/shg/ - Skinhead general

Does anyone have that cartoon pic of the Neo-Nazis tearing the ZOG flag? Also Skinhead general. Not all Neo-Nazis are skinheads, and not all Skinheads are Neo-Nazis. But hail to the brave warriors that are our foot soldiers!

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pol is a civic nationalist board friend

Attached: gayze.jpg (580x435, 73K)

A shekel for a good goy

ALL skinheads are fags tho

I think it's a commendable subculture.

It's especially bad if youre an American "skinhead" . That just means you wear jeans, suspenders, and torrent sham 69 while talking with your other closeted skin friends about how tough you are.

okay boy.

>tfw no skinhead friend to hate Jews and Niggers with

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Natsoc is NOT skinhead.
Stop doing low quality meth, especially out of combat situations.
I would not be even close to as distrustful if you would fucking quit the drugs.
Also start attacking Jews.

Neo-Nazism is a Jewish trick serving as a distraction from National Socialism.

I have an uncle who's a neo-nazi biker. Not technically a skinhead but close.

Does he work to destroy the juden?
Get him to.

Do people actually think Skinhead culture is neo-nazism? It's anything that is edgy.

How has no one posted the pic yet?

I don't do drugs. I also don't condone drugs, I know meth is pretty big in the Neo-Nazi scene but I don't like it, he AB are scumbags I don't like them either. But not all Neo-Nazis do or approve of drugs. Russian Neo-Nazis hate all drugs they make anti-drug songs.



I've gotta admit this is kinda accurate but there is some fun to it toi

I'm not a skinhead, but I recently buzzed my head to a #1 for the simplicity and to try something new. Now I keep catching girls at my college intensely staring at me, I can't tell if they are turned on or if they want to slit my throat. Could go either way. Strange how different you get treated for a difference of 2 inches of hair.

I have a shaved head because I have thinning hair and didn't want the horseshoe head look like Rob Reiner. I wear work boots and lift too. I get strange looks sometimes from black people at the flea market.

Do americans know that the first skinheads listened to black music and were non-politicial ?