Why is mindless hedonism wrong? Why should I care about race and fighting globalism? Life is full of so much suffering, why is it wrong to just have fun and stop taking it all so seriously?
>but muh degeneracy
Let's say we save the white race, and re establish western civilization. Great, now in another few hundred years it all get's wiped out by some mysterious happening, what was the point?
Brainlets don't realize that pursuing hedonism is exactly the same as pushing yourself towards great goals like gassing the kikes and securing the future for your children. Notice how rockstars kill themselves all the time even though they engage in a life of naive hedonism?
We didn't evolve to relax in the harem all day smoking opium and getting blown by 15 year olds. People are happy in an overall sense (as opposed to the "there's a mouth on my dick lol" sense) when they feel that they are moving steadily toward a valued goal. Notice how you don't give a shit about a video game the moment you finish it? The enjoyment was in the pursuit of the goal, not in achieving it. People that have achieved everything and have no further goals (remember the rockstars) get depressed and kys even though they are immersed in physical pleasure.
So to be happy - to pursue hedonism in a mindful way - set big goals that you can steadily progress towards over the course of your life.
Don't do heroin and fuck thots every night until you kill yourself. That's not hedonism, that's extended suicide.
t. hypocrite
John Green
>Implying hedonism will resolve your long term existential issues Brainlet detected
Jaxon Myers
Both you and OP have compelling points.
How's this: Take life as seriously as you fucking want. It's yours. There is no freedom without the freedom to waste your life, if that's what you want to do.
Go be a kike then, from a hedonist view it's obviously superior.
Camden Bell
If I had continued to be a mindless hedonist I would have never found a job, or learned to love that job. I would have stayed in my room under my parents roof, never developing ambitions or achieving anything. My life would have revolved around my hedonism which never truly satisfied me. I would have never gained any respect from people. Hedonism is a trap. You think being a hedonist will make your life fulfilling, but indulging in the hedonist way only leads you to wanting more of that hedonism, because it never satisfies you. Hedonists are men without ambition, and men without ambitions are the most pathetic things to witness.
Austin Rogers
>Why is mindless hedonism wrong? Because it won't satisfy you, it's an endless circle of vice that keeps on going until soon or later you notice the lack of true content in your actions and loose interest in them too, you end up destroyed with nothing to look forward even drugs won't stop your existencial pain for long. Basically sensatory pleasure does not offer happiness at long term