Natalie Portman questions Holocaust education

Jerusalem Post:
>Holocaust survivor advocates harshly criticized Natalie Portman on Sunday, after the Israeli-born actress/director stated that the Shoah is no more tragic than other genocides and questioned its prominence in Jewish education.
>In an interview with The Independent published on Friday, the American movie star questioned prominence given to Holocaust education at the expense of other mass murders.
>“I think a really big question the Jewish community needs to ask itself, is how much at the forefront we put Holocaust education. Which is, of course, an important question to remember and to respect, but not over other things,” she was quoted as saying.
>She recalled learning about the Rwandan Genocide during a visit to a museum and being shocked that while the Holocaust figured prominently into her education, a contemporary genocide did not.


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Where is Mossad when you need a traitor gassed

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Nowt showed in your link fag, sauce or gtfo!

Scroll down boomerkike

The holocaust never happened!

I wonder if she fell into a WW2 "Completely Burnt Offering" thread and enjoyed some of the finer truths

Archive if you post a link newfag, especially one to a fucking Jewish journal

Notice how they wrote:
>Holocaust survivor advocates
Instead of:
>Holocaust survivors

no shit hershlag , every nationality focuses on its own history more . im sure they learn about the rwandan genocide in rwanda . all the balkan shit in the balkans the great patriotic war in russia and based USA singlehandedly winning WW2 korea nam' and everything in USAstan

when i was in school we had general world history (mostly western , starting with the greeks , some early islam) and the history of the jewish people . this is how regular school history should be taught everywhere .

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