How did the jews managed to brainwash people on such a massive scale? It's almost... admirable

How did the jews managed to brainwash people on such a massive scale? It's almost... admirable

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Reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being jewish or supporting israel

So ready to die for Israel

God damn that's cringy

you're seeing hte product of centuries of work with many failed attempts along the way . this has been the big main project of judaism since amoraim times .

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Why do single moms of niggers talk like this?

literally used eugenics on themselves to be mind control parasites

israel #2

i mean israel #1

gotta say you probably won and will rule the world with an iron fist within a century but even if you end up all gassed in the end, you were worthy opponents

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What the fuck is Israel going to do when the boomers die out?

White people is easy to brainwash it's almost ridiculous.

With all their low iqness blacks at least attempt to be woke, while whites just sip more coffe and take more Xanax.

My kid told me the other day, 160 million jews died during ww2... at least that’s what YouTube claims

Political careers financed by AIPAC mostly.

It's not the Jews you dumbass

America was created by Puritans who were judaized through Old Testament and saw themselves as the new Israelites who have a pact with God

This is why slavery was defended in USA because the Old Testament law allowed it

oh yeah im sure this stuff was happening before 1940. gtfo

tons of americans even no twitter have an israel flag. its a cult they'll actually die for it if its necessary to defend it

Control the flow of information, control what people think.

nah senpai we're not like krauts or russkies , we dont rush into world domination we've been planning this for 19 centuries (on and off)
jewish world domination is slow , gradual but complete and thorough . we will dominate not only by force but by culture economy and public opinion .

jewish world domination is like the boiling frog tale .a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.

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Can one ask for better allies?

Pre-ww2 America wasn't pro-kike in the least.

Your pathetic country won't be around the minute the last boomer bites the dust

have you never read the bible

How cringy, Christfags are the ultimate cucks.

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Damn, too bad pic related is going to get in the way.

Must suck having to sell your soul for world domination, come close to achieving it, then have the almighty intercede and throw you into hell.

This world is your tomb, you will claim it but become trapped by it, that is the trick God played on you satanic pharisees, but you don't see it for your own greed and hubris.

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newer generations love israel even more

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Christians were anti kike until the 40's, fuck off.

Well it isn't the 40s anymore is it.
Christcucks are a major problem today.

if god existed we'd subvert and subjugate him too like we're doing to goyim

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Yes I'm aware, I often use that analogy too. You've never been that close to victory too, you will probably make it this time. But your people have this flaw of becoming too arrogant too quickly when victory is nearing, so we'll see what happen.

we learned to not be arrogant from the fall of jerusalem , the gentiles have not .

Evangelicals and corrupt churches are the problem, not Christianity itself.

By gaining control of the media and schools.

It's because most Christians don't understand their effing bibles. Satan slaps the label "Jews" on Satanic counterfeits and they suddenly think that God was speaking about a physical people when he called someone a Jew, they complete ignore or forget Romans 2:28-29:

>A man is not a Jew because he is one outwardly, nor is circumcision only outward and physical. 29 No, a man is a Jew because he is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man’s praise does not come from men, but from God.

All Satan had to do was obfuscate "Jew" to mean the flesh, and boom, you fooled 90% of Christendom. Christians have become blind and gullible. Most Jow Forums Christians know better though.

You mock God as if he were a TV personality. You’re no longer the chosen for a reason.

I wish I could tell you. Especially after the USS Liberty incident, Jonathan Pollard, and all the other shady shit Israel has done against the US.

Except you're not Israel, I know better than to call you Israel, or "Jews", you're not worthy of his name, nor are you Jews. You are the Babylonian Pharisees that murdered Jesus. Babylon currently has Israel (Christendom) enslaved, if you knew the bible you'd understand what happens to Babylon after God regathers Israel which is united through Christ.

This counterfeit "Israel" is destined for bad things, that's why this "Israel" see's nothing but war, for when Israel pleased God, Israel saw peace, but this is not Israel, it's a counterfeit run by satanic pretenders.

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it's similar to an audience full of scientologists in a talk show(there are videos). they're are insiders, actors, agents, paid off and useful idiots.

Imagine getting so asshurt that people are calling out your government killing white kids you have to spam bait threads to slide it off of the board.

how about a redpill campaign for normie Christians? Especially those who won’t do mental gymnastics about the End Times


Modern "Jews" were never chosen to begin with. They are the pharisees that denied Christ, but Jews are still God's people because "Jews" refers to a spiritual people, not physical. The Pharisees intentionally convoluted the term to mix Christians up and to rile them up to support the Satanic pharisees that now run the world.

>Universal compassion
right above
>White genocide

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white genocide is the most compassionate genocide in human history . white people will go extinct while every single individual white person lives a normal full fulfilling life without violence .
white genocide is effectively carried out by the white people themselves , what could be more compassionate ?

Range ban for the North American continent WHEN????

Look at their other option, ya Canadian goat fucker

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You know your greatest weapon is our own decadence.

The old European in us will return when things go south. Another great depression. A nuclear war.

We all try to go along to get along because times are good. When we are having trouble finding bread to eat you better believe we won't be referring to people as xir and making sure minorities get the first bread rations.

If you were at a party with 100 people and 55 of them were talking about jumping you, you’d leave the party. If we continue to spread the truths about them eventually a majority will think like us and they will retreat. We can/will win. Know this.

If you're not a christian, you're blind, tamed and have already lost. The Jews will never be defeated without Christianity and the west will never be saved. You're not even playing the same game you don't even understand what's going on. You're in Plato's cave.

so we have the choice between helping israel, which means effectively aiding ISIS and similar groups by toppling semi-organized nations, or beheading people like ISIS do. i think your choice is a false one Chaim.

>what could be more compassionate

having a pool, hospitals and cinema in Auschwitz

there will be no ' us ', US is already culturally and genetically muttified beyond the point of no return and soon europe with all the migrants will be as well .

you will be like the nationalities of all long dead empires\countries , assimilated into other cultures\nationalities .


btw Hitler proved prophetic once again, the christians were the first to allow the jews to fester in the first place

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That's a ridiculous statement.
Does having some European DNA in you make you muttified and non Jewish?

With a plan and people willing to follow, but it won't work long term

It's not a ridiculous, we are in real dnager if assimilation

wew these are some serious trips
are the "jews" satanic after all?

It's not hard. Taking advantage of human psychology is an easy thing. Look at common stage magicians, mentalists, and even fake psychics: they use many of the same tricks only on a smaller scale.

They are the children of satan. Their master is what is succeeding at manipulating, they are simply his tools.

people are really easy to brainwash

Actually being brainwashed is the default state of humanity, the human mind requires something to latch onto to explain the world, so you just have to give them a story as they're growing up and they will willingly accept it. They crave it in fact.

Most western countries will start to look like Brazil in the next few decades. Stop worrying and embrace nihilism brah. Its pretty much beyond your control now.

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>newer generations love israel even more
newer generations of jews. white americans are the only reason you exist right now, and the newer gens of white americans hate you more and more.

Evangelicals used to be anti semitic until (((Ronnie Raygun))) got john Hague and the other telepastors to preach end times gospel

Those evangelicals literally believe that they get a fast track to heaven if the jews start wars that lead to armageddon

It's so sad that Kim doesn't want to nuke these retards anymore. Hopefully Russia will change their mind and do it to better the world.

Death to Drumpf, death to America.

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Depending on your morality lots of things are easy to accomplish.

>the newer gens of white americans hate you more and more
Not really, Support for Israel is greater than ever. Liberals are more supportive of intervention in Syria than they were for Iraq. Its illegal for U.S. businesses to boycott Israel

Being a bastard mix of five different european countries while knowing nothing about their languages and cultures does indeed make you an identity-less mutt... mutt

Tons of leftists hate Israel because of the Palestine people and shit. Especially the Social Justice types.


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It's simple, give the people what they want. Tell them the lies they have been craving for and they'll accept them as fact. And anyone that opposes these "facts" are now the oposition. Hitler exposed the (((them))) for what they were.

Why are americans so goddamn stupid?

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Ahmed you have to go back!!

The friendship of the Evangelical Christians sucking Isarel's dick is in it's twilight years. They are getting old and are starting to have health problems. From what I can see the younger generation of Christians are going to be a LOT less open to Israel. After all the Israeli people have behaved nothing like God's chosen children. They are the frauds that the Bible warned us about. They are not real Jews, they only use the name as a cover for their crimes against humanity. The older generations refuses to believe this because they fought blindly for Israel for so long. I have a strange feeling though that Christianity is going to become very weary of Israel in the upcoming decades. This upcoming generation of Christianity is this time well aware of how Israel has been behaving itself lately.

Nah that's nonsense, LARPy wishful thinking. The west is going to get mutted beyond belief (Already has, but Brazil tier awaits us) and the Jews will rule over the big clump of deracinated worker ants, just as planned.