Trump Tower in Azerbaijan is on fire, just like the one in NY a few weeks ago.


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im srprised i didint see any threads befre , this seems intentional , but i wonder what msg its trying to convvey

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More evidence of lefties imploding lol. Beautiful to watch. This one isn't his anymore though, so who cares.

Azeri lightning.

OP is probably a Trump supporter, just fishing for lefties to take the obvious bait. This hasnt been a trump tower for years.

Why does it seem intentional?

Jesus Christ the man has a fucking tower named after him in some country who's name I can't pronounce

And lefties call this guy unqualified to lead.

>This hasnt been a trump tower for years.
Everything I can find says otherwise.
Also apparently this building caught fire in 2016 as well.

Because it is.

Jews are freaking out more than you could possibly imagine right now. The shills on this board feign superiority because in reality they are backed against a wall. The Jews are losing badly.

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Well, that's unconvincing. Although I wouldn't be surprised, anything is possible, especially insurance fraud.

Am I cute, Jow Forums?

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>2 Trump towers just happen to catch fire after he becomes president and an alleged insider says a massive vampedo cult is about to get sent to gitmo

wear tighter panty's

To the rooftop it goes.

The NYC fire was ruled to have been caused by a faulty appliance.

More like Mossad.

ok daddy

post more slut

They act like Interpol didn’t have agents posing as employees scanning everything they needed before burning it. Eh, this is what happens when you deal with goyim.


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pure (((coincidence)))

This is not the second but third tower fire in 6 months

WTF is about to happen this time. Another signal sent?

If not a dude. Yes
But since your face is hidden, i am suspicious.

They wont go to gitmo. Theylll get publicly lynched or commit suicide like the cowardly satanic idol cobain did after raping the altar boy and molesting th e holy spirit u n utero. Fuck the pedo puppeteers. The devil pulls all the major label strings. From music to political movements. Cant tear apart the fabric of a nation without unraveling the thread first. You then pull from the fringes as the Fray builds up and breaks down time beyond the dark side of the moon. Kill the rapist.

That tower shows all the signs of being about to collapse. A fire that hot and large could easily collapse a high rise building. We have seen this before in the US.

Attached: towers.jpg (1920x1080, 246K)

That's 100% a dude you fucking faggot.


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From the article:
The Trump Tower project was leased to Garant Holding, a business conglomerate owned by Anar Mammadov, the son of former Azeri transport minister Ziya Mammadov, in 2012. The licensing deal was scrapped after the Trump Organization said it would withdraw from international projects that could post a conflict of interest after Trump’s inauguration as president.

Leaked US embassy cables describe Mammadov senior as corrupt even by Azerbaijani standards. Meanwhile, his son's business has a near-monopoly on activities related to the transport sector, like bus and taxi services in Baku, after winning a suspiciously high number of government tenders for transport projects.

Attached: BakuLightning.png (900x510, 159K)

I'm sure this is just a gas leak user, go to sleep, nothing is happening. Close your eyes, do not listen.

No, you're not, you fucking Gamma male.



This is a clear message from the deepstate to Trump.
>knock it off sorta thing

the billionaire globalist cheeto's building in Azerbaijan is a complete scam


too early, goyim will know.

>After Trump was elected as U.S. president, The Trump Organization ended its affiliation with the un-opened project on November 30, 2016, more than a year after construction was delayed.[9] The decision was announced on December 15, 2016.[10][9] Alan Garten, chief legal officer for The Trump Organization, described the decision as "housecleaning" ahead of Trump's incoming presidential administration.


post boipucci

the trump org pulled out of this project in 2016 after he was elected. the building isn't finished yet. it was never a trump tower. there's a grand prix in the city tomorrow and some streets were closed because the race is on the city streets. this caused delays for fire trucks in getting to the fire. otherwise it never would have gotten as big as it did.

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May be a distraction of something big coming up. Stay frosty....