OK Jow Forums, I was doing stuff in jewtube and in a way or another, I end up watching a video about a fight between a white girl and a black female. The white bitch got REKT, and I read the comments about the video, most of them were something like "black females are naturally stronger than white bitches"
At 1st I didn't believe it, but then I watched more videos about interracial fights and the results were surprising: in all those fights white girls got their asses whooped by their rivals (most of them, brute sheboons)
So, considering that we are living times where racial tensions are continuously increasing, and assuming it is true that white girls are naturally weaker than black females: should white males train their little whores?
Nah, no need, black and brown men will protect them
Leo Thomas
black girls grow up getting rekt by black men and boys.
white girls grow up in a bubble where women shouldn't be hit for any reason, and the only violence they may see is a pathetic white girl fight in middle/high school.
It's because white girls have long hair to grab, you grab a black girls hair and the wig just falls off. The whites aren't fighting to win, they have too much compassion.
Dylan Smith
>were surprising: in all those fights white girls got their asses whooped by their rivals (most of them, brute sheboons)
It's not surpsiring, blacks fight eachother all the time. Parents beat their kids, siblings beat eachother, they they fight eachother on the street.
Whites don't have that culture and resort to whatever mr. goldstein prescribed : pills and visits to the therapist.
The results speak for themselves.
Sebastian Moore
lmao this bean is going the same way as that roach that posts black nationalism general and wh*Te threads and also that strayan chink that spams niggerdick threads
looks like we got another one, boys
Ryan Martinez
Did you see white boy jump back when the queen drew back her hand to him?! LMAO
It's not strength, it's about being acclimatized to aggression.
Hudson Campbell
No one fights with "honor" in real life. That's the probelm with white people, they never fight and expect it to be on TV its either movie bullshit or professional sports with rules.
i wish my parents would have put me in some sort of combat sports, now i'm too old and psychologically i find it hard to lay a finger on someone.
Andrew Edwards
Look at the UFC women rankings
Overwhelming majority are whites and Latins.
Evan Campbell
Michael Foster
Webm related: Maori female making a white girl pay for the colonization of her island
>Being so poor that you can't move to a nice white state to raise your kids in these enrichment videos make me laugh every fucking time "He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas"
>Thinking that just because you live in a white suburb it will keep your kids safe from enrichment, when the next towns over all filled with niggers and the school systems are filled with niggers I hate these type of white people they are just as bad as the nigger that live in the next town over.
Josiah Hill
Webm related: Blonde destroyed by sheboon, muthafucka
Black women have high T. They are essentially men. Probably why WM/BF marriages work better, because it's basically a male buddy situation. White guys with black women are closeted fags.
Jose Wilson
I don't blame sheboons, they are legit mentally retarded and have to watch beautiful highly intelligent white men and women dominate the world in which they live. They be feelsbad so punch white woman make boon feel better. They would be happier in their natural habitat eating warthog anus. The world whites have created is too complex for them to navigate.
no, you just give them a gun, and they shoot the charging apes. savages that resolve their problems like this deserve only that response, and when they escape it the whole world suffers a net loss.
Angel Torres
You can't train white women to do basic domestic shit, never mind fighting off apekin. Just ignore them and let them be torn up, any white female worth preserving wouldn't be loitering around a zoo zone in the first place.
Luis Cox
Combination of high testosterone, higher bone density, and usually way more experience fighting. I have also noticed black females will almost always grab hair/weave.
Brayden Bell
>having daughters Unless you're getting a dowry that's max kuk
Lucas Cox
yes and you should train your sons which is why you must train yourself get into bjj and wrestling and boxing you must be the model for your house
Jaxon Sanders
blacks are predisposed to violence, therw is nowhere in the world that this isnt taken for granted. its like who wpuld win a man vs a chimp?
Adam Hernandez
Blacks also develop faster physically faster than Whites. Hence why the White girls always look like little kids in these videos, and the Black girls look closer to being to adult physically.
In terms of behaviour though, White women are usually paper tigers that rely on subterfuge, mental bullying, guilt tripping etc, to get their way. So it really isn't surprising that they always get destroyed in these videos.
Samuel White
After reviewing these videos, I was correct in my statement that black females go for the hair. 100% of the posted webms so far have it.
Thomas Thomas
everything is fine. if your white the police are your personal bodyguarda, if your black they torment and abuse you. this is how it should be as blacks are too violent and need to be forced to flip burgers for us.
Nathaniel Perez
Blacks also develop faster physically than Whites*
Nicholas Reed
all women dude but black girls have had like eight fights by 10 years old. not even kiding they fight constantly. ask a blac person they will admit it.
Brandon Gonzalez
Females do that in general, ever see women fighting in the street or outside a kebab shop in the UK? It's usually hair grabbing, clawing, or using the heel or a shoe as a weapon, if it goes far enough for a a physical fight.
Landon Perez
Anthony Anderson
Yeah, the only white women with numbers like that are usually the coal-burners that share that lifestyle. Black women will almost always be the escalator from yelling to violence and throw the first punch as well.
Ethan Morris
All white children should learn how to fight. As a white child in a "diverse" school, the negroids and mexicoids would all band together but the whites have zero coherency as a group. I learned to fight dirty and at the slightest provocation, it was either that or become a cowed, obsequious loser. The only thing browns understand is getting their shit pushed in. Once they know you don't fear them, they'll leave you alone, as long as you can back up your talk.
Mason Thompson
Why would we train our daughters to fight unless we're trying to build a world where they have to fight to survive?
Don't advocate for a world where they need to fight, advocate for a white ethnostate.
Daniel James
Nigger girls go after weak white women who have never been in a fight in their lives, just like males go after weak white men. When they come across white women who know how to fight they get the fucking shit beat out of them.
Jackson Turner
Black women are tougher on average than a white women because they get abused by their brothers, fathers, "boyfriends", husbands, ect. They learn quickly that scratching and pinching and slapping doesn't do shit and they make fists. They also selectively breed for aggression and strength which is eugenics. White women pick meek and febile men that dress attractively and have long hair like a metrosexual.
Combine that with selective breeding with slaves and their average is greater than women who never fought before or does sports/workout.
Get a CC and train at a range with your gf/wife. Working/swimming/climbing out is also nice as a couple if you're doing it for fitness too. Training mma or whatever to your gf to fight off nogs is a waste of time and stupid. It'll take a decade for you to actually make use of it on the streets and a simple knife or gun from a woman would overpower even a 7ft MMA fighter.
Jack Lewis
This is true, white women rely on their cunning, intelligence and beauty to survive. They are good at mind games to keep their man in check. Some go too far in playing these games and drive their man away.
Robert Mitchell
What the...? Should carry gun.
Brandon Cook
Combined with having a higher genetic propensity to brutish body types (both genders), the black on what crime rate is significantly higher, meaning interracial fights are almost always instigated by blacks, and no one picks a fight with someone unless they're much more physically capable and/or they outnumber the victims (all of the videos prove it). Possession and use of capsicum spray needs to become more widespread amongst white females. I see a niche in the market for the Europe, capsicam spreay mixed with pig oil. Watch the street kebabs run in horror.
Carson Green
I thinks it's great how the whites and Latin women rule over the blacks in mma. What's even better is that the same happenings occur with their respective male counterparts
Angel Evans
>They learn quickly that scratching and pinching and slapping doesn't do shit and they make fists. This is true but every video I've seen of nogs fighting shows them to be undisciplined and unrestrained. Give a girl few simple lessons in fighting stance and striking and all nog fighting capabilities are basically negated. >Training mma or whatever to your gf to fight off nogs is a waste of time and stupid. Learn to shoot, carry a gun, also learn to fight hand-to-hand. They're both useful skills. There's a chance you might find yourself unarmed and needing to fight (On an airplane? In a sports stadium? A courthouse? At school?). Besides, unarmed fighting ability helps build confidence that is then projected in stance/ attitude which helps defuse certain situations all on its own.
John Cook
everyone should get a gym card and work those butt muscles male, female, i dont care. Hip abductions and leg extensions
Cameron Rivera
Link to video pls
Landon Wood
Webm related: Black male showing a white girl who rules now in whitey's village, muthafucka
White Women aren't supposed to fight. That’s legitimately not their role.
Isaiah Lopez
I grew up in an old school Irish catholic neighborhood where race riots would break out, my sisters and girl cousins often fought sheboons, won more than they lost.
Jayden Hughes
No but in today’s racially charged environment they are being singled out, seen it a lot.
Leo Williams
This. Once a white girl shows she not innately scared of a she Ion, they back down or throw down.
Chase Barnes
Webm related: Brutal shit, bloody fight. Poor white woman
The Russian is smart. This is why no one else is fit to be our rival.
David Martin
>No one fights with "honor" in real life.
This is really sad if you think this. You're either in shitty dindu area, or are sheltered and have never been in a fight.
William Cruz
>should white males train their little whores?
We shouldn't have niggers and niggresses intermingling with white society in the first place. We don't go around giving gorillas rights and allowing them to run freely with our people, do we? Just use your brain.
White women are probably (on average) less strong than black women, but they are probably less strong than a silverback gorilla as well. The best thing you can do for her is either get her some pepper spray or a sub-compact 9mm for her purse.
The black girl is descended from slave owners, the white one's ancestors arrived in the US in 1925, long after the end of slavery.
Jackson Hughes
It's about practice. Black homes are constant violence with everyone fighting, hitting and attacking each other. Black neighborhoods are filled with black on black crime. They live in the violence they create for themselves. White people leave in peace and harmony with each other and so they aren't as familiar with the everyday violence of black "cultural" if you can say they have a culture.
Dylan Cruz
White women need a good beating
Christian Cook
Based Paul Harrell.
Brody Jenkins
No it won't matter since those with African ancestry are naturally physically superior but this obviously comes with academic penalties.
Jace Flores
of course you should train your daughter to fight how is this even a question you can protect your daughter even when youre not there by teaching her how to protect herself. and who wouldnt want to protect their offspring
Jordan Rogers
Every video you've posted, the black attacks first. With untrained fighters, whoever strikes first will win the fight, because the opponent has no idea how to counter or defend themselves. Their strikes are still low power, flailing and swinging of arms, uncoordinated grabbing and tackling etc. Very easy for a trained fighter to deal with.
Trouble is, most women who are trained as fighters wouldn't end up in a ghetto brawl with some negress. It's usually wealthy professional women who get trained, and they're smarter than to risk getting assaulted by some ghetto rat negress.
Landon Hall
You've never been in a fight. Sheltered little cunt.
Hudson Bell
>should white males train their little whores? How about you fuck off. Fathers should train their daughters to be decent women. The boons should be deported or gassed
Noah Barnes
I doubt this was random. But any white chick that knows/associates with that many black chicks is likely ghetto as fuck herself. I don't feel anything when chicks like that get their ass beat by sheboons
Jackson Nelson
Yeah, train them on gun safety and the importance of the 2nd amendment. /thread
Levi Jenkins
Yes, white father's should fully train their white daughters in sex so they can better satisfy Jamal
Carter Johnson
Train them to fight in the meantime
Ethan Sullivan
The majority of nigger females are full of testosterone and that's why 90% of them look and act like men and are horrible at raising children. The attractive feminine sheboons are almost always light skinned and have white features do to being mixed.
You forgot to mention that they usually roam around in a pack. So if it turns out that their victim knows how to fight, it suddenly goes from a 1v1 to 5 or 10 v 1.
Grayson Lee
Webm related: Another brutal fight. Sheboon even put her foot on the white girl's head like a symbol of victory
The average upper middle class pretty white girl is completely and utterly oblivious to just how much black women hate her and how deeply rooted in the black woman's psyche that hatred is. While everyone seems to cherish a pretty white woman, black women would love nothing more than to throw acid in her face and break all the bones in her body, literally. I wonder how this would effect white women's liberalism if they collectively understood this.
They're too brainwashed for it to click in their tiny heads. They conveniently sweep all this stuff as isolated cases that aren't representative of a people/culture/popular ideal/trend/etc. You can't save an idiot from being an idiot, just keep walking and know better than them.
Cooper Powell
Not trying to “Muh white Privilege” shit. But I can imagine being a rich pretty white girl must be fucking great.
Real huwhite women NEVER and I mean NEVER relax around blacks. As in, naturally they know not to. They dont need to be told they just instinctively refuse to relax around them
Blake Howard
Why would you train them how to fight ? If they are unable to keep themselves out of idiotic situations what makes you think they'll reliably be able to defend themselves ? These videos posted are your typical hoodrats or paper-made white girls that haven't lifted a nail in their life. You ain't seeing this kind of shit in the eastern bloc or russia.
You saved me typing. Nobody in here knows shit about fighting.
Isaiah Smith
It's the second most blessed and privileged life on Earth. The first being, of course, a rich old kike who pokes pretty rich white girls on demand.
Christian Robinson
Pretty girl privilege is definitely a thing I dare say, which is even further exasperated by beta orbiters, and is something that a black woman will almost never possess. I believe this is one of the root causes of their extreme hatred toward white women.
Justin Wood
Oh the things you could do to that kid with a hammer
James Roberts
meanwhile guys are getting their shit beaten by white girls all the time