>Tasks Create memes Spread memes on social media Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion Get fit Spread flyers and stickers in your city
Sheesh, Böhmercucks try really hard but it's cool they show up.
Don't give them advice, I wan't to see their "real" "memes" xD
Blake Clark
you think this is an authentic boomercuck? mildly protruding if veritable
Anthony Taylor
Don't worry, they are impervious to reason and good advice.
"oh no, people share these hateful pictures of a green frog in ethnic clothing and uniforms that i find distateful! i should raid them" t.humorless fuckwits in state-funded TV or bnd/state.
> post a link to a BKA study in faggit/de > oh no truth conflicts with faggits ideology > mods delete it > block your account
And these retards claim that others live in echo chambers.
Austin Ramirez
>REE you sit in a bubble >Posts on a sanitized webpage where you get banned and your door kicked in for having WRONK OPINIONZ
My side is bright, alright. it's bright blue, it's the future from arrogant leadership and arrogant gutmenschen bois like yourself and now i bid you adieu, because it's time for shills to FEEL THE
F I L T E R C H A M B E R Btw, you are also reported for violating the global rules, get fucked, m8.
Germanys leftist filth has to be purged, the government abolished and weapons made available to everyone. I'm fucking tired of living in this socialist shithole. Also nuke Berlin, a cesspool of degeneracy.
Falsch interpretierte Pseudofakten sind keine Argumente. Vielleicht solltest du dir mal deine Studien durchlesen bevor du meinst irgendwas aus ihnen ziehen zu können ;-)
Christopher Reed
let him, this is great if authentic
Ian Davis
so you want to react to a provocation that only works IF you react. Either you are stupid or a shill. I go with second
Bentley Evans
Böhmermann really is the lowest of the low filth you can find in the (((Media))). Fucking rat.
Chase Johnson
We care for this nation, you just follow a cuck and do what you're being told to. Sad and pathetic.. >Love Krauts Hate!
Dylan Williams
>Stale basic level Memes >Unironic Star Wars citation >Memeflag
The only people who are violating the law are rightwing trolls of your kind, who regularly commit hate speech. Maybe you should reflect on that before accusing me of anything;-)
Guys, I think we really should reconsider our positions. Maybe it's not that bad that rape and sexual assault increased within one year by 50% in Bavaria.
MÄNNER Es gibt kein großes konservatives Blatt in Deutschland. Können wir anfangen Breitbart zu spammen damit sie hier eine Filiale öffnen? >inb4 (((Breitbart))) Ich weiß, aber sie können der AfD mehr helfen als so ziemlich alles was wir tun können >inb4 AfD Verpiss dich Kanacke.
Joshua Brown
>Divide & Conquer Why don't we stick together?
Blake Rodriguez
These niggers live in a 1982 orwellian nightmare and don't know it.
Germany is the kind of country where you can be fired from your job because you are a man (woman quotas), get berated because you are white (white guilt, ww2 baggage), get stabbed in the streets because you are a kufar (frankfurt or because of massive immigration) and if you dare to complain about it on twitter, your door gets kicked in.
What a coincidence that the statistic for German perpetrators and German victims is missing Probably has nothing to do with the fact that it's far higher than the immigrant related category though, nazis wouldn't ommit such an important detail ;-)
Levi Ward
I mean "Zuwanderer" (~"Refugees") are around 2% of the population, so they commit >5.9 times more burglaries >9.2 times more rape and sexual assault per person >8.8 times more aggravated assault >8.7 times more robberies >22.4 times more pickpocketing per person, according to their share among suspects found by the police.
I think they can be a great enrichment for our culture.
Also note that the German on German crimes are not contained in the referenced paper, simply by the fact that the paper deals with the recently very important category of crime involving "refugees"
Luke Bailey
Compact Magazin, Shilly-Böhmi.
Again, visit me in Frankfurt and I show you crime statistics.
Camden Roberts
Junge Freiheit (cuckservatives) Sezession/Antaios (Nouvelle Droite) Compact (NazBol) Cato (JF intellectuals) Arcadi (New Right Youth Fanzine)
Hudson Morgan
hate facts! pic unrelated. just the aftermath of some terror attack or something
>Muh perfect gov't is nice, i am a good slave, niggers are humans just like us, we might bring more than 200k into our country every day without a deportation strategy and it increases crime in all sectors, but hey... WIR SCHAFFEN DAS.
Is there a news article about this incident? Source? It's a pretty severe attack.
Juan Anderson
i learned dreisatz from watching funk - the post
Owen Scott
It is not about the total number you faggot, it is about relativity. If every tenth person has aids, a group of a hundred people has ten times more aids than a group of 10 people. You can check it out yourself then, BKA statistics are posted for everyone free to look at.
Julian Perry
Is true though, you niggers don't understand memes, because you have CEOs hogging over your shoulder that are out-of-touch 40 year olds with nice suits who have never worked honestly and would get their ass handed if they had any other interaction with a türk outside of their purchase of a döner.
James Davis
>Compact Magazin, Shilly-Böhmi. Klein, relativ unbekannt
Siehe oben.
Ich rede von einer "Zeitung" die sowohl aktiv ist, als auch seriös genug wirkt um große Massen zu erreichen. Unbekannte rechte Blogs sind gut für redpills aber wertlos für die große Masse.
>it's far higher than the immigrant related category though Well of course it fucking is. There's far more germans.
Zachary Turner
>further proving our point Sad!
Samuel Green
>Welt >Zeit und Spiegel zum größten Teil >Faz >konservativ Genau wie die CDU, nicht wahr? Und Spiegel ist ziemlich Links, selbst mit CDU Standards
Michael Thompson
>Closed minds stop thought-crimes
That's pretty good
Carter Hall
Naw ... meanwhile a coalburner paid her toll in Hamburg ... including the child that came from it. Nigger stabbed her to death on the subway platform AND murdered the child by almost severing her head. #Liebeistueberall
"Well of course it fucking is." Glad to see you're agreeing with me on that point ;-). So why are you so concerned about one isolated incident caused by an immigrant, when there are 99 other things going on by German perpetrators?
Sebastian Wright
>mimimimimi Get burned, like your grandparents did.
tfw like to read Achse des Guten but blatant Israel shilling is getting annoying
Brody Perry
oy afd cuckservative fags just stop.. yall aint doin shite and you are just one of those parties tryna funnel the generally resentfull crowd into votes with false and empty promises. OH and dont use pepes.. just DONT and DONT use smurf pepes to seem hip
If there would be the same amount of immigrants as there are Germans, there would be an exremely high crime rate, with Immigrants eclipsing Germans by far.
Daily routine >open Welt >”muh Antisemetismus in DE” >open Zeit >”muh trannies in DE” >open FAZ >”muh Fachkräftemangel” All of these need to be gassed.
Dominic Thompson
I am ethnic german, but I don't identify myself with this fascist state or its people.
David Davis
"If there would be the same amount of immigrants as there are Germans"
Unfortunately there isn't. So you're getting upset over an issue that only exists in your imagination
OK, now that we know you're a bluepilled Krautcuck, how about you let us know what libshit city you are from so we can point you towards the nearest place you can receive a nice dose of redpills.