The holocaust happened

Used to be a holocaust denier. Then did exhaustive research to better deny it happened and found enough evidence that it did. at least at aushcwitz

Fite me

Pic related animated recon photo of group of jews being led into the road leading to krema 2 and 3. The first specifically designed gas chambers. (not retrofits)

Attached: kreamatorium crowd.gif (224x399, 276K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews did it

Not bumping this drivel.

Attached: image.jpg (500x375, 124K)

heya baby raping and killing leftypol, still angry that Trump saved the world? I'm glad you're suffering

>in all fielded

There is no logical reason for rightwing retards or vodkashills to bump this thread, as it does not push their propaganda agenda, therefore you will not get any replies.

Another recon photo series of the famous burning pits behind krema 5. My next post will have a ground level photo (the only photo in existence that was smuggled out) of these pits in operation at ground level. (there are many pictures from the air of these pits in operation)

Attached: krematorium burning pit.gif (501x279, 281K)

>1 id post.
What are you sliding schlomo?

The only photo in existence of jews being burned in pits. These pictures often dont show up in holohoax threads for obvious reasons

You can compare it to the recon photo and quickly realize its the same exact place with matching fence distance and the forest in the background

Attached: jew pit.png (708x757, 311K)

>people died in labor camps
>therefore hitler millions of kikes in disguised fake shower room gas chambers

thanks for the bluepill, chaim. sage.

>These pictures often dont show up in holohoax threads for obvious reasons
Bumping because, again, discord agents would never have any reason to do so as this directly counters their narrative.

I dare you to answer one (1) basic question about the holocaust: why burn the bodies? No genocide in human history has ever involved systematically burning all the bodies. Burning human bodies takes precious time, effort and fuel. These resources are not wasted for no reason and especially not during a time of war. Why burn the bodies? Start by answering that. It deviates from normally observed conduct in all of recorded human history. Why burn them? Human bodies are sometimes burned during an outbreak of a deadly disease. This does not follow the holocaust narrative. These jews did not die from a natural disease but were murdered. Why burn the bodies?

In case anyone is wondering the OP is the butthurt antifa fag that got BTFO in this thread () so he started a new thread to try again. Don't bother engaging.

Bumpity bump

>thousands of people dropping dead every single day to the point where 46 operational cremation ovens stuffed with multiple bodies are not enough to burn the bodies and the germans have to dig multiple trenches and fill them with hundreds of bodies and burn them to keep up with all the sick people dying

lol people actually believe this. They also dont know that inmates started getting vaccinated for typhus in late 1943 after the first major outbreak.

these photos are from 1944 lol

I'm a right wing retard but I'll still bump this thread because you can be a right wing retard without being so retarded that you deny the holocaust!

yo do you have a twitter account? i liked your post last thread you seem like an interesting guy

Mass graves are bad for the environment and can poison ground water.

Mass graves are evidence of war crimes that can be exhumed thousands of years later.

Burning bodies and dumping the ash in rivers is the best way to make people disappear forever without a trace.

got banned from twitter

You have not proved anything at all, little Jew. People die in wars:

> gas chambers
Kek. Typhoid was common in those fields, gas chambers were used to clean clothes.

I can't see any systematic deaths, just a jew pretending to bullshit about the great government of National-Socialist Germany.

Just try harder.

i honestly don't even care. It's been used as a bludgeon against the goyim for way too long. aggressive guilt tripping is a nasty little habit of the jews
>cries out
>strikes you


Attached: 1524181781739.png (1804x2160, 453K)

What is Typhus

>Burning bodies and dumping the ash in rivers is the best way to make people disappear forever without a trace.
This is what Stalin did, right? No. Mass graves are much easier than it.

>Mass graves are evidence of war crimes that can be exhumed thousands of years later.
>implying Hitler would care about this

even if the alt-right is filled with retards, race realism is still a thing, culture still obviously derive from a people and race seem correlated with political affiliation. Not including all the other smaller but still important social implications and the possible south africa type of outcomes.

What im saying is what's the plan, you just try to live you life and be as comfy as you can? what about the children, what am i supposed to tell them?

>Then did exhaustive research to better deny it happened and found enough evidence that it did.
Then post the damn evidence, fag.

Apparently none of these reasons were enough for anyone at any point in all of human history to bother burning non-diseased corpses. Gee. it kinda sounds like they aren't a reasonable answer at all.

>Jow Forums is right Wing

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You know there were gas chambers at this camp specifically designed for clothes right in the middle of the camp?

You know there were 5 other gas chambers that were not for this purpose right? And they were , for the exception of 1 , all located in the corners (and some outside the fences) of the camp?

Attached: auschwitz-disinfection-chamber.jpg (637x454, 58K)

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Quote isn't Voltaire, stormweenie.

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lol have you ever opened a history book? People burned masses of bodies all the time you stupid fuck. It was extremely common in warfare.

>Inmates in death camps geting vaxed. GERMANS WERE IN ON THE VAXING.

>most sophisticated engineers in human history
>best they can come up with is a SS man climbing a stepladder and dropping shit through holes

Attached: peakmutt.png (400x440, 25K)

an holocaust thread always get replies lol


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>Apparently none of these reasons were enough for anyone at any point in all of human history to bother burning non-diseased corpses.

Attached: 1524076386115.jpg (700x700, 88K)

>most sophisticated engineers
>their weaponry was crap and broke down everywhere after the initial manufactured ones got wasted in Russia
>the Jewish scientists they kicked out helped the US make the bombs that glassed the japs

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sorry i never went to storm weenie im only here for the thai knitting board

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Please educate us on why they chose to convert a bomb shelter to a gas chamber, instead of building a purpose made one.

>not understanding how auscwitz functioned

It was a bunch of camps. Labor camps. And then they had a train that went straight up to the gas chamber.

The jews who arrived on train to the gas chambers were immediately gassed. The laborers were in a different part of the camp and all lived in those wooden huts.

Attached: 1520298910303.png (403x448, 57K)

>Uses ad hominem
Let me ask again jew what are you sliding?

1. The first gas chamber was a retrofit. this is true , it was then shut down and converted to a shelter.

2. They did. They designed 4 specifically designed gas chambers.

For whatever reason people think auschwitz only had one gas chamber. There were like 6-7 if you count the white bunker in the woods.

Attached: 1499774675214.jpg (818x4910, 1.3M)

>Uses an ad hominem when getting btfo'd
Everytime remember sage in all fields.

>Zyklon B is not the gas who le evil nazis used to gas peaceful merchant people
>Zyklon B is the gas who kill jewish people, said by Nyzkor
The narrative has changed two times in the text. Who should I believe in? KEK.

>picture directly addresses his
>you get mad

I just made an anti-stormweenie folder because it's easily the best effort : trigger ratio. Nobody gets butthurt like holocaust deniers when they get btfo.

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The Holocaust did happen, but it wasn't done by Germans who executed camp guards more murdering Jews. It was done by Croatians, Balts, and primarily Ukrainians. The Eastern Europeans hated Jews and showed great enthusiasm in killing them, in many cases before the Germans even got there. The Ukrainians, in particular, were very keen on it as revenge for the Holodomor. The Einsatzgruppen in Ukraine were very real, and they killed a lot of Jews.

No boy. German weaponry was gud. Just never enough. They were outgunned in Russia.

Wait it did?

My sides!
Jesus christ why the hell did they change it? Unless they knew they don't believe in their own shit.

Attached: 1505507866106.jpg (2056x2736, 3.56M)

Then post evidence. We are discussing what the nazis did. Therefore I seek examples of other people doing what the nazis did. I want to see these historical accounts of millions of bodies meticulously burned in an oven designed for that purpose, consuming untold amounts of manpower and fuel night and day until only ashes remain. An operation that is sustained 24/7 over many years for no particularly gain. Show me someone else who did what the nazis did or acknowledge that the nazis did something that no one does.

>what is Jet engine, rocket tech, night-vision and dozens of other things engineered with entire world against them
>thinks the Jews invented nukes, rather than stealing the research from Europeans just like everything else they have (((invented)))

Attached: Whatcouldhavebeen2.jpg (1600x900, 183K)

>muh german engineering
>the very first 5 tiger tanks deployed into battle all broke down
>"we dont need a heavy bomber"
>"I really like this bf110 plane , lets keep producing it"
>"jet fighters? no we need jet bombers"

I am not getting mad but I can tell it is obvious pilpulling even I can smell you getting assblasted all the way over here when you get utterly destroyed.

Everything made after Barbarossa was shit when they realized they vastly overestimated their manufacturing capabilities. The greatest example was the king panzers. Shit was so cost inefficient it was laughable. And the luftwaffe was run by an idiot who thought his planes were way better than they were, costing them their entire supply line setup and getting them BTFO

why dont you answer my question mate free me from this hell


There it is. Stormweenie confirmed. You really should avoid that term, everyone knows only your discord chat uses it.

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moving the goalposts here. You asked for evidence that people ever got rid of masses of bodies by burning them.

Dont think the roman empire had access to coke fired crematoriums. But they burned alot of bodies.

I can't read Hebrew.

Fuck off kike


The more and more I read about Germany in WWII, the more and more I come to the understanding that a lot of it was grug-posting

why are there so many civvies and why are they all black?

good luck with your folder
[spoiler]not like you dont already have one[/spoiler]

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>Absolutely no evidence of ashes being dumped to the nearby river.

Do you have any fucking idea how much ash comes out of hundreds of thousands of people?

>Continues to prove mg point.
>Thinks I uses ((discord.))
Keep the salty tears coming.... Also cannot believe you guys actually changed some of your own text.
>Anybody I disagree with is a stormweenie.
Keep contradicting youe self chaim.

And those were all coincidentally destroyed. Yet they didn't destroy the 'retrofit'. Why were all the 'death camps' only on the Soviet side? Why does Dachau, which I've personally visited, have a gas chamber and crematorium in perfect condition that is claimed to never have been used?

Attached: 800px-Aushwitz-_hundreds_of_thousands_walked_down_these_steps.jpg (800x531, 192K)

I said I have one, retard. Learn to read.

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>equating Hitlers brainlet decisions with Germans being poor engineers
name better ones then.

Attached: SwedishWaffenSS.jpg (500x666, 97K)

i-i-i-i-i don't use the discord!!!!
y-y-y-y-you're a jew!!!!!

Attached: 1524259866912.png (628x621, 180K)

They went into Barbarossa with 3 times less armour and planes rhan the Russians. Even if thier tech was shit as you imply, the Russians was even worse.

sorry i just dont even read what youre saying i honestly dont care

Attached: 1520602870594.jpg (4500x4602, 3.88M)

>If I keep using shitty memes and ad hominems I will prove I am not a shill who is obviously sliding something.
Y y y our a storm weenie stop questioning history already!

Lovcap blogspot

Attached: 10006923_10200927943320191_7717034029658145446_n.jpg (650x702, 88K)

Do you have any idea what ash is and how a moving river would deal with it? Do you know what erosion is?

And? The Russians didn't need better tech (even though they eventually got it through the US sending them so much shit). They had 1000x better supply lines and understanding of terrain.

Attached: 1520385725242.jpg (500x492, 45K)

Americans had better engineers

Attached: 1523134996074.jpg (628x594, 146K)

You ok man?

The US had better military hardware than the germans

For every 10 tigers the US had like 30 shermans and they didnt break down all the time unlike the german tanks.

Was the tiger a better tank than the sherman one on one? yes.

Does that matter? no because thats not what tanks were for.

You assblasted? Do not worry remember to keep crying how you temple got destroyed.

Ya, i thought we were talking about the logistics of why Barbarossa was the beginning of the end?

hey at least im not just randomly picking reaction images im actually trying to learn something...youre not even human youre just a jidf shill...goodbye jew

Any testimonies speaking of bright red bodies, coming from eye witness testimonies? This could potential swing me either way.

However if there is no assertion of this, by any eyewitnesses, then by all accounts it did not happen. For if not a single one of them accurately described the corpse of a victim of Cyanide Hydrogen, then the mass murder of people, via Cyanide Hydrogen could not have happened.

This picture of a bush fire in Australia is a proof that Russia is bombing us.

Attached: bush-fire.jpg (1280x853, 156K)

>If it's not on the ((history books)) it is automatically false.
I can smell some serious jewry.

>learn something
>desperate damage control stormfag propaganda

Not the same thing

Attached: 1517766575023.jpg (1807x1236, 702K)

>implying the overwhelming majority were not of German/Germanic descent

Attached: bigBertha.jpg (750x421, 98K)

>animated gif
i wont believe it until you show me the 4k gopro footage

Attached: water.jpg (325x460, 20K)

Fucking jews, coming to a National-Socialist board to spray lies.

Our patience has its limits. One day we'll shut their dirty, lying, globalist, jewish mouths!

Attached: goebbels_berlin_february_1933.jpg (622x451, 109K)

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Almost all of America at that point was Northern European.

Attached: 1518384784279.gif (2000x2515, 1.47M)

this pic of a hot bitch is proof i have a gf
[spoiler]tfw no gf[spoiler]

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They are also playing both sides which fails spectacularly they say hitler worked for the jews according to jtl while contradicting their own sources then they say hitler did kill jews out of pity and that hitler hated animals and shit, they shoot them selves on a foot multiple of occasions.

21 of these questions are already answered brb getting on my pc to show they have already been answered.