Ben Carson Wants to Triple Rent for the Poorest of the Poor

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OP is a faggot


conservashits btfo

Hope he comes after the caserios here

>being more jewy than actual jews

Well how much is the rent?



>The joke’s on those who thought Carson might be more compassionate about the poor than your standard conservative.
>leaf reading comprehension
Retarded leaf

So... free government housing X 3? Does that mean they receive a check at the end of the month, or get three free apartments?

>Tenants generally pay 30 percent of their adjusted income toward rent or a public-housing agency minimum rent — which is capped at $50 a month for the poorest families. The administration’s proposal sets the family monthly rent contribution at 35 percent of gross income, or 35 percent of their earnings working 15 hours a week at the federal minimum wage. Under the proposal, the cap for the poorest families would rise to about $150 a month — three times higher than the current minimum. About 712,000 households would see their rents rise to the new monthly minimum of $150, HUD officials said.
How tf am I gonna afford my smokes paying an extra $100 per month on the damn rent?

You fucking dumb ignorant inbred asshat. Learn something about how your country operates before you fucking open your dumb fat mouth for once and cloud the air with your fetid ignorance.

At minimum hud housing costs 150 dollars a month, it's not fucking free.

Now it does. According to this article, it used to be $50. One day of working minimum wage.

I'm completely sure that's exactly what Carson said and the title is not fake news. Bravo for activism in journalism

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You seem very stable and balanced.

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compassion = more gibs

these journalists scum are ridiculous.

poorfags btfo

By triple rent they mean cut the amount of free money the dumbest and most criminal pieces of shit get to take from your paycheck by two thirds. BASED Ben Carson BTFO niggers!

>The joke's on liberals who thought Carson might be more compassionate

The joke has always been on liberals since 2015, and the joke will continue being on liberals for the next few decades.

It will go from 10$ to 30$. People here are getting tired of free loaders.

the government should not be allowed to outcompete the market at the expense of taxpayers


Blacks should never have to pay for anything. They are intellectual babies and white people need to care for them like infants.

>17 dollars to 51 dollars
Look at that, its nothing

infants don't get to vote. and if they coulden't vote there would be no gibs.

calm your tits hud-nigger.


I am sure he just wants to do this because he hates poor people. Woah. Work requirements are like racist

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3 x 0 = 0

Public housing shouldn't even exist

No he doesn't