Jow Forums humor thread

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literally none of these are funny, step up ur game

Fuck you. Mine is the only funny one

pick one:

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>a white person losing against a battle with black people
Only when it comes to crime statistics


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there was no TV (television) at that time tho

this must be just a meme, not an actual historical fact

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Is that a wig, or is there a really short girl behind that squatemalan?

Coo, they look a few chromosomes short of a potato.

>really short girl behind that sqautemalan

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underrated and saved.

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>build that wall
You dumb fucking niggers, she got there on an inner tube like most based white cubans.

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Anyone got that screenshot of the crazy tourist girl who took a photo of the holstered gun on the guy in front of her at the coffee shop and went off about how she could easily have taken it and started shooting people despite having no training, and that's why Americans are crazy and need to have gun control?
Thanks in advance.

nice get

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longboys don't deserve to be conflated with kikes

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>the absolute state of 'humor' threads

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Funny thing Mayor Khan said bridges and then 2 days later the bridge attack. He gave the go word for the plan

Not kidding

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Part and parcel you fucking bigot.

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Attached: Fake_News_has_been_around_longer_than_Face-Book_A_Free_and_INDEPENDENT_press_without Censorship_Is_t (3236x1181, 335K)

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Needs a "hey Maduro, whatcha doin?" added

wow really cool

What am I supposed to notice here

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worst thread ever

abort now

The person with the laptop sitting down ain't a lady

>shill using a memeflag

Come_into_the_country_illegally_just_don't_smoke_on_the_sidewalk_outside_the_cafe_Welcome_to_L.A._sanctuary_city!! It's_the_LAW!

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Nirvana is cool, and Kris is a Libertarian who knows that media figures are cancer. I don't know about Dave, but there is an interview where Kurt states he has "conservative" views, as well as having "liberal". I can post the video I honestly don't remember the time where he says it it's like a 24 minute interview, but it's really interesting.

Make the other guy Macron, or this meme isn't worth the digital space it takes up.

That American (?) police car looks like an (Australian) Holden Commodore.


i always forget what this is until I scroll down.

Baltimore, Maryland USA

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The guy without a sign on the left pic marching looks awfully chosen.

it's a chevy impala probably

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Lmao you pathetic racist bigots never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers lol
