Was it hard to grow up in a country with no real history and no real culture like Australia, Finland, Canada, and the US?
Do you sometimes feel lost in life?
Do you feel you have no purpose?
Do you feel you have no identity?
Was it hard to grow up in a country with no real history and no real culture like Australia, Finland, Canada, and the US?
Do you sometimes feel lost in life?
Do you feel you have no purpose?
Do you feel you have no identity?
fucking great question cia.
>no history
Do they not teach about the Finno Korean hyperwar of 12000 in high school anymore?
good question
Your entire history consists of getteng raped and abused either by us or the russians.
We have a proud and rich culture of genocide and winning word wars. Don't know what your talking bout
No, in USA I was kinda awed at living in richest, nicest, and most powerful nation (by leap and bounds) world has ever known.
>No real history
>Just magically appeared out of nowhere!
You're a fucking retard op, or is this a subtle Finland troll?
Yeah, but do you feel a big rooted connection to the past... to your ancestors and country? Or was it more of a superficial one?
A life without a big rooted identity in your country and people is no REAL identity.
>Israels puppet state
>Most powerful nation
You can't be both
You didn't win the world wars. The zionists did. Millions of white europeans were killed, and many old and beatiful cities got bombed into oblivion. The jews got exactly what they wanted. Good goyim.
It's sad to thinik of all the great historical centuries old architecture that was destroyed in Germany... rebuilt as commieboxes. Maybe this is why Germans are so cucked today.
They bombed the identity out of them. Churchill murdered 100,000s of small children in mindless bomb runs.
>no culture
nigga what?
The problem with America is the industrial machine overpowers and dominates everything else where people become merely consumables to be disposed of after use.
I feel no connection to my past. It’s just a mystery. I hate this country. There’s nothing even resembling culture, that isn’t redneck hillbilly shit. And nigger rap culture. All the women are feminist sluts. A good half of the country is liberal. All I have is the wealth of my family. But I will probably never get married. I will probably get a nice house and live alone, working 40 hours a week until I’m 50.
No, my forefathers came into a state which was nothing but wildgrasses with some scattered natives here and there and built a very well functioning white state through their hard work and Christian European moral virtues. I am nothing but proud of everything they have accomplished and seek to continue their legacy of building a good, white country, even if America doesn't look to be heading that way right now.
We had a culture. You have to look at New York City from its beginnings to what it is now. That's the evolution of America into its final dystopian state.
Not really because I got to grow up listening to stories of my homeland from my Norwegian grandparents
Shame what you've done to the place because I would've wanted to visit it eventually. Oh well I guess there's always Iceland
disregard the beta Europeans aren't taught American history (why would they be) so don't worry.
But it's taught heavily here because muhhh New World and yeah we're connected to it.
Our identity begins with hating the English and btfoing redskins
Did you fags knew that when the *nglo bombed the krauts, they destroyed hundreds of fossils, including the famous spinosaurus? WWII was humanity's greatest mistake.
We are the English. Our architecture and former culture and religion reflects that but more and more of that former identity are being erased from memory.
I am lost in life because I’m clinically insane.
your people will be driven into the baltic sea, no exceptions
Nah, fighting Germany was our first mistake
Fuck you
Worst not first
>the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
>Culture is the social behavior and norms found in human societies.
How do you define culture?
scandi bants. canadians are shit, 1812 we should have annexed them.
I used to think the same way when I was a kid reading about Medieval Bulgaria but then realized that loving your country is more than me shouting "we invented the Cyrillic alphabet :^)" and shit like that. Finland is a great country which is at the first 10 places in nearly all rankings in terms of quality of life and besides one Finn might like their way of life, people, culture valuing privacy, even the fucking memes etc. Love isn't rational.
American/Canadian/Australian/NewZealand etc History is just another branch of the mighty tree of English History, they belong to that same tree, same as the England of today. The mighty tree of Justice and Glory
We see ourselves as the whole world
Religious disparity was one of the main reasons so many people came here.
We also rejected their cucked, subservient culture, otherwise there would have been many more loyalists in the revolution
Saying we're English is something a Canadian would say
But that histiry is too white and oppressive for the modern world bong.
>Tree of Justice and Glory
>in a country that literally killed a child when another country offered to give treatment to them
>Do you sometimes feel lost in life?Do you feel you have no purpose?Do you feel you have no identity?
Implying that Europeans feel different. Information hell affects everyone.
Feels gr8 m8, go fuck yourself
It's more than a thought of mind, it was our traditional architecture our way of lives, our language which we shared a common bond with the english. Our laws.
Yeah nah its not too bad
Bruce is mad.
US has real history and culture.
Few other countries could compare.
Germany, Japan, Russia, China, France, Britbongz...
Norway is not high on that list, cuccboi
Canada was the good guys in WW1 and WW2
We are the most beloved nation in the world.
No, and we will soon own you goy faggot. Gaze upon your gawd your nordicuck
America is an imperial cult. The state gives us direction, purpose and identity. Our god is Columbia. You may have seen her.
We adopted common law because it was practical and reflected OUR principles.
You must have forgot the part where we fought a war to free ourselves from the rest of their shitty law, i.e. everything to do with the monarchy
and we made it a point to alter our language extensively to separate us from the English.
IMO we should've gone further and integrated a separate language completely. Preferably French, maybe German.
nah juan, thats how we talk when we're happy
Guide us, oh beautiful Columbia, to our destiny. Lead us so that we may bring light to the darkest corners of this world. This is our destiny, and it shall be made manifest.
Don't be stupid, the US has an incredible, interesting and unique culture, both good and bad. A society doesn't need to exist for 1000 years to have a "true" culture. US culture is no more or less 'valid' than Swedish, or German, or English.
yes, i do lack identity
>tfw you will always be a circumcised amerimutt
This man understands
>Swedish, or German, or English
out of all your picks, only the Brits have any actual history worth speaking of quite really.
This, I consider English history to be the precursor of American history. We were British colonies before the revolution.
My country's history is one of conflict and negotiation. It's not exciting as the history of other countries, but at least we kicked the Vikings' pansy asses when they tried invading us.
There is some way in which being an American is the destruction of identity. My ancestors were french and english. My lady is german, scandanavian, and english. We both have little connection to this aspect of ourselves. So we struggle to reconcile who we are at a deep level. I dont think America is sustainable in the long run so we identify as European-Americans and as the intended posterity of the founders. No one else besides Europeans can really ever be American.
I'd rather have no history than no future, Muhammed
I think the reason you don't see any American culture is because you're confusing modern (((culture))) with what your country used to be. Read 80 days around the world, and if the American segment with the jumping train doesn't put a patriotic smile on your face, you're a true-born mutt.
Entire history of rape vs entire present of rape
I've notice that "History and Culture" are terms used exclusively by countries that are not #1 right now.
Live in the past fags. We are the most powerful and greatest country to ever exist, this very moment.
Why is finland on that list?
Youre mentally a nigger
>yea but muh feelings
fuck off you faggot