Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

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he's not wrong, it's basically a bunch of losers with no lives wanting to feel important

So, if fiction can mirror reality, is it racist?
Can you actually make money by being offended?

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Deep down they want me

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Matt Groening is from Oregon, so he is full aware of the habitually offended fag ops.

oh, now he's realizing it?
dumb cunt, simpsons is part of the problem
you made your bed, fucking lie in it

Untill he makes an episode called Apu in the Loo he can fuck off with his generic and formulaic normie cartoon

Most 7/11 franchises are run by Indians


>be a part of the problem

Typical Jew move, you made this happen to yourself Matt

like how he got butt-wrecked about trumps meanie words?

He is loyal to his race.

>against pc


More to the point, in libshit echo chambers, it's actually considered an accomplishment to be offended, like having cleaned your room or mowed the lawn.

"You're too sensitive, it's just a jooooke" is a retarded defense by brainless dolts who can't accept criticism, and can only listen to opinions that validate their efforts. Intelligent people are able to listen to all opinions, and change theirs as they hear better arguments. If you think you are right every single time you are criticized, you're probably never right.
^ The above have ZERO to do with racism or being offended by Apu. You can apply this to ANY scenario.


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being offended isn't an argument, brainlet

> being offended
> making an argument

Pick one.

And if you think you're right every single time you give criticism, you are probably never right.

I unironically loved Apu before this whole shitstorm started

>One of the most wholesome characters in the Simpsons
>An affectionate parody of a real thing, even in my midwest 98% white town every single gas station is run by poos
>That fucking joke where he puts his nephew on the counter and he whips out a fucking shotgun makes me cry laughing every time
>He's one of the main playable characters in almost every single Simpsons game, chosen above most others
>abloo bloo bloo but he's Indian tho

These people don't actually care about the Simpsons

If I make a song about killing niggers does that mean I should have niggers force me to change it?

Whatever happened to: If you don't like it, don't ____ it?

TV needs to end. Everything is offensive to the new generation. All shows need to be a big fat black lesbian woman who just smiles quietly, then we can know that everything's fine.

right, glad we agree.
It isn't, and neither is pointing that out friend. Read my post, see how it is more nuanced that yours? Maybe you could learn from me, I charge by the hour.
Genuinely curious, what do you think my position is?

>That pic


>MFW a guy who was considered a far left loon and made fun for such on the show is now shitting on feignting counch lefties
What a timeline

>If I make a song about killing niggers does that mean I should have niggers force me to change it?
I agree with the spirit of the argument, but if you're openly advocating for murder, yeah you should probably change it. You'd probably not like someone writing a song about killing you right? Unless you want to lie and say a song about murdering you has literally no bearing on you.

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groening has fuck-you money, that's all
he doesn't give a fuck
he should've killed the Simpsons 15 years ago instead of letting it become yet another franchise for normie faggots to watch the GEOTUS get bashed poorly

What are you even going on about sperg? You don't have to argue if you're offensive or not shit for brains. What does or doesn't offend a certain individual is not your problem. In America we don't have to police our tongue to satisfy every cry baby pussy that can't take a joke. The only reason they even have that power is because no one has the balls to just tell them to fuck off when they become the next social justice target. Lay off the dope

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Wow, I can tell you're backing up this opinion with no doubt countless hours of research. You're not one of those brainlets who lets their initial emotional reactions and insecurities guide their opinion on every single issue with long nonsensical rants and childish language. You're an intellectual who decided "complain mean bad!" by really analyzing the situation. Maybe reread my post, because it argues that the defense of something being a joke is a weak defense, not that being offended should matter intrinsically.

Please respond user, making fun of you is actually a good time. Do you have any opinions on the wage gap by chance?

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>apu in the loo


>not an argument

guy is a beloved iconic character

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>just say slavery

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Apu was a successful businessman with a hot wife and 8 kids. I honestly don't see the problem.

Too scared to debate big boy? Gotta hide behind your Jow Forums approved meme? Hey what's your thoughts on black crime statistics? I bet you have some great memes that decided your opinion for you don't you?

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Hey get that nose outta there!

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Voiced by a white guy..when do the riots start?

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Why should someone have to change the content of their work? If you don’t like a song about killing niggers, you don’t have to hear it. Alternatively, you can write your own nigger loving song, which some might find offensive.

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I hope this show gets cancelled
If they don't get rid of that character it should be cancelled. Just put that sorry excuse of a cartoon out of it's misery

Labeling it racist is the perfect pretext to have it pulled off the air

Nah, the left is actually right on this issue. Simpsons mocks literally everyone. Indians don't deserve to be treated like everyone else.