ReColonisation of Africa

Africa is the poorest continent in the world.But also its full of natural riches iron diamonds copper gold and other valuables.
>But how is Africa the poorest when it has all that shit ?
Well anons its because they are uneducated disease carrying people.
>But how can we help them user ?
You don't help them you use China as an example and use Socialism.
You see we can have cheap work labour and riches they get enough money to live a low middle class life.
While we get ourself the riches of earth and become rich.
>But user they are uneducated how will they work ?
Simple you recolonise the regions of africa one by one building schools that are mandatory atleast until they finish highschool.
Until we educate those poor fucks (20 year plan) we will attack every terrorist they have until they have enough fear to not do anything.
>But user they are sick ?
Yes africa has one of the biggest STD's spread in the history of mankind. But worry not everyone that can be treated will be treated others will be shot because they will just continue spreading disease

Attached: 440px-Africa_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (440x440, 95K)

Murder them all and take the resources

They are niggers yes but they can be used as cheap work labour and we can get even cheaper things because africa is the center of the world

Would a perfect member of the Aryan race work in some shitty mine for some money.

So far it's already cost Trillions of dollars just to get them only 20-50 IQ points below rest of the world. All the resources on their continent just might not be enough

But if we make africa a better place we can make niggers go back to their original place without taking blame and make Europe and America Nigger free again

Pic related is the only hope.

Attached: nuke.jpg (800x450, 45K)

Africa needs genius sperm imports

Attached: sperm.jpg (1280x853, 61K)

And how will you nuke them and not involve the Aryan Race
Thats right gather them at one place where they will either learn to be usefull or destroy themselves
If neither happens Nuke em

Robots would