This shit is getting harder and harder to listen to

TDS such an exciting discovery when I started listening years ago. But now it's actually painful to force myself through it. I know they want to be the Opie and Anthony of the alt right, but Opie and Anthony didn't spent fifteen minutes talking in circles about technical difficulties every episode. O and A were radio professionals that understood that the moment they ceased to entertain the audience the audience would go away. The issue with TDS is that they know their audience is bound to them by the lack of other high (it was high at least) quality alt right media and the fact that people with our beliefs are socially isolated.

So we're stuck with them and they know it and as a result they can insist that Sven/Mcnabbposting is acceptable and entertaining.

I think I'm done. Lately I find myself listening to Radio Wehrwolf, and the Faschcast and other extremist shit that I don't actually even believe in, but I listen because at least those people sound like they're engaged in something, not just farting into a microphone and laughing about how they didn't do any "prep." Don;t even get me started on all the gay shit.

Anyone got got a suggestion for what I could listen to? I wish Weev would put out more episodes of his show, also, please don't suggest radical agenda.

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Ohh look, Moarpheus is back for another round of humiliation.

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Fuck Ethnarch

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I strongly recommend getting the fuck away from what's let of the alt-right, and try and get into something more healthy and intellectual
I listen on a weekly basis to Myth of the 20th Century, which can be found on I also check out Thermidor's podcasts and The Josias when they come out, on top of some weekly humorous shit for some more light-hearted stuff
Also, go to church and read some books

OP here. I listen to Sargon of Akkad now. Call him cucked or whatever, but his intellectual breadth is stunning.

This, get into some old school fascism, authentic National socialism, or something in the esoteric right

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>Sargon of Akkad
Stop, now. Liberalism is a poison of the mind.

That stupid salute has set them back so much lol. Self-cuckery at its finest.

I listen to the sweat and FTN.

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