Literally why was this a thing?
Literally why was this a thing?
Chase Cooper
Leo Brown
why do you keep making this thread?
Brody Robinson
its the first time i make it
Christian Clark
Nazism is literally LARP: The Ideology
Lucas Harris
Nazis were retarded and built impractical things like this for show.
It had a surprisingly short range, they made other, smaller cannons that could reach across the English Channel.
Blake Barnes
Owen Lopez
if I remember correctly it was used to annihilate the last bunkers used by the french in the maginot line but i might be wrong; anyway, go lurk on the wikis faggot
Eli Sanchez
This is the 3rd time I've seen it.
Jacob Moore
You sound supremely well versed in the English language.
Michael Roberts
Because it's fucking dope, but also this