What’s stopping us from buying a plot of land and setting up an all white commune?
Ethnostate Now!
I'm not sure anyone on Jow Forums is white.
I’m sure there’s at least two or three other huwhites.
The fact that our greatest enemies happen to be white
Why give up your current cities and communities? You built them, now you're just handing them over? That's some defeatist bullshit.
Bitch, you can't get your fat ass out of your mother's basement, what are you even talking about?
All of America is our ethnostate
It's time we take it back
A large number of people are blackpilled, why not just lump them together and dump them in a field. Basically a micro-ethnostate.
Nothing really.
I just purchased an additional 10 acres in Jefferson to build a 'university' compound. Going to build a library, dormitories and a school of architecture. If I called it a white compound I'd be Waco'd immediately, so plan carefully user.
If you want to go wait for extinction on a miserable reservation on land the Merchants consider worthless, go nuts.
As a white man, my birthright is the entire planet.
What are you going to do when shitskins come to ruin it? Keep in mind they will sue for discrimination and will probably win
That’s exactly what the Injuns keep saying to this day
Thanks for the inspiration!
Injuns have long since been conquered
We're still semi in power
You're a bunch of losers who just want to satiate your emotional needs with simplistic rhetoric and grand sweeping narratives that don't require you to do anything towards actually achieving a tangible goal.
Are we?
China has bought Canada and Canadians have been replaced, here’s your (you).
Why would shitskins go to a school of traditionalist architecture?
Besides I live as a transcended person just so I get a free pass. Don't even need to take hormones, I just wear women's jeans and have long hair. No one wants to even fight me on it.
bad idea
u ever heard of waco?
if you don't accept federal funding then you don't have to follow the civil rights act
Transcended = transgender.
Farming is very hard work and it has razor-thin profit margins.
Perhaps you could buy an all-white apartment building? Would that be legal?
What’s the alternative?
Injuns want niggers out too
Injuns are Aryan and Hitler welcomed them into Nazi germany
Niggers whom glow in the dark
Sort of like one of those gated South African communities, that would work too.
gave me a small chuckle
the US government would just start a section 8 housing project for diversification purposes and that would be the end of that
>why would shitskins do x
Because they ruin EVERYTHING we enjoy and have made for ourselves
>key word: semi
That is not how laws work. Especially in a court of law
i have no idea man. wait for the fall of industrial civilization?
Doesn't mean I should stop making things. Quite the opposite really.
You can't do anything withiout the support of either niggers or spics
Your culture and education is produced by kikes.
How are you in charge again?
Take your own land back, pussy.
Had a political science class about Native Americans in college, I was the only white kid. One kid said that modern medicine was superior to indigenous alternative medicine, the entire class turned on him. I’m pretty sure the injuns like the niggers far more than the whites. Best part of the class was when the professor suggested that a movement similar to what Israel is doing would be a good way to repatriate the land. Almost said something that time.
Not a bad idea. Landwatchdotcom has awesome gigantic 10,000 acre+ Land with lakes and stuff for like $2,000,000 we could all pull our money together and buy or just conquer it idk
Literally nothing, especially you americans that actually have freedoms and land is plenitful.
>inb4 muh Waco
this one time this one thing happened is not an argument.
>fall of industrial civilization
Long after we’re wiped out, good idea.
I agree with that I'm just telling you you cant expect to keep shitskins out
Well we still make up the majority of our country, we just recently put a man in office who is SEMI looking out for us
>What’s stopping us from buying a plot of land and setting up an all white commune?
Nigger, we all come from Africa anyway. There's no such thing as an ethnostate. The human genome is always diverse, hybrid, mixed, impure, and diversifying. Humans have always moved around from place to place and interbred. Your fantasy is stupidity and impossibility.
>a sleeping faggot will stop the ethnostate
Pack it up boys.
That's where I typically buy land from, can get decent deals.
I have a little under 100 acres in Jefferson, 50.5 near Blythe and 200 near Baton Rouge. If we wanted to pull money together and expand at any of those locations I'll set up a fund.
You just buy land and that’s it, actually though, larp better please.
And yet I personally probably own more land then any of you, and not even for a reason of conviction, but occupation. I probably have more white children then any of you either. And yet I don't believe that there's a genocide to resist or counteract.
You have your memes, I have your actual desires manifest, because I actually work for the things that I want.
We can not make up our minds on who is White and who isn't. I'm not sharing an ethnostate with Southern or Eastern European subhumans.
Good for you!
>The human genome is always diverse, hybrid, mixed, impure, and diversifying.
you literally contradicted yourself in this sentence.
Filthy subhuman, I'll have you know she isn't pure.
Nice dog, what breed is it?
Your thinking is what prevents an ethnostate
White skin=white end of fucking discussion
I would 1000x rather live in a neighborhood of noisy Italians or Slavs than ever live with niggers or spics
Lol the muzzy spic everyone
Because we don't have Ted Turner money and if the media ever caught wind of it they would agitate people to protest/attack it until the government is forced to step in
Purity is irrelevant, she has crazy psycho look. Steer clear.
> setting up an all white commune
> mfw it looks like pic related
>Literally nothing, especially you americans that actually have freedoms and land is plenitful.
If you came to this country you'd see we're subhumans and not White. And the Whites we do have are selfish race mixing bourgeois rap/hip-hop nigger loving scum. We are a failure as a country and people, we are a mistake. Germans are still noble and deserving of another chance, but not us.
ruby ridge.
they will literally murder you
Pool some money and buy land, when the media finds out apologize for slavery and say we’re segregating ourselves for the greater good.
scientists haven't believed that humans came from africa for about 5 years. Nice rhetoric though, memeflag.
>germans are still noble
Germans ruined Europe for a 100 fucking years and have done far worse than we ever could have
It’s a lot better idea than just “taking over the entire world”
>scientists haven't believed that humans came from africa for about 5 years. Nice rhetoric though, memeflag.
Nah, it's all about Olduvai Gorge. Kenya is the crucible.
We are all Kenyans.
I don't get why Americans of all people talk of a white ethnostate.
>whites had the opportunity to actually take over the world
>our ancestors chose to mix races and teach them our ways and try and bring them up to our level
>tfw the same ancestors that gave us everything doomed us to live in the world we currently have
t.med or slavshit subhuman.
You'd understand if you had to live with niggers and spics
There’s like two or three (sort of) white ones left
every time they find older skellys they claim it to be the new birthplace of humanity, im filtering your flag now anyway man, cba with memeflags/trolls
Nice projection but my parents immigrated here from Norway 30 years ago so I guarantee my blood is far more pure than your 16% german blood buddy
You should focus on reviving your patriotism first.
>Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Pretty much this
I may be biased but he is right, germans ruined Europe and still do it.
You'd be false flagged, ATF would get an anonymous tips of hoarding high powered weapons. Instantly labeled as domestic terrorists. The rest is history.
>for a country that spits on you and your people
You mean the Allies ruined Europe?
>a sleeping faggot will stop the ethnostate
won't be just me mate. the whole squad is here, and we sexual jihadin'
Are you spics or niggers?
Again, what other alternative is there? The hippies did this without getting shot.
Yeah, commies had a foothold in Europe thanks to the same Germans that supported them in order to overthrow the Tsarist Russia.
Germany ruined Europe long before World War 2. Also Hitler in all his great ideas lost the war and ruined white nationalism so badly we're labeled Nazi's for trying to defend our rights
We'll curse them for all time. Now the subhumans are actually a threat to us, since they have our knowledge and resources we shared with them. Before that they were just stupid bushmen and uncivilized savages.
>A religion that worships aircraft was started by a group of people who saw their first plane fly over Vanuatu, a remote island in the South Pacific of Australia, during the Second World War.
Reading about Ruby Ridge now.
That shit is seriously insane and quite scary.
If the US had sided with Germany, communism and Israel would have never gained anymore power.
Niggers have ruined them like they do everything. It’s what happens when you give lesser beings the same rights as humans.
But if he won...
If you'd like you can refer to my earlier postSo neither but nice try
No, but Nazism would destroy the identity of your country. Basically, both nazis and commies are bad for the USA.
Yourselves. None of you have the willpower to do it. Just move to a majority white state and be happy.
Don't worry, we'll weed you out. Parasite.
We don't know what would've happened if he won because the world would be so different in so many ways
Fuck off swarthy bastard.
Thanks for the story, yeesh.
Mmm, truly a well detailed post, you sure proved me wrong. I suggest you to go back to any shithole you came from, the USA is not a place for your pathetic dreams.
No problem.
Kill them when they step foot on our property. Castle doctrine.
>After the planes delivered food and supplies to the islanders, the group began to believe that cargo would be brought to them by a Messiah. Consequently, whenever they saw a plane fly overhead they would build a replica - in the hope of more bounty.
holy heck, their religion is actually based on gibs
and then you can be featured on WACO'D.com
Isn’t it private property that you own?