Why are boomers so cucked? You’d think they’d see the mistakes they made by now

Why are boomers so cucked? You’d think they’d see the mistakes they made by now

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This is anti-German sentiment on an insane level. Do Americans really think this way? Jesus fuck.

go kill merkle or get fucking used to it ahmed

A Jew probably made this commercial, I've seen it on TV. Notice the symbol on the shield and the appearance of the knight


the television tells us who to hate. ahhhhh television

Why do they hang on to outdated appliances and electronics like 80s blenders and vhs players? They’re pathologically sentimental and it’s hurting us all

Dude, boomers grew up in the 1950's and 1960's. Not only did their fathers take part in WW2 but they grew up on a shitload of WW2 tv shows and movies. On top of this Jewish crocodile tears. Keep in mind that saying "Go back to Russia or Germany" is basically yid speak for "white people are bad goyim"

We don’t want krauts anymore, spics are the hot new group to pretend to care about. Why do you think we killed German in Texas and replaced it with Spanish?

Fucking Germans, you reply to them and they never respond back.

What do you want me to say to this witch hunt?
"No massa pease... pease don't be burnin' meesa"

They have to fight off rapists in between responses

Stop this german hate right now

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See the woman with him?

THAT is where men go wrong....they are so pussy whipped by this age they just give up being men

This has always been my theory. Boomers were born not long after World War II. They grew up hearing stories about the evil Nazis and the poor, persecuted Jews. This is the narrative they've spent their whole lives believing. Now that they're old and set in their ways, they're not going to give any other interpretation of history the time of day.

I don't know faggot, acknowledge the video I posted, say something about it, give me some sort of response whether agreement or disagreement. I went through the effort of looking that shit up on JewTube just for you.

VCR you dumb fuck

Merkel invited so many that it's impossible to win against them all... like being the only white boy in a county lockup on the first night. So I only fight the ones who don't wash the goat stink off their bodies first. It goes much easier once you learn to enjoy it.

I have no idea what you're talking about.
But the commercial was dumb and pretty unfunny.

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In 20 years will you feel responsible for what the kikes are doing right now?

they're insulated from the consequences of their actions through the enormous Ponzi scheme we call our economy

that'd probably hilarious in an east german accent

So are you


My uncle watches a shit ton of WW2 documentaries and movies. He's in his late 60's almost. Same for my other uncles. It's a complex thing, not just because they grew up with them, but also the baby boomers insecurity complex. It's the Rusty Venture complex where they grew up in the shadows of their fathers who not just survived a war and won it, but also lived a life that suffered early on in the great depression and also had large families with overall productive lives. Boomers on the other hand grew up with the Vietnam war and instigated and helped create the cultural revolution in the West. What a fucking miserable generation.

pic related: my grandparents in 1952.

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Because every "thought" process that they have was placed there by skilled psychologists in the employ of corporate fascist/communist mass media masters for the sole purpose of destroying the west, a race of radio-controlled humans, the cause of the problem, the problem itself, and the continued perpetuation of the problem, and the solution to every problem is always more of the problem.

Stuck in an endless dream, the eternal void.