Literally why was this a thing?

Literally why was this a thing?

Attached: 1524949679212.jpg (750x421, 105K)

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why do you keep making this thread?

its the first time i make it

Nazism is literally LARP: The Ideology

Attached: larp.jpg (930x1280, 191K)

Nazis were retarded and built impractical things like this for show.

It had a surprisingly short range, they made other, smaller cannons that could reach across the English Channel.


if I remember correctly it was used to annihilate the last bunkers used by the french in the maginot line but i might be wrong; anyway, go lurk on the wikis faggot

This is the 3rd time I've seen it.

You sound supremely well versed in the English language.

Because it's fucking dope, but also this