I'll support and prayers my fellow Germans.
>inb4 mutt
Parents emigrated to US after WW2, Family was Kreigsmarine in WW2.
But the best way? Gaslight, by that I mean, speak to them on a common platform, whether it be something about their daily life, or more so about their hobbies. Get interested in it, become a friend, then slowly, and by slowly relate something from their hobbies to a political or social issue OTHER THAN RACE OR IMMIGRATION OR "HATE". Example as memey as possible:
>You: "Hi there, I enjoy video games!"
>Normie: "Hi! I do too!"
>You: "I generally play R6S, up for it?"
>Normie: "Yeah man, lets go!"
>after a few days or weekends of establishing normalcy or a routine with them
>You: "Man the G36 is seriously nice, gotta love how our weapon designers made something so good that even other countries buy it!"
>Normie: "Yeah, I guess we do make good things"
Once that happens you know you've got a way in, you can start speaking to them on other issues, but continue and start small:
Things that are not necessarily political, but can be if you choose to make it, start establishing good things about those items or subjects, relate them back to a "exploratory" era, like the 60s or 70s, shit on East Germany for not allowing people to "express themselves", and further reinforce the need for personal freedoms. Once you do that, you can start pushing from personal freedom to - personal protection. If they agree, then you know they are ready, if they value their life, their family above others, then they are open to discussion. Try phrases like:
>"Man if someone ever tried to kill my mom, I'd end the guy immediately, no one touches my family"
Show how crappy the world is getting, slowly but surely they will realize that not everything is happy go lucky, and the curtain will drop. This is a long haul game. Don't go full in, but gradually.
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