Gorka is officially NOT /ourguy/

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Gorka is a koke stooge.

He got labeled a racist so now he has to overcompensate. sad!

he never was.

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he's kiked
so is breitbart

Like he ever was.

He's the biggest jew cum slurper there is.

kill yourself shill rat

He is literally the biggest kike whore whose last name isn't trump

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What did you just say to me?







Gorka will say anything that makes Trump happy with him. He's never been /ourguy/. He's always been in the pocket of powerful people and he will throw them under the bus for someone else and a job in a heartbeat.

Source: I know him personally.

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>I know him personally.

Pics or GTFO.

>Gorka will say anything that makes Trump happy with him. He's never been /ourguy/.
You're a meme flag kike and you're lying through your teeth. It's not Trump Gorka cares about, it's Steve Bannon and Netanyahu. There's a reason he left at the same time and Stephen Miller stayed.

Ok, so he twits 2h ago an article from 2015 that happens to be posted on Jow Forums 1h 25m ago.

WTF Jow Forums?


show me his reply to that question under the post


OMG! TELL ME THIS ISN'T TRUE???!?!?!!?1111

Fuck Gorka, Hes a neocon shill. He was on Laura Ingrams show not to long ago shilling for the left saying its ok for kikebook and twatter to censor conservatives.

gorka is israel first

Koch you mean?