So in Oslo there is now a major problem that Blacks and pakis give white kids tickets, and beat them up if they dont pay. Hows it going in your EU country? Mine is fucked.
Rest in piss Norgay
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tickets for what lul
>give white kids tickets
what for
basically they text them saying. "you looked at me wrong today" give me 100 euro or me and my gang will beat u up.
Wtf we´re not even that cucked in Sweden
It's alright here as long as you don't live in or near a muslim ghetto. Our media and politicians are still doing their best to cuck us, though.
i believe you, but i want to read a news source if you have one, or pics or some
>thinking that Jew-owned media companies would ever cover something like this
How do they get they phone number?
How long until all our nations turn into "Yugoslavia 2.0, bigger, longer and uncut"