THOT PATROLLED: Fat pig Amy Schumer suffers kidney infection

HAHAHAHAHHA finally something funny about Schumer.

Amy Schumer is recovering after being hospitalized for five days with a “horrible” kidney infection.

“Here’s what I’ve been up to this week,” the 36-year-old actress wrote in an Instagram post Friday alongside a photo of herself in the hospital. “I want to give a big thank you to the doctors, the bad ass nurses also my husband who’s name is, i want to say, Chris? and my sisters Kimby and mol who have been by my side the whole time.”

The “I Feel Pretty” star was supposed to fly to London for the opening of her new movie, but announced in the post that her doctors wouldn’t let her travel.

“I’m really disappointed selfishly to miss this trip because I love London and Europe in general and all the great people (food) there,” she continued. “But I need to put my health first … [The movie] is sweet and fun and you will walk out feeling better. Which is something I hope to feel soon too.”

Another photo shows Schumer’s husband, Chris Fischer, holding her hand as she lies in a hospital bed. A third shows him sitting by her side.

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Trump curse is real

That girl is meaty.

Just sayin'.

Don't say that she's beautiful and if you don't find her then you are a wascist blumpf supporter

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>by my side the whole time.”
The baby's name is Ham Sandwich Schumer

gastric bypass cover story

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>tfw you don't know if being a kike is killing you
>or if being a fatfuck is killing you

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Hellos canna speaka Amy pleeeeaze?
“O I’m so sorry she’s already Gon


I dont know shit about shit.
Any Doctorbros or medbros here to explain how this happened to her?
Is it cause shes fat?
Is it cause she drinks too much?
Whats going on?

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Now this is comedy

Q predicted this

“ Horrible Kidney Infection” no IV fluid or meds running. (IV just has an INT/pig tail, no pun intended)
I call shenanigans

do it please random guy fucking finish her

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Fat ugly hog.
It's too bad she's not in a British hospital.

medbro in another thread said fat women who don't wash their cooters get UTIs and if they don't get the UTIs treated it can turn into a kidney infection

Stay obsessed

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>have filthy cunt
>get UTI


Hold up. So you're saying she landed herself in the hospital for having quite literally a filthy cunt? top fucking kek.

Can confirm. Though, to be fair, that's like saying arthritis made you get a knee replacement.

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>females under the age of two or uncircumcised males less than a year exhibit a fever



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Shit in cunt
Piggy probably wipes back to front

I said last night some one needs to make a Jow Forums 0 to 9 rolling chart of filthy things she may heve put in her vagina but did the lazy fucks do it

>literally hospitalized due to MUH VAGINAAAAA

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>Anal sex with niggers
>Thrust her own shit into her vagina
>Shit with nigger AIDS gets into urinary tract
>Kidneys die
Goodbye, Terrible Woman.

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shes on track to looking like momma june from toddlers and tiaras

See thisPoo in her pee hole then infects the kidneys
Basically, anal sex then putting that dirty shit penis in vagina, causing a bacterial infection that turns into UTI

remember in the trailer for her kidnapping movie some guy caught her washing her cootier in a restaurant bathroom and she stopped, that was filmed 2 or more years ago and she has not finished

Does her husband know about the anal sex

More likely taking anal to vaginal, plus being filthy and fat on top if that.

Being filthy and fat is not a crime.....

Unless you insist people call that sexy

From fucking, right?

this legit made me laugh

Someone already did in last night's thread
Also checked

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She's getting powerfucked until a UTI and she is too much of a stumblebum to notice.

Oh this made me laugh, am I going to hell now?

Medfag here
This. Could be bacteria anything, poop, surfaces, dirty clothes. Poor hygiene, anal sex, dirty listeners, etc
Gets in urethra and up to bladder=UTI.

Kidney infection is a progressed uti.


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She was great in the new Ghostbusters movie

Hahaha she looks exactly like fucking Heidecker in this pic!

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Husband? Who the fuck would marry this cow? That boy ain’t right.

I would ask why some guy married her. but then I realized some guys are both broke, and hungry. So, to this Chris guy, enjoy your sentence. I hope the money was worth it.


Only two conceivable reasons:
Money of course;
and we now know that she was willing to let him go pooper to puss as well.

Wew would so go down on it.

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>also my husband who’s name is, i want to say, Chris?

Rule #1 - never say anything nice about a man.

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>am I going to hell now?
She's an anti-white Jew, so of course not.

Wew indeed, probably smells like egg salad

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Nice, very nice

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She must be wiping from back to front

The way you typically get a Kidney infection is from a UTI the climbs on up before you're symptomatic. The way you typically get a UTI is by being a turboslut.

>my pussy smells like a barnyard

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have mercy holy kek

Either that dude is like 10 feet tall or that metal bed just bend under her weight till it hit the ground.

That's rich.

How infectious "infection"?

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>people are actually posting that shit version rather than my meticulous, superior product

what the fuck guys come on

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Fat people cant clean as well and are also know to be lazy


I would lick her stinky pussy in that bed just to give her some form pleasure through that time of misery, she could joke about it later.

Is it true that girls naturally get UTI's from unprotected sex? My ex girlfriend used to get UTI's all the time when we didn't use a condom, which was 97% of the time. I always wondered if it was true, or she was a just a dirty whore?

She must've been a dirty whore. Or bad genetics. I would rawdawg my ex gf all the time and we never had any problems like that.

I always kinda thought this, like she just didn't clean her twat that well or whatever bitches do down there. First couple times, she fed me bullshit like her vagina needed to acclimate to my dick germs, but 2 years later, it still happened.

She's the only girl I've ever barebackd so I just took it at face value to not look like a tard. Thanks, user. Take my rarest pepe.

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What does she mean by this??

If she didn't clean her twat you'd smell it. A slight odor is normal but if it disgusts you then theres really something wrong and you should stay away.

It's not from the sex unless you do A2V with out taking a shower in between including a hot soapy hand job. One or both of you are not cleaning your parts

Anybody else up to flooding her twitter with fucked up messages? It is the will of kek after all.

She really wanted to drive her "jokes" home.

Woman here

It's true, and it's because your dick probably has a lot of bacteria

Fuuuuuck. A UTI at 36. She'll be having them every 2 years for the rest of her life now.

she either had a horrific urinary infection or she has diabeetus

I get UTI from sex with my boyfriend every now and then, and i'm basically obsessed with vaginal hygiene. My theory is that he doesn't clean it well sometimes

Obviously a couples shower with a soapy hand job before bed is the cure

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thats your job in the shower

>implying the bull didnt fuck him then fuck her

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I miss the Netflix star ratings. Fuck this unfunny kike bitch.

I missed your comment i was thinking cover for an abortion

This is why you need to suck the cock before penetration, let that be a lesson

I like it Markku

the years have not been good to John Goodman

God DAYUM you guys are fucking SAVAGE!
Carry on.

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Have had many a kidney infection, never been admitted to the hospital. Bullshit. That fat bitch went on an all fat/high carb bender.

What a fat disgusting pig

You gashes fuck niggers, dogs, and believe "anything is a dildo if you are brave enough", and (you) are telling ME my dick is dirty? Please die over 4 weeks of sytemic spesis from a nasty gash.


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Is there anything Q-annon cannot see in his magic crystal balls?

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when the morphine drip kicks in

Aussie bringin' the BANTZ!