Jow Forumstards will deny this

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Well, Harvey made a business proposition to hollywood whores and they accepted it to advance their careers

the women whose pussy Trump grabbed were also compliant because he was a rich celebrity

Sheen has tiger blood

basically cosby is the only one that actually raped anyone

He's the only one to claim innocence.

>business proposition and compliance not coercion and exchange of sex purely for economic benefit, not prostitution.


i guess you're right,. those women should be arrested for prostitution

what did trump do?

he had consensual sex and paid money
worse than roofies!

Bill O’Reilley settle shit outside of the court. Trump did nothing wrong.Matt and Harvey are Jewish media whores who can get away with it. Charlie Sheen has already payed the price with aids.

oh god, impeachment now

>we finally got someone convicted of a crime we said they commited 10+ years ago!
>with no physical evidence
>why hasn't it worked on more people, and what can we do to make sure it does
Fucking Hell