Redpill me on Florida.
I work remotely and want to buy a house somewhere where it is warm in the winter months.
Which part of Florida is decent and not a shithole?
Redpill me on Florida.
I work remotely and want to buy a house somewhere where it is warm in the winter months.
Which part of Florida is decent and not a shithole?
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best state in the union (beats Wyoming only because of the weather)
Are you married user?
>florida is the best state
no wonder we get called mutts
None. South fla is what you are talking about but move there to your own peril.
If you must
St petersburg
The best places are the small towns in northeast florida or the panhandle, but we do get 30's and sometimes 20's in the winter. It's great in these areas. South florida is a shithole country unless you are rich and have a gated community with armed guards. I can give you specifics but you would have to send a pic with date.
It is the best state north of ocala and excluding the welfare state known as alachua county. So best half state lol
Don't do it user. A lot of crazy and sick shit that happens in Florida is kept out of the news in order to protect the tourism industry.
The best I've heard it put: "The only reason to visit Florida is to identify your step-daughter's dead body".
Someone told me Tampa is dirty and the water nearby is filthy. Is this true? Googled St Petersburg and see it is in similar area.
>but we do get 30's and sometimes 20's in the winter
I want to avoid this.
Also I should have added I like beaches and the ocean. I have never even been to Florida honestly but looking on google maps.
I can't stand northeast winters. Sick of it. I have option to work wherever I want and feel I can afford 2 houses so Florida seems like a good choice.
St. Pete is shit. Jupiter is very nice, I live 20min north of there in Martin county, furthest north "south Florida" and very conservative compared to our neighbors.
that sounds kinda nice
Anywhere south of Volusia County on A1A. Volusia is racist democrat white trash crackhead central.
Better not get divorced here.
What about based Palm Coast?
This man is a hero. Bless his soul.
Hialeah has the highest white population in America at 92%, so I’d say they’re the most civilized.
Move to the Bahamas and get your first $100k tax free.
Panhandle is nice. I lived there for about 8 or 9 years. A bit religious for my taste, but it's not unexpected given its somewhat rural southern feel. One of its nicknames is The Redneck Riviera, which is really quite fitting.
I'd recommend a coastal town. Destin/Sandestin are really nice, it just depends on what you're willing to spend.
No northeast winters man, most of winter is 60's to 70's where im at. about 10 days of 30's maybe, 30 days of 40s-50s. I'll give you a glimpse of where I live. It is next to the st johns river, 20 mins from beaches, jacksonville, st augustine, no city people. We don't let them in, being that they are almost all liberals and try to change your laws. Small town but that's what keeps it right.
New yorker who moved down to florida for school. Stay the fuck away from here. I'm warning you.
It's bad. REAL bad. Extreme heat, HURRICANES up the ASS, Feral niggers, Mystery niggas, and HORRIBLE drivers. Not to mention the state super hero. Yes the legends are true. FLORIDA MAN (Pic related). You can't fucking dodge Florida man. He's almost on the news EVERYDAY. If you don't believe me link provided. I ran into so much crazy shit down here. I question why people move here. I can't wait to get the fuck out. Also buy a gun, a knife, whatever you need to defend yourself. Living in Florida events can be very unexpected.
Florida man is the most feared creature on earth.
Whoops, did more digging and that’s “white hispanics”
I moved to Florida from Maine a couple years ago, from a 98% white community.
What a fucking mistake. Place is like a fucking pvp zone. I've never seen more niggers, spics, racemixers, creaturas, low level abominations in my life. Literally walk down the street and you will spot at least two white women with niggers. Even in the wealthy gated communities there are niggers. And there are so many niggerdogs (pitbulls) running around. I swear this state has a fetish for the niggerdog. I've seen five niggerdogs just walking last night, all women owners.
Don't do it, whatever you do. This place is a fucking hellhole. I'm saving up to go back to Maine.
The Keys are far better, wholesome conservatism and traditional family values in the heart of almost tropical AMERICA!
Depends on a lot. "shit" is everywhere, there is always a nice side of town. There isn't much of a nice side of town in south fla unless you have lots of cash, by design. Northeast fla you dont need tons of cash to have a nice side of town. Palm coast is nice.
Enjoy freezing to death in your bleak hellscape. That's what you get for moving to a literal ghetto because you're so fucking cheap you fat bearded fuck.
Palm Coast is nice but it's an hour drive from anything.
Checked, lel.
it's a slightly more conservative california
The keys are full of fags and liberals, but that was redundant
Please I beg of you. Stay the fuck away from here unless you have a deathwish.
Floridian here. Leaving when the Baker Act shit gets in and Bump Fire Stocks become illegal come October. Heading to Wyoming. At least it's conservative and plenty supply of M1 Garands.
Don't come here. We got 1.75 Million illeg- er Refugee Peurto Rican shitskins coming to re-settle with voter I.Ds to get Skeletor into Congress.
Areas are much more conservative, Obama hated this and TRIED to infiltrate. Alachua county is liberal land and so is south fla. Most of it other than that are cool people. These news reports you guys all talk about almost strictly come from those areas. I don't go there lol.
Moving to Florida is a good way to get chemicals thrown on your face or a nigger eating it off on bathsalts
Depends on you, I'd say. Florida is almost like its own little country.. There was a post or jpg that described all the different parts of florida and the typical people/groups in each part.
It goes from high rolling players to alligator wrastlin' hicks to spaced out hippies to normies to whatever.
Florida Man is just a misunderstood man tryin' to find his way in life.
I live just outside of Naples, the wealthiest place in all of Florida. Every major city in Florida is 56% white. Even the whitest parts of the panhandle have niggers. You literally cannot go an entire day if you go outside without seeing at least one nigger or spic, wherever you are in Florida.
I came from an almost pure white ethnostate, where the only people you ever see, ever, for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year are other whites like yourself. No racemixers, no abominations, blonde-haired blue eyed whites every day, for years.
Then I came to Florida. And now I can go entire weeks without seeing a pair of blue eyes. I even saw pic related at Publix a couple hours ago, but with a wig. The spitting image of it.
Lived in Florida most of my life and I’m depressed at how awful it’s become. It used to be pretty based until the niggers spics and New Yorkers got out of control. I’m looking for a new place to settle down but most of this country is full of mutts niggers and faggots I don’t know where I can go at this point. Holding out in hopes of a purge in my lifetime so I can go back
>A lot of crazy and sick shit that happens in Florida is kept out of the news
Lolwut? We give the press free access to our police blotters, the moment crazy shit happens they run the story, whereas in other states they might not learn of it. That's what caused the reputation of "Florida Man" in the first place.
>to protect the tourism industry
Okay, I'm sure some crazy shit happens in the theme parks that gets swept under the rug.
>Southwest FL
Well there's your problem. I bet you thought you were getting a good deal on your house too.
>The best places are the small towns in northeast florida or the panhandle
This is pretty accurate. Depending on how rural you are willing to be and away from the coasts, there are tiny towns in the middle parts of the state that might work too.
Pretty good description. College towns, spaced out hippies, Gainesville is a good example
Alligator wrestling "hicks", that would be like Bell, Manatee, all of levy and dixie county, although Cedar Key is awesome fishing.
High roller, Jupiter, Ft lauderdale, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, but there are also literal slums there too so dont live there unless you have cash.
Jacksonville is a strange city. Lots of rural areas inside city limits and it definitely has a proud redneck culture. Just stay away from downtown and museum street and some parts of arlington unless you want to get shot by niggers.
And Take all your family with you. Hopefully the next hurricane wont give a fuck
From Pensacola to gulf shores Alabama is very peaceful. Family beaches and hospitable people
I use to live in Tampa. Let me tell you, growing up there and living there since the end of last year, I never experienced absolute unnecessary stress like I did with hurricane Irma. Tampa was always extremely lucky when it came to hurricanes, than Irma almost whiped our entire bay area off the map. On top of that, all the women in my family lost their complete goddamn minds. My mother was a result of a lot this stress. I felt bad for her almost losing the farm and house and all, but GODDAMN-don't fight with people trying to help.
Keys are one of the most degenerate places I have ever been.
i live in fort walton,
can confirm. It's a bit jesus-y but i don't wanna leave
Panhandle is very nice OP. People there are good, as long as you are good, ya dig?
Where do you live, central? West coast? Niggers are everywhere in the state and it doesn't matter if you think you live in a white ethnostate because your 1,000 pop small town is mostly white. You will still see niggers.
Been through 6 hurricanes in my life. You really dont get damage unless there are big trees in your yard close to the house. People new to florida have big trees in their yard. Also , it only seriously affects you if you are on the coast and ground zero up to 50 miles. If you look at the google maps link I put up, that was almost directly hit by matthew last year. My house looks the same as it did. Major thing that sucks is loss of power for a few days. And that does suck admittedly.
Anyways I moved after that whole Irma thing. I'm not getting heart disease due to stress over the goddamn weather. That, and I got sick of the balls sweaty heat.
If you live in a rural area like I did, you're wither fucked or have 2 weeks worth of cleaning up to do.
Stay outta here you fuck'n carpetbagger.
Like we need more Yankees moving in fucking more shit up.
Got enough Beaners down here voting Democrat to ruin entire lives as it is.
>Place is like a fucking pvp zone.
checked and kekd
Not true, you can live in the aligator wrestlin deer hunting areas, no blacks. I can name them for you if you want. If you dont want to live near country white people though, yes you are screwed.
florida is awesome. the heat is cozy as long as you have a/c at home. hurricane season is a damn good time for all. people are friendly and most of the crime is between criminals themselves. the water is hard and high in magnesium making the people tough as hell. in florida everything looks like you're either in a paradisal garden of eden or in an apocalyptic wasteland. transitioning between the two over just a few streets is interesting.
> I dont like the cold
> white
I would definitely buy a decent water filter. The calcium and fluoride is very prevenlant in the water. How important is beach access to you and what is your price range?
North (the mountain) is where the white man dwells.
Looking down on all the shitskins and traitors as they get washed away by hurricanes and flood
Cant afford Marco? Only white people there hombre.
At one point in my childhood, Orlando was adding more blacks per year(maybe it was per capita per year?) than any southern city than Atlanta. I know at least Charlotte has passed Orlando in that metric at this point. Of course, Orlando has pretty much caught up to Tampa and Miami in areas that are exclusively en Español.
Remove us please.
My bro goes to high school, and back to back, no stop shit would happen.
First a teacher gets arrested for sexting a kid, then a kidnapping, then multiple shooting threats, then the FBI swoop in and interrogate the entire school, armed and ready for anything.
Any Polk Anons hear?
thank (You)
North Florida is the souths dumpster , genetically speaking.
And pedophiles, pedophiles everywhere.
The south is jew, cuba
The place is a shit show.
Nice beaches, but also 2-3 weeks its so hot, you literally can't go outside.
Its a no from me
My GF's parents live in Green Cove it is pretty comfy especially off of SR16 by the St Johns county
Dunno what happened before this, but I gotta say, I'm siding with the dog kicker on this one. Keep control of your dogs you bitches and bastards.
Sounds like you are in Jacksonville.
Don't come here. It's not "warm in the winter months," it's fucking miserable humidity and the smell of bean burritos everywhere 10 months of the year.
Pensacola is alright. “World’s Whitest Beaches”
look around citrus country....
grew up there
Its like a crackhouse on the corner of town. Its on fire and burning down.
Do you call the cops/fire department to save it? Or do you simply watch it burn?
Manatee reporting in, there's a pretty decent spread of hicks, normies and libruls.
Tell me more about Jacksonville
Any niggas near UF/Gainesville want to fight me?
The city limits are the county limits, and the metro area, as defined by the feds, is basically the county. And the county is pretty big. That's why there are rural areas within the city limits.
Stop giving up all the good spots you faggots. They won't be good spots anymore.
You could fit every person in the world within the city limits of Jacksonville and they'd each get a 6' by 6' square of land.
One more Good Hurricane is all that florida needs right now
Honestly if you don't mind the Hispanic, spanish, cubans, mexicans and blacks then Miami beach is great for you.....the white people are great and civilized but other races besides Asians and whites are trash. The more up north you go the more white it gets.
Miami is a good spot but like I said it's not all white so parts of it sucks so if you can get yourself in a white neighborhood you should be fine.
wus aboot da palm of da beech
For comparison: the city of Boston is in Suffolk County, MA(and is not the whole county) and is 58 sq mi of land. Duval County, FL is basically the same boundaries as the city of Jacksonville and it is 762 sq mi of land. Suffolk County is 784k people, Duval is 934k people.
Ive lived in florida my whole life 25 years all around. Jax is very nice if you get it. I love it here. Live south east of downtown. Jax is split into 4 areas, west side (all nogs), north jax (rural/nog) sometimes nice, downtown (lame and sketch but ok music comes sometimes) and southside which is by far the best. Look up UNF and move around that area. Jax beach is technically its own jurisdiction and is cool. north of jax beach is neptune beach which is fantastic. Do not live west of the bridge. There are a ton of jobs in jacksonville and we have a quick growing economy. Theres new construction everywhere. Tons of new money. Ask any more questions.
Florida places ive lived and visited extensively: orlando , 6/10. Daytona 4/10. Tampa 5/10, west florida is lame and everyone is weird but job scene is great. St augustine 6/10.Comfy as fuck but parts are super ghetto. Miami 0/10 because no spanish. Jacksonville 8/10.
Sarasota here. Lots of friendly whites and the minorities are respectful for the most part. Stay away from mlk drive tho
This is the type of stat that proves how big the world is.
Oh, Florida!: How America's Weirdest State Influences the Rest of the Country
i suggest you read this book, i live in florida and this is the best truth about the state you will ever find, its also full of amusing florida stories. a very enjoyable read
Too many mestizos and negroids in Florida.
Are the minorities in florida white?
You want outer Pensacola, or Niceville. Not as many nogs as you would think, and its right on a beach.
Manatee, Pinellas, and Hillsborough counties are the best in FL.
Guy I work with is in jacksonville...says they are filled with street shitters
If you want the keys without the fags, go watch a video on cedar key, similar anyways and the best fishing I have seen and Ive fished the whole state.
He is either in the heart of the city or in a low rent area then.
The big problem that is upcoming is that half of Puerto Rico has moved to Florida after this last hurricane season. And they are all eligible to vote. Could swing Florida to Dem permanently.
The heat and humidity are insane in Florida. As you drive your car through the everglades, the bugs smash against you window and splatter, causing you to need to turn the windshield wipers on. Do you want to be assaulted by insects the second you step outdoors?