its starting to get old. Besides, I can only imagine what kind of spineless fuckwit you are to refer other men as "chad" or "alpha". No wonder your "wife left you". These pussy free love disease spreading hippies, Jews and MGTOW faggots only goal is to destroy normalcy and fill the world with plastic, fake humans unable to breed. Big fat fucks, kissless virgins and losers are the only ones that complain. Maybe choose better women. Oh wait, you probably settled with whatever landwhale gave you a sliver of attention. How many targets am I hitting here, Shlomo?

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nice thread incels
still raging because you are an ugly losers that can't get laid? get over it already, just embrace your betaness and a life of faping your tiny dicks by yourself.

i gotta start lifting so I can smash teenage girls on the pavement

>I'm going to claim to place no value on women but come to this board every day to complain about Stacey refusing to touch my wee wee.