I was at a bar today and there were a bunch of handicapped tards in wheelchairs and their help dogs. I got to hear about how the government subsidises all of this completely and that a single dog costs 25.000€.

Why don't we just execute the tardies? Give them a peaceful death. They won't meaningfully contribute and their genetics are worthless.
On top of that we, the tax payers have to spend this much money on them getting nothing in return. In the middle ages they would've just died like they should.
Why should I pay for someone else's shit life?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>They won't meaningfully contribute and their genetics are worthless.
That's like 90% of Jow Forums though, including yourself

Saw this comment coming.
A lot of people on Jow Forums have degrees and jobs unironically. You're probably new here but I think it's you want

The $25,000 is mostly the Cost associated with training and paying the fucking dog handler you stupid fuck.
Someone who had a job. A virtuous job.
While we pay for you to go to school for 10 years and still not understand basic economics.

>mfw people want to kill others because they don't even imagine a small government that doesn't take mony from people to give them to other people while voluntary charity takes care of those who have worse diseases and cannot work (i mean most of those disabled people actuall can work)

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I think if they're born handicapped, its something to consider

but what about someone who had their arms ripped off in a work accident?

how do you know? because you do? you're not a lot of Jow Forums

I know WHY the dog costs so much you idiot. I'm saying that the tax payers shouldn't be paying for the dog.
It's not a virtuous job. It's playing with dogs all day and doing nothing really serious. Your contribution to society is helping tards be a drag on the rest of us.
I know quite a few people irl that lurk here. All of them have degrees or jobs.

mfw all of us are just big cells dividing and our life is meaningless


That's not even an argument you retarded cripple fucker.

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They don't deserve to live any less than you

>saw this coming
So you prepared some bullshit statistics.
Post proof

interesting vid

Of course a Mexican would say this. It's because you know retards in wheelchairs are worth as much as you are.

Do you have a Jow Forums meet up club?

>ad hominem attack

Every fucking time

I know you're a social retard already from reading the OP, but at least try to understand the point.

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Nope, I just meet people interested in politics and sometimes I ask them if they browse Jow Forums.
You'd be surprised how many people do. But Flemings are just unusually based.

Anime and techno garbage. Take your TB 303 and beat yourself in the face with it until you die.

You need some humanity. They allow us to study these diseases. Many like Down syndrome are decreasing due to genetic screening at pregnancy anyways. The handicapped are just about he only ones that welfare should really exist for. Action Plan T4 did what you suggested and was largely fought by the people and Christian leaders at the time.

I’m proud to be neighbors with you guys.

I won't entertain whatever a brown third world drug peddling retard has to tell me.
>muh humanity
Welfare should only for people that have or will contribute to society.

I agree 100%

It will shock people but there's a huge population of people than think exactly like this

Your country is shit. Don’t even bash Mexico based on what you see on pol

The way I see it is your country has two choices: either you continue your social programs which work based on rationing between citizens which the government inevitably decides the value of each life and where they should receive rations from the redistributed income (which in your case includes retards) OR become a capitalist paradise where killing retards could become a business for a enterprising entrepreneur and Fabrique Nationale is allowed to sell me their rifles in bulk shipped to my doorstep.

Are you an atheist?

i got it from v4c, hope yer gay day gets better

>t. Illegal Juan living in America.
You are what ruined America.

Of course he is. He thinks he an intellectual or some shit.

I agree with you, but only if we go all the way and liquidate below 100 iq scum at the same time.

Nobody deserves anything. People are either self sustaining or they aren't.

>Says the aspie that goes around asking people if they browse Jow Forums

While you accuse me of retardation on the basis of memes, we all know you're an autistic retard with no friends, so if anything you have the privilige of being allowed to converse with me. Don't waste it.

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> and the eldery
> and the poor
> and the weak
> and the bad at calculus
> and the one with small tits

the possibilities are unlimited

>le 56% thinks he has room to talk.
Agnostic but I'm a baptised Catholic.
Stop being so butthurt
>I'm an aspie for asking right wing people who are into politics if they browse Jow Forums
Kill yourself you brown retard

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All of those people can and do contribute.

Why do you think you can just kill an innocent person like it's no big deal? How about we execute you for being a literal sociopath?

We're morally obligated to take care of them until they die, or want to die.

I do think we should chemically castrate them though, because their genes are threatening the future of mankind, if they ever manage to mate with anyone.

Why do you think you can just take my money away and spend it on keeping retards alive indefinitely?

No, you're an aspie for even considering forced euthanization of whoever you deem unworthy of life.

I'll be looking forward to the day your name appears in the news as another autsit that went postal.

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>t. socialist

>The handicapped are just about he only ones that welfar
Unironically, this. OP, you're barking up the wrong tree. We can still learn something from the disabled; whether they were born with it or something happened to them, they still deserve welfare more than niggers and single moms who take the most while giving back not only nothing, but negatives at that. Plus, doesn't Belgium have like 70% taxes? You should be angry at your commie government and not at the symptoms of it.

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I think you mean sterilize. Castrate is different.


Britan just started doing that, which is pretty cool i guess.

and I hope to see you beheaded in a liveleak video someday
True but I like a change of pace. And our taxes are like 55%, yeah.
I don't think we should start by killing disabled people but thinking a few steps ahead doesn't hurt.

>t. sociopath.
Seriously, you have problems.

fucking lol
based bongs
Glad they killed Alfie.

I fucking hate nu/pol/

Just because Mexico has a problem with cartels doesn't mean your argument is better than his shithead.

And do what with the money,

>Support Your Retarded Ass?


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Dumbtruck, castration is removing the secual drive, sterilization is removing fertility.

Same reason the government should invest into putting aspies like you in mental health institutions before you attempt to get back at mean chad and stacy in a fit of autistic rage. It's in the interest of society that everyone has a decent life.

People here aren't edgelords and stormfags, it's almost like there are people who come here to have actual discussion about politics, this is surely a big surprise.

No you aren't. They are thieves

well, if you follow this logic as soon as you are deemed "useless" you should get executed. This includes getting old or getting permanently disabled from an accident

Look here, buddy, let me walk you through some math you piece of shit.

What is 56% of 325.7 million?
That is correct. 143.3 million. Belgium has a population of 11.35 million. Do you know what that means? You Belgian faggot? That means we have 12.62 Belgium worth of pure European admixture mutts. Some of which can trace their family origin to as little as 2 countries within Europe.

Do you know what that means?
Whiter than you, Muhammad.

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Because we are a society, you utter moron. That means I'll take care of you if you get your stupid self run over by a truck and become paraplegic. In return I expect the same from you.

A society is an army. An army is a team. You do not leave team members behind, ever.

What is the cutoff point for welfare? Work 50 years and retire as elderly? Work 10 years and some freak accident cripples you? Personally I believe welfare is a scam and we should allow the churches to take back doing charity work. Back in the day everything charity related was a function of the church and people did it out of goodwill.

No, Swedecuck. You aren't listening. This argument is tired and old.
By that logical Brazil is whiter than most of Europe. Of course a mutt wouldn't understand this.

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Why? If I became a paraplegic you should kill me. It would be selfish of me to make anyone take care of me.

Niggers confirmed for just struggling teammates

>Why do you think you can just take my money away and spend it on keeping retards alive indefinitely?

Lmao take it up with you're government, we're not so stupid now for fighting against socialism in any form, it is literally theft whether its to pay for some retards schooling or fund some woman's 10th abortion.

And so, if they are at all able bodied whatsoever, they may be able to complete some menial tasks. And if they have some basic upper body functions and a high IQ they might even be able to do more complicated mental labor that most of you fucks couldn't even accomplish. How does that feel, a literal retard somewhere has a PhD and you don't.

Not to mention, they are sort of a living breathing science project. They give experience to people in the medical field and might even help develop experimental treatments, etc.

I think we should sterilize them so they can't spread their retard genes to the gene pool and cause dysgenics which WILL effect us all someday and already is. But that's about the end of what we agree on. I don't think we have the right to just kill retards. That's morally corrupt.

>politically incorrect
>gets more mad at me for discussing eugenics than my normie friends do

holy shit hahahahahaha

Too bad we can't do that because religion is dead and people are getting brainwashed to become atheists or fill the religious void with some other consumerist garbage.

>the proper use of retards is human experimentation
This desu. The Germans figured this out 80 years ago.

NATURAL SELECTION. KILL all retards, people with brain fuck ups, drug addicts, people who can't figure out how to use a fucking lighter. GEEEAWD! People spend millions of dollars on saving the lives of retards, and why. I don't buy that shit like "oh hes my son though!" so the fuck what, he ain't normal, kill him, put him out his misery. He is only a waste of time and money, then people say "But he is worth the time, he is human too" no he isn't, if he was then he would swallow a bullet cause he would realize what a fucking waste and burden he was.

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That's your choice then. But we won't condemn you to death just for being paraplegic. We all pull together, or it all falls apart.

The essence of being human is ethics. Charity, mercy, and compassion is what make us better than vile niggers and chinks.

Alright, fine, if we go by that metric then no country outside of Europe can hold to your standards. You faggots with your dumb meme move the goal posts so far back that no one can feasibly argue the exact point you're trying to make. However, have you ever considered the possibility that we just don't know how many illegals are here? We have a huge land border with Mexico and subsequently South and Central America as a whole. The only notably white parts of Mexico are the North Western regions and they aren't coming here because they are doing fine economically lol. The actual number of pure huwhites could be 60-65% for all we know. Libshit whites here will grasp at straws to claim they aren't white. They will lie about their heritage because they hate being white that much. So the white guilt european's here will lower the statistic, and spanish mexicans who think they are castizo or mestizo will lower the statistics. + The census doesn't get everybody. The U.S is a large land and there could be whites living out there like the amish that we may not even be able to add to the european statistics. We are fucking massive, you don't understand.

Instead we get 56% face mutts coming over here, with half of their genes belonging to Indios and god forbid 8-13% african genes. But you should understand that they are still a minority, and if any race mixing happens between a Mestizo and a European mutt, it merely bleach's the Indio out of the Mestizo and creates a Castizo which looks almost exclusively European. I have yet to meet a Castizo who doesn't look European. The black population isolates itself and is self containing through homicide/abortion, etc. So they are a non-issue and aren't really in a state of growth for now. Not to mention allot of them are in prisons and can't race mix because of that. All things considered we are not in a lot of danger. At least the mestizos coming over here aren't blowing us up and raping our women like your non-whites.

The problem with dole bludgers is that they don't have to learn any social protocol because they are shielded from dealing with the necessity for resources that is presented if they fail to establish relationships with the people in their community. When the bludger experiences failure their response is to turn to the dole because they recieve positive feedback much quicker than if they changed their methods and the feedback comes from the same community either way so there is never an opportunity for the community to assimilate the bludger into their culture. It's especially wrong because when bludgers breed with each other their union is parasitic and the new person is subject to the will of the bludger which expands the range of human development for the host culture to integrate.

If anything more people lie about being white

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No evidence, and you show a bunch of doctored photos with a fucked up contrast. That image could be utterly fabricated.

Also let's assume it is real. If those are gang members of criminals, that's and infinitesimally small amount of the wider population and would have no impact whatsoever on the statistical trend that you're claiming.

Also you can't fool me, I live around Mexicans. none of them claim to be "white" if you ask them what race they are they will almost always say "I'm mexican".

I like you, yes we shouldnt waste limited resources on non contributors, the every life has a right to live is so much a christian philosophy, when we get to the point of free fusion energy we can have the luxury and hobby of keeping these things alive but till then our resources need to be used for the greater good of future generations

you're hiding something, arent you?

>I think we should sterilize them so they can't spread their retard genes to the gene pool and cause dysgenics which WILL effect us all someday and already is.

I concur; IRREVERSIBLE sterilisation a condition for receiving ANY form of welfare is a legitimately good idea. It's not inhumane and lets people live out their lives while simultaneously acting as a eugenics programme. I don't mind subsidising retards if they don't pass on their genes, especially given that there's cases of crippled/retarded people that manage to contribute and be useful even if they don't have a full-time job.

You have a right to life, but you do NOT get to create any new life and condemn it to a shitty dysgenic existence.
It'd also prevent shitskins/beaners/spics/niggers from breeding like rats which frankly is more than enough reason to go ahead with it. The biggest mistake in US welfare policy was rewarding people for having children when we should be rewarding welfare-recipients for not having children.

Regards don't get dogs you fucking idiot. Tards have human handlers
People who get dogs are people who are injured in an accident or something.
If some count today slammed into you and paralyzed you, don't you think you'd want a fucking dog bro to grab you the remote and get your mail and shit.
Holy fuck are you stupid
But nah I guess because someone else's reckless behavior ruined your life, I guess we should just take you behind the chemical shed and shoot you.

i for one, im in