Well, bigots?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wh*Toids are too blame for this
>Here's why
>The Past
Literally only started happening after WW2
>(((Scott Solomon)))
Pure fucking coincidence.
Just not for isreali right?
I like how he states a load of science then his conclusion is the opposite of what the science actually implies.
Diversity is our strength! Now let me tell you why everyone looking exactly the same, thinking exactly the same, and having no culture or people of their own, is a good thing...
Everybody’s already mixed except for us. What they’re really saying is in future there will be no white people and that’s a good thing
>We wrote a thinkpiece, so your laws are invalid
Not an argument
Niggers have no beneficial genes to offer.
the future is Glass ... for lack of Philia
when (((Israel))) mix with Palestinian I will gladly nail that B to a cross
I am sure her pussy smell like artichoke or something ..
Israel should lead the charge. Open borders to the niggers!
How many races of people you figure exist only as genetic vestiges in modern peoples?
so human diversity is a bad thing?
wait.. is diversity a good thing or a bad thing?
The future is mixed race because the capitalist elites of all racial identities want to destroy the racial identity of all working class global citizens so that an easily controlled mixed and docile untermensch race serves tomorrows new super class of racially superior capitalists
Jesus Christ that's overt.
You forgot to mention the part of the think piece where it makes arguments and backs up them with facts.