In the next 2 days be on high alert. Watch to see which elites baby gets a heart transplant. It will for sure be alfies.
Organ harvesting
Jace Watson
Jaxson Ward
A fresh Chinese baby girl heart recently butchered in a mobile execution van.
Grayson Watson
Too bad we don't have the NHS here to let his kid die for his own good.
Brayden Ortiz
illuminati bump
Cooper Gonzalez
bet he'll be crying about it for months
jimmy I mean, the baby will be a bitch too
Luke Bell
Why get a high profile heart when you can buy a Chinese or African baby without drawing any attention?
Cooper Evans
He'll be crying to get UK style healthcare so children will be forced to suffocate to death in hospitable beds.
Jack Williams
We need this baby to die it will destroy Jimmy
Leo Bennett
Jaxon Sullivan
>jew baby gets multiple chink hearts because jews and jew money
not suprising