German Memewar is on and we need your help!

Quick rundown:
German state TV has used our tax dollars to launch a big propaganda campaign.
They want „fight hate with love“ and started an discord with state agents and normie cucks to counter our meme warfare.

They also try to bait posters into stating illegal opinions and get them sued.

What to do?
We need your help to high-jack their hashtags #Liebeisrechts #ReqonquistaInternet #Rechtkommt and bomb them with red-pills.

Lets convert the normie scum and suck them into our rabbit hole.

This propaganda campaign has to backfire.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>This propaganda campaign has to backfire
stopped reading right there

Screenshot from inside the discord made by:

basically telling them how to sue people for illegal opinions


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weak transparent attempt to get feedback
kys faggot, traitors before enemies

Any spicy ideas for subversive slogans/memes to sneak into the Böhmercucks' campaign?

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Shills are allready here, we are doing great so far.

Also, post red-pills ITT so we have our ammo stacked for twitter.

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Have a Bümp

if you don't get why a non answer to this shit is the best answer you deserve a tree planted in your name

Thanks mate

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>don't red-pill normies who are already willing to waste time on meme warfare.

Turning commies into national socialists was exactly what brought Hitler his power.

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where did I say you shouldn't redpill normies you faggot?

What I say is that the best reaction to such an endeavour is to use the second face of power, non decision making. Let them run into nothingness and embarrass themselves. They can not win against an enemy that doesn't deliver them a reason to exist. Also don't post random info charts from Jow Forums outside Jow Forums, that is retarded, go with discussing facts and link to research paper, normies are easy to get with the appeal to authority falacy

>Illegal opinions

Do you really think they will stop after this?

This is just the beginning, they start to step their game up and we need to crush their attempts to beat us on our playing field.

What do we have to loose by this anyway?
this video is the best normie friendly politically correct argument redpill on immigration


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lmao leftists trying memewarfare

How is that a bad thing?
We can't beat them at their game. they can't beat us at our game.


What is an 'illegal opinion' besides 'Volksverhetzung' and the suchlike?

Can you give an example?

Bait thread to slide this :

Bump bump bump we need the left off the internet and out of our country.

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Yep. My favorite chummer.

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First off Jow Forums isnt your personal army and second of all how do I know this is real and not some bullshit made to discredit right wing people in Germany even more?

>What do we have to loose by this anyway?
Giving them a reason to sink more tax money into this shit and give them the material they can present as evidence

Go fuck yourself retard, 80% chance you are a shill yourself

Nobody cares about dead sandniggers.

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Stfu dumb sand*igger and go back to your masters.

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I already posted my meme. It goes without saying that if you're in Germany, have a good vpn. If you're in the United States, either an American who speaks German or a German expat, I encourage you to go there with your real up. Let them try and come after you. Make sure these faggots know that you're protected by the first amendment and that fucking cunt Merkel can't do shit to you!

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>They also try to bait posters into stating illegal opinions and get them sued.
>illegal opinions

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His video where he declares war on us.

His twitter account, you can see the posts, he is a well known jester for state TV

Germanbros, remember that they also plan to sue you, you should stay away from this one.

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>you can lose your job and college spot for writing nigger on facebook
>hurr durr illegal opinions in Germany
Really nigger?

I approve this thread

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i wonder how they plan to sue US citizens when they post 'heil hitler' in that discord?

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Nice way to derail this.

Other red-pills are better for obvious reasons.

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Look mate I dont speak german can you give me a quick tl;dr of what he says in the video?

Make sure you tag all the far right twitterers when these tags get started, and they will retweet and send an army to counter the propaganda.

The question is how did it get this bad?

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>illegal opinions
This world is so fucked

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He is mocking the reconquista germanica discord (a discord of a right-wing youtuber which has been taken down by SJWs) as lowlife NEETs who do nothing except masturbating.

He warns public about the evil nadzi trolls who are out there to offend poor minorities and in the end he advertises "his own" (the state founded) discord channel to counter "hate with love".

They are recruiting their normie army now to bait us with cringe-worthy memes and sue us when we loos our shit.

American college retards invented PC culture, brits picked it up and both spread it to the continent.

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>Stopped reading at the end of the post

I'll support and prayers my fellow Germans.
>inb4 mutt
Parents emigrated to US after WW2, Family was Kreigsmarine in WW2.

But the best way? Gaslight, by that I mean, speak to them on a common platform, whether it be something about their daily life, or more so about their hobbies. Get interested in it, become a friend, then slowly, and by slowly relate something from their hobbies to a political or social issue OTHER THAN RACE OR IMMIGRATION OR "HATE". Example as memey as possible:

>You: "Hi there, I enjoy video games!"
>Normie: "Hi! I do too!"
>You: "I generally play R6S, up for it?"
>Normie: "Yeah man, lets go!"
>after a few days or weekends of establishing normalcy or a routine with them
>You: "Man the G36 is seriously nice, gotta love how our weapon designers made something so good that even other countries buy it!"
>Normie: "Yeah, I guess we do make good things"


Once that happens you know you've got a way in, you can start speaking to them on other issues, but continue and start small:


Things that are not necessarily political, but can be if you choose to make it, start establishing good things about those items or subjects, relate them back to a "exploratory" era, like the 60s or 70s, shit on East Germany for not allowing people to "express themselves", and further reinforce the need for personal freedoms. Once you do that, you can start pushing from personal freedom to - personal protection. If they agree, then you know they are ready, if they value their life, their family above others, then they are open to discussion. Try phrases like:

>"Man if someone ever tried to kill my mom, I'd end the guy immediately, no one touches my family"

Show how crappy the world is getting, slowly but surely they will realize that not everything is happy go lucky, and the curtain will drop. This is a long haul game. Don't go full in, but gradually.

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I would post these directly but I don't know how to use hashtags to get into servers

What's an illegal opinion? It's my opinion that Merkel should get gang raped by migrants and set on fire. Is that illegal?

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Ur gonna need it germanbros

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That's a nice plan you have there and I don't know how it works in america, but you can be a lot more open about it here and don't have to go to such extreme lengths.

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>stating illegal opinions

Sorry Germany, you passed these laws. You enjoy dying by them.

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See here Kill yourself, retard.
Americans need to stop acting superior when you're the most mutted western country and the literal source of leftist cancer in modern societies.


True, but as I said, don't form the friendship/relationship based around converting someone, do it slowly and for the reason of being a friend. This will show yourself as not only someone that cares, but pyschologically that person would come to rely on fellow humans, fellow citizens, fellow GERMANS for support rather than the Government or outside influences.

It encourages essentially, the "survival ability" to flourish and stimulates critical thinking, making an individual self aware is the best form red pilling, a slow burn, but in the end after time, he will go on to subconsciously do the same thing to other "normies".

The Governments around the world do it, but they do it extremely bluntly, because hey! Everyone trusts the Government! Right?

Just let them chimp out and do nothing its better this way since it avoids a lot of problems.

Only the nigger derailers are doing it, I am giving redpill gold and would post but i'm a pleb when it comes to discord.

Wait, this wasn't satire ? What the fuck.

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>Only the nigger derailers are doing it,
I wish I could believe that, but it's been a thing for years, even if Trump made it worse.


>They also try to bait posters into stating illegal opinions and get them sued.
This is a strange timeline we're in.

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what are german memes? is it just stats and graphs?

niggers have been here for longer then trump.

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What is your image about? Can I get a rundown?

(I'm trying to collect stuff like pic related)

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what the fuck are you doing that gun is the wrong gun and its the wrong date you fucking moron

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it's the right gun, the otherone is way bigger and takes acouple rails.

The blue one shows foreigners as victims and natives as assaulters
The red one foreigners as assaulters and natives as victims
The beige one foreigners as victims and assaulters.

First one is about crime in general
second about murder and manslaughter
third one about rape and other sexual assaults.

I really like your graph. It's very nice.

it already got a couple of rails. Its the gustav this is the paris gun. its much more accurate

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>telling them how to sue people for illegal opinions
I hate our establishment media so fucking much.
Alles links-grün versiffte Hurensöhne

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i'm talking about the nbigger one that is way bigger then a muhan and takes about 20 men to man it(pic related).

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>German Memewar is on and we need your help!

The French campaign for Le Pen failed because of lack of penetration to the French parts of the internet. All the memes in the world won't matter unless the Germans focus on taking the memetic resources and disseminating into the German speaking internet realms.

mhhh, maybe I should be worried given our retarded legal system, where calling Claudia Roth disgusting will get you a 3000€ fine.

I'm a smaller fish in the 150 Nazi Troll pond and haven't posted anything to spicy on my twitter, but still.

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Thanks for the explanation. I will screencap it and it to my collection, along with the image. Cheers.

Just stay legal, it's not that hard, don't let your freedom of speech (or what's left of it) take away by their fear-mongering

It was overruled

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Does anybody have the screencap about why the allies destroyed the german statues btw?