What keeps you coming to Jow Forums?
What keeps you coming to Jow Forums?
i dont have a life
The hilarious autism of the posters here.
hoping for the REAL and LAST happening
funnier than TV, can shitpoat, and it costs $0
I only feel alive when I'm angry
You gay mom.
I just want to witnes happening
My absolute hatred of the British.
i lasted away from this place like 3 days...
it's finals season.
study break = Jow Forums
white nationalism has slowed down recently though..it ended when people think racial exploitation is justified.
it's like how Jow Forums went from lifting regimens to whining about women.
i hate white people and love seeing their slow demise
pictures of venti milkers
You, user. I'm here for you.
REAL freedom of speech and expression. No karma system like the sheep at reddit. Intelligence level is higher than reddit.
>Not /b/
>Not considering stupid people and shills
gtfo !
I almost don't come now. This is the first time I entered in more than a week and I'll probably leave in less than a minute like the last time.
makes pol sound way more interesting than it actually is
The crushing alienation and loneliness of clown world
and this
The fact that others here hate nonwhites and love Hitler as much as I do.
Truth. Unfiltered opinions.
How many of the above posts were done by white hands?
>one or two?
Board is ruined.
The question should be
>why do you come to pol and pretend to be white.
>why do you complain about Jews when you think you are cleverly 'jewing' yourself
Fuck Kangya and fuck 56% of you because you shouldn't be here.
Why do you think we are in demise.
The real news and events that are posted here are interesting and v funny with the autism that ensues with it
And most of all this.
>doesn’t know that also include him
This is why I continue coming here though.
I think it's important to see how retarded other echo chambers are from time to time
This isn't Jow Forums anymore. We are now one and the same with the "evil" that post speaks of.
This place is indistinguishable from normie web
the happenings and the banter.
plus I like to see what people from other countries have to say about issues.
that would mean the goyim know and they clearly don't yet
Other people drink fuck do drugs i just come here to trigger some nazis after a long day at work also no gf
No, it means Jow Forums doesn't know
Used to be Brit/pol/ until it became a bbc circlejerk thread.
Now it’s all day searching for Islam will rule the world threads
The fact that I unironically have no other form of social interaction
Dopamine addiction. Facebook squeezes to little for my needs. /pol gives full load. Mmmm.
Found the goyim.
its like visiting an autistic oracle with a sense of humor, a psychic pulse on the planet.
LULZ and pizzagate
I come here for the memes.
The board is gone now. Ruined by unemployed poos and migrants that go on pol the minute they wake up to attack white people from underneath our own flags.
Fucking Syria Gerneral should have been drop kicked when it showed up. Now we have Kangya revealing that 56% here are larping as white.
Anyone attacking white countries aren't white unless it's brutally obvious they are, like when Germs and Brits fight and that's when it's a good laugh.
Sneak poos and chinkypoos and sandmen absolutely stink up everywhere they go
All the pussy lol
Seeing the jews get exposed for what they are
Social isolation, introversion, autism, constant desire to read the news.
Bootyblasting on the internet
Being raised around my grandparents is what made me see things from a more reactionary perspective. Jow Forums was useful to see I'm not the only one with a different perspective, but it's mostly autistic shitposting and annoying repeating threads tbqh.
You guys are my only friends.
Free speech. It's the only place to discuss politics without feelings being involved.
The sense of humor from the guys here.
Bobs and vegene
The fact that everyone is constantly angry at each other.
Reminds me of home.
Meh, for every one of those another person gets red pilled. Nobody could come here and ignore the reality of what is posted. It had gone to shit though.
Also this
I cant talk about the stuff that interests me in real life
Only friends that get me.
Do you have that pic in a smaller format? I'm not sure I have enough space on my HDD to store that ridiculous file size.
>thinking basket weavers know anything
The Jews
The unfiltered misogyny turns me on.
Get the oven going.
Blood for the Blood God.
Jow Forums is family, we all know each other, its one big dysfunctional family but we all make it work.
This unironically
now it's easier to store
people like you user
the dank bantz. before Jow Forums introduced flags, Jow Forums used to be my home board. but Jow Forums banters better than Jow Forums ever did
The occasional redpilled replies I read on threads
And most of all this. I am out but take care.
I love mocking redditors
People here actually enjoy thought provocation. Anywhere else, if you aren't groupthinking like a good goy, if you dare pose an uncomfortable truth, the butthurt it causes is insurmountable. Sure, there is screeching here too, but none the likes of which I have seen among normalfags.
what kind of gay question is that?
love being told to die by burgers and britbongs
Imageboards are countercultural
Bantz for days. You niggers break me out of depression.
Reason for coming here
>pic related
What's he saying?
>"Look I said 'no gf', I'm fitting in!!!1!"
>i just come here to trigger some nazis
True hero you are, I'm sure the revolution will be proud of your expert infiltration mission.
Strangely, there's more freedom of speech here than most places. And many comments are true and funny.
Unironically to find out whats happening in the world
It's not that hard to get off, you just have to figure out how to get yourself banned.
don't forget fellow leafs.
>t. triggered nazi
I know the no gf is a meme nowadays but for some of us is real i haven't kiss a girl in 10 years and every day I watch more and more degenerated pornography
yeah but leafs are subhuman.
Shitposting and continuing to be surprised by the number of people that unironically agree with it.
Jow Forums controls the narritive now. Jow Forums memed in the fucking president of the world. This Demotards spent 1.3 billion and Jow Forums beat their asses,for free.
(((They))) are still trying to subvert us,but it's just them pissing into an ocean of piss. Imagine how shitty the CTR/Shartblue faggots lives must be. Just lobbing softballs that get knocked out of the park. Losing everyday while trying to subvert our democracy for a couple of Jew sheckles.
We own them. We choose to be here.
Dance you little nerd virgins. Amuse me.
Are you a masochist, senpai?
Ideas. And I fucking love to see what lies beyond the facade of human beings.
Normalfags alwais put on the mask.
The people here pulls it off. Would they die by doing so?
No. But it's extremely painful.