This design is better than a solid wall. stop saying you could climb the 30ft steel bars

this design is better than a solid wall. stop saying you could climb the 30ft steel bars.
you can't climb Trump's wall

Attached: 1521177349805.jpg (1199x899, 450K)

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Should just build a giant dam to flood mexishits. They love water parks.

My take on the "Trump Wall"

If it only keeps out one worthless overweight drug-dealing violent Mexican, then the entire wall is worth its weight in gold

because if the wall wasn't built, that tax money WOULD not be returned to us, it would instead be used on polar ice climate-change scientist expeditions or on medical procedures for transgenders in the military, so might as well be wasted on the wall instead

Border patrol needs to be able to see the other side

I legitimately could climb them if they are thin enough to grip though. Not saying the wall is bad or anything. I know we need one.

Exactly, and it's not just the structure itself, but there also needs to be many, many more Border Patrol agents

You’re high. I’ve climbed el cap and fisher towers. I could climb that in my sleep.

I smell a rat. What are you hiding, democrat?

>metal bars instead of wall
Scrappers will cut it to pieces for easy money.

Attached: 1429284779965.jpg (328x328, 50K)

Gonna have to hire more guards just because they Mexicans will steel the wall and melt it down as scrap!

>soya milk is better than real milk

This is obligatory.

Spics are confirmed not men until they can scale fence-walls like this.

Attached: 1521402817925.png (596x344, 123K)

That's what they said for guns but they got shot for it.

the National Guard deployed to the border.
you could climb it with skill and enough time but you could not do it fast enough.
with this design getting over the top of the wall is difficult and will take many minutes.

Attached: 1523250761982.jpg (3200x1680, 1.13M)


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Electrify the steel and it's bullet proof

These are either strawman arguments or low IQ arguments:
>The wall cannot be climbed
>People will just climb the wall

Anyone saying either thing is an actual retard. OF FUCKING COURSE the wall can be climbed it's a fixed structure, humans can climb Mt. Everest that isn't the fucking point.

The wall has armed gaurds 24/7 in the form of the Border Patrol. The wall slows movement dramatically, that is what walls do. It slows down movement so much that when combined with live human beings patrolling it, as well as a plethora of motion sensing, radar, and other detection equipment it makes the border nearly impenetrable.

checked and kekd

they didnt listen

Attached: no sharks with friggin lasers.png (2424x1044, 182K)

Where are the laborers?

Nah pretty sure they climb stuff like the in assassins creed. Definitely possible.

Scrappers want copper otherwise its not worth it.

>Trump's wall
you mean the thing Mexico didnt pay for, congress didnt approve, and isnt going to happen?

Attached: dumb.gif (480x270, 1.23M)

Are the bars covered in grease and electrified?

>Scrappers going after steel
If it gets to that point the world economy is in unrealistically deep shit. Like, structural steel is typically worth $0.80 per pound and I'd be surprised if a scrapper gets 10% of that
It'd be hard to justify putting in the time to cut up and transport that kind of shit for scrap value, let alone if there was any risk too

Mines are cheap as shit. Just lay a few million mines along the border.

Shut down the DEMORATS

Are you contributing to mankinds DOWNFALL or resurection???
>are you a lurker, a shill, or a bringer of truth and pills

Now is the time to join the fight , the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized evil afoot

An ancient order of evil video

We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown

What you have is the shadow cult is trying everything they can to stop Trump and stop the Neo-Renaissance

>mods cannot stop it
>shareblue cannot
>Rabbi Chaim Kibutzberg cannot stop it


Join the ARMY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and let's expose these DEVILS

A Digital Prohpecy from the futureScape

Stop pretending like it will ever be built to begin with.

The Chinese built a massive 10,000 mile wall over 2000 years ago by fucking hand... And we can't even build an 1800 mile wall today with ever modern construction machine and technique at our disposal. America is fucking pathetic. And Trump really fucked us over.

The wall is more symbolic than anything. You can shift personnel, but you have to physically remove a wall. The democrats will have a hard time running with "tear down the wall" as their platform.

>Trump really fucked us over.
Kill yourself shill.

Attached: 1524904861264.jpg (1485x2348, 839K)

>cordless grinder
>4-6 disc
>cut it like a tree
>through in 15 minutes

does anybody construction here?

Attached: grinder.jpg (225x225, 6K)

cant wall off a boat or plane

No but spics do

user, your mother can only do so much, give it time.

Trump is not building a symbolic wall.
the wall is a physical barrier that we need to enforce the United States border.

maybe with one of these, youll be out there all night with that toy

Attached: gas axe.jpg (614x460, 52K)

That wall can easily be climbed fren

Attached: mexicans can climb that wall.png (1152x648, 14K)

At least with bars insects and small animals can still move around.

>you can't climb Trump's wall
Cut through a couple bars with a blowtorch and you can walk right through it. Or get a ladder and climb over. Or dig under - it doesn't look like it goes very deep.

The low level people action doing the trafficking and gun running and wotnot aren't that smart.
There needs to be a physical wall to help deter them.

The wall isn't meant to keep Mexicans out btw it's to stop bad things in America leaking out (glowie related).

really depends on how thick the bar is. that will go through anything within a few minutes. but a small grinder could do it before 20 minutes if you change the discs fast.

regardless thats why i dislike the idea of the wall with bars, which i think is the one that happened to be approved. mexicans will only have to cut through one in a secluded area and then we'll have to repair it. its a endless cat and mouse game.

Attached: (760x475, 99K)

And it creates lots of jobs

Skinny people with giant condoms over them.

Build the wall out of dead dinosaurs.

the only thing missing is barbed wire on top!

isn't it obvious that bars are better

if you had a solid wall, how the fuck do you know whats going on, on the other side
could have firetrucks with ladders on the other side and you would never know.

fucking stupid idiots that thing a solid wall would work

Have you seen what these shit heads can do? They'll chop their kids up and just chuck the body parts through the gaps. These savages don't give a fuck.

Bend some sheet metal in an upside down U shape. Attach that to the top of a ladder. Put a couple wooden legs at the top of the ladder. Prop the legs against the wall so the metal goes over the barbed wire. Go up it with a rope, climb over the top, and let yourself down on the rope.

>whips out ladder
heh, nothing personnel amigo

Attached: E9635411-2976-4ED1-B7A2-EB09666CC058.jpg (700x1021, 132K)

Have you ever seen a blowtorch before?

its a good design. glad we got it. if China has a wall we should have us one too. god bless America

Are you so retarded to think the government only has the following items on the national budget?

1. the wall
2. polar ice climate-change scientist expeditions
3. medical procedures for transgenders in the military

Well fuck me, you've solved the budget crisis, give this this man a medal.
Burgers are a parody of themselves.

The wall is actually meant to stop the millions of environment migrants that will flee the equatorial region in 20 years.

But you can't sell that to flat earthers.

>does anybody construction here?
Pipefitter here:

A non-battery powered grinder can cut through "I" beams quite quickly. However, It would require at least 2 cuts to remove ONE beam. IF there is motion sensors, or any sort of sound or light detection, it would stand out for miles around. One of the design specs was to survive 30 minutes until breach, which I do think this would. It may require 4 cuts for an average fat ass to get through. IF there is a secondary fence/wall/Constantine wire barrier, it would only cost the wetback more time and put them at increased risk of self harm or being caught.

Battery operated dewalts are great for at-home projects, but are 100% worthless for large steel applications. They don't have the ass to cut as fast as you would like. I ONLY use metabo grinders and ONLY corded models. This would require constant power probably supplied by a generator & in that case would create more obvious noise.

Anything is possible given enough time. This wall is not impenetrable, just a barrier. No wall is impenetrable. Backup measures include active duty guards and sensors. Also, word of mouth when Juan and Marcos get caught and no one ever sees them again would help ward off potential climbers.

the bars are solid steel.
the metal wall prototypes could not be cut during testing

Attached: 1526628372901.jpg (750x422, 116K)

>IF there is a secondary fence/wall/Constantine wire barrier,
>fence/wall/Constantine wire
>Constantine wire

Idk what's funnier, the fact that you think it's called that or that you capitalized it.

>Autism, the post

lol I can climb that shit with a simple rope.

not going for the tried and tested design

Attached: mauer-grafik.png (1292x656, 106K)

you only need a 4 guy crew for that.
Looks like an excavator already came through which was likely a 3 man crew
you obviously don't. see See pic. I could put a concrete diamond blade instead of fiber blade on and bring a sledgehammer. In fact this is how I make cuts into existing maholes when I install a new pipe into it.
pipelayer/fitter/supervisor here
I think a chop saw is the second best choice for the job. hauling a generator for corded 9 inch grinders is too expensive and heavy.

>A portable cutting torch with a small tank of oxygen and acetylene is far by the best choice. Far less sound. no battery or motor needed. only a lighter and some gas.

Attached: cuttingtorchportable.jpg (450x450, 36K)

They use these instead of hiring more agents.

Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 10K)

I don't have the pic of all the protos but it seems like this is exactly what some of the design looked like, they can still add the concrete on top after the steel is put up

lol, i was going to post that same excact thing replying to the other guy. isnt that from harbor freight?

i remember in new york a few years ago some crew burglarized banks from welding at night through the roof and deactiving the alarm. they got away with it for like 5 times before the police tracked the discarded tanks and started tailing them
another bank crew doing the same thing in LA, except they used pic related
so whats the solution then though? personally my favorite prototype is the wall with the slope

Attached: 6720.jpg (1200x630, 72K)

drilling through the wall with the slope would be nigh impossible and the slope makes it so ladders aren't as effective. its the ugliest wall but the more effective imo

Attached: banktools.jpg (500x300, 72K)

All lefty arguments are low IQ/defeatist arguments:

>The wall can be climbed, why bother.
>I can't get a job, why bother looking.
>Tax cuts weren't good enough, why bother.
>Capitalism isn't perfect, why bother.
>There's nothing in space, why bother.
>I can't get laid, why bother trying to be a man.

But now they can shoot you through the wall

>is better than a solid wall
It's not.

Why would they, if the wall is effective?

The wall was always gonna be manned.

Attached: Autism.gif (480x270, 537K)

>there also needs to be many, many more Border Patrol agents
You can't reasonably expect that to be possible when at least a third of the population is trying to destroy the country, including much the federal government, and whoever is president after Trump will likely be one of them.

Oxy acetylene torch go through it in less than a minute. You can get some very portable sets. Easy

With a few bribes here and there, I'm sure a stretch of wall can be arranged to be unmanned for a couple hours.

It's a counter to people who believe the resources would be better spent on border patrol personnel or other non-wall securities. A physical structure is permanent thus must be taken down.

It'll help, but may not be cost effective. But the alternative is only cost effective if both parties are for border control.

>The wall was always gonna be manned.
It's pointless if you have to depend on the increasingly progressive government to make it effective.

+voter id laws
+crackdown on illegal employers
+more personnel to make logistics of all these Mission Impossible fantasies more time consuming and costly

Can leftists not into cost/benefit or something?

There is going to be a breakpoint after which all these fancy bribes and climbing gear and industrial equipment plans don't justify the profit made from a van full of DNC vote slaves or some fuck in WA state needing his orchard picked and they're going to just start paying teenagers again.

I mean the online sniper game to shoot illegals would win it alone.

>It's pointless if you have to depend on the increasingly progressive government to make it effective.

That's true which is why H1Bs and illegal employment need to be stopped as well as voter ID laws implemented to keep "progressives" (communists) from getting into power.

It's easy, if they accept bribes, they get to be mexicans on the other side.


You mean fence you stupid American. Pick up a dictionary.

I thought the steel walls were easy to climb with just some special shoes that fit the width between the bars?

The steel wall is bullshit unless it has anti-climbing measures on the top. This isn't "The Actual Wall" though, it's just a limited pre-planned section that congress approved. They wouldn't approve any of the good designs.

I like that wall as well. It is likely the heaviest and possibly most expensive. I'd expect plenty of rebar in it.
To scale the concrete wall I'd bring some battery hammerdrills and some cut rebar to stick in the hammerdrill holes as pegs. And then use the hammerdrill to put an anchor eyelet with a rope tied to it.
>Or bring a Ring saw or Concrete chainsaw.
just a random model online. Never needed to use a portable one.
its so weird to bank tools in an office and not stored in a work truck.

seems like u forgot to change your flag back faggot

I beat you to it. You could galvinize the steel so the fumes will make them basically get the flu. They wouldnt be smart enough to bring proper mask.

>stop saying you could climb the 30ft steel bars.
They removing the old fence and replacing it with a newer fence that's exactly the same. People have been climbing this fence for some 20 years now.

isn't that the original fence that every Mexican climbs over?

>not using magnet shoes
pleb detected.

that wall isnt stopping any mexicans

Attached: 1493866761185.jpg (1252x1252, 138K)

would that work? are shoe sized magnets strong enough to hold your weight? if they are, would you have enough force to detach them 40-50 times to get and over down? maybe electromagnets with a battery backpack, you can switch the magnets off individually?

gif related

Attached: magnetshoes.gif (320x180, 1.5M)

Nice, can he carry the power with him though?

>car battery
nice! you could climb the shit steel wall with this!

Attached: iu[1].gif (340x310, 1.99M)

actually it looks like he has two car batteries, and his shoes can barely support his own weight and car batteries and fucking heavy. this still doesn't work.

that wont work on metal

This isn't part of the Trump Wall - this is standard maintenance and replacement for a section of the border in California that's been scheduled for the last couple years.

they wouldnt even be smart enough/dedicated enough to bring eye protection either. holy shit that might just be the best thing to do. i never knew galvanized steel resisted oxy cutting though.

add rubber to the inside edges

Attached: fenceclimb435345.gif (286x473, 2.24M)

>steel bars

Anyone can DIY thermite.

Thermite can BTFO steel bars easily.

Terrible design. Micro grappling hook would work well.