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i support that but i bet its the parents being penalized and i bet there is a de facto exemption for muzzies

>wants to

But how will they know if someone watches porn?

Meanwhile in the United States it's already illegal for under 18s to watch porn online.

They’re joining the club

It already is.
When I was there I had to call the majesty's porn division to allow my IP address 15 minutes of porn.

The worst part is they only had cuck porn unblocked for me.

Yeah, but totally impossible to enforce online.

Ive watched porn nonstop since i was 11. Good ol' AOL 56k service.

this. it's literally nothing.

Literally never enforced.


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no we aint,what we are doing is a blanket ISP ban on porn such as shit like blacked

if you want to unblock you will have to ring up like a saddo to do it

this will save kids from american jewish degeneracy,they can go back to fapping to bra sections in catalogs like i had to as a kid

I thought you fascist bastards were against muh degeneracy.

Is anyone reading this under the age of 18? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.

>inb4 they'll ask for a penis license in a few years

>Mods baiting all the underaged out


now wait a damn minute . .

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Bongs will jerk off only to the royal family news now.

I remember those days. I used to cut them out and then tape them to inside of anote book. Kids of today don't know what it's like living in the pre internet days


but they just enforced child euthanasia

Don't be a hick and bin that dick.

>porn degenerate
>no fap
>watching other men fuck women is cucking yourself

UK bans porn for children and you call it a bad thing. You don't really know what you want do you?

>Be middle schooler
>Get interested in titty
>Go on the google and type "Titties"
>See some
>Click on them but the screen turns entirely black
>"You are not allowed to view pornography per her majesty's declaration, number 098230481 of 2018."
>Fuck you exclaim while throwing cold tea on your little pecker.
>Go downstairs....
>Door is kicked in, parents are nowhere
>Hear.... radio chatter
>See your dad, half his face swollen by pepper spray and good ol' billy clubbin'
>Cops see you, take you away too.... to a safe place.
>Get removed from your parents and placed in the custody of Ahmeded Yusef Al Kiddididdler.
>Allah Save the Queen.

So wait.... it's legal/socially acceptable for children to watch porn in the UK?

The fuck?

>A literal hive of pedophile rape gangs across the country
What do you expect

You can't stop them. Where as this will force them not to watch porn. It's like having to prove your age to buy beer because children being able to sneakily buy beer is not a good society.

There's rape gangs everywhere. There are pedos in all the highest places in every country.

This is a good thing. God knows the last thing little Anglo cuckbois need is more blacked.com

>Ive watched porn nonstop since i was 11. Good ol' AOL 56k service.

That's why you're a fucking mess.

Only soibois think it will be a bad thing.

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Actually this is a good thing to get rid of degeneracy


You are the worst country in the world for inheriting black culture. You have no idea how much of a joke you are to us.

that's a cute boi

this pasta is become real life

Banning means putting family mode on their internet straight from the provider since they know the user is underage.

Are we gonna ridicule the UK even when they manage to do something right?

They never will know what it feels like to be in a all white classroom lol

are you, literally, unironically, fucking shilling for another 1% advancement in the horrible dystopian police state you already live in

you subversive fuck, this is why we immediately started breaking shit when word got around about the tea

What do you expect, America are a bunch of shit angels.

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My good little hazara boy says Ahmeded Yusef Al Kiddididdler

>horrible dystopian police state

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>Not watching the superior interracial gangbang cuckolding videos
How does it feel to be a slave to the system?

>fucking shilling for another 1% advancement

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I wonder who is behind this post advocating for easy access to base enjoyment that results in degeneracy.

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Hoi capacity assault e-rection.

Take em down bois!

Back in the day the cops could walk around with collared shirts and straight pants, but becouse someone wanted to give the neegers rights, this is what happens.

funny how every other country with blacks doesn't need a second military to police its streets.

Shit nigger, how old are you?

No, they just need a line of cops to stop people from expressing speech about a dying infant in a hospital. SOOOOO much better, much more progressive.

you mean stoppoing crazy people from kidnapping a dying kid?

Don't want to upset the magistrate.

or kidnap a baby that's dying.

He was 2 years old. Literally not a baby.

dying child then

Yeah ok then. Stopped a crowd "kidnapping" a dying child and getting him superior care. Though arguably the state had already kidnapped him.



internet censorship is the goal here, like China which pretends it's there to uphold morality.

Why is Britain putting so much effort into being the laughing stock of the western world?

Kidnapping implies government ownership. They are training you to see each other as products meant to be destroyed after they're "damaged". You're people have been turned into organ bags for the 3rd world.
Kys but trash your blood and organs first so that you can finally accomplish something for the remaining sane Europeans.

Even if Italy had saved him he would be a vegetable. The kid has been brain dead for about 8 months.

Form of cry for help maybe? But no help will come, they've made their bed and now will be raped and beheaded in it.

This simply means more british (white) girls will get raped by negroids, pakinbreds, POOjeets, mudshits and other ethnic thrash.

Is the UK turning into a shitslamic kingdom with such brain dead Orwellian laws?

You sound like you really know Europe inside out. How long have you spent here, it sounds like decades at least. Which countries did you enjoy the best, also which cities?

So, what are they gonna do, block mainstream porn sites? That's probably gonna stop most teenagers, but anyone who knows his stuff can still get all his porn.

If it's so shit why are your people coming here to work? Your country is a 3rd world shit hole.

Regardless. Another country was willing to foot the bill and take the shame of letting him die, if you want to look at it pragmatically. Why not let it happen, if the parents wished it. Even if they were chavs.

Holy fuck I've seen this exact thread with these same replies awhile back.

Ban paper towels as well.

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And prolong the suffering of a child? Or even worse bring him technically back to health and have him live 10 more years as a human meat bag who shits in diapers and drools on himself?

So? Let that fall on the wops, and make them look bad. Might have even made the faggot Pope look bad, which would be a net gain for humanity.

Impossible to police it but that won't stop them

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Or do the humane thing and let a dying, brain dead child rest. Rather than give him over to the Italians so they can have a dick swinging contest at the cost of a British childs suffering.

>at the cost of a British childs suffering.
Honestly can we even know he was suffering? He was brain dead. Seriously. Was he suffering?

Dont be a punk, bin that spunk


You start bringing him back to life and filling him full of drugs, and testing him, then yes I would say he would be suffering. They wanted to test on him because it was an unknown illness. He would be a guinea pig for them.

Unironically a good idea.

Ask them maybe? We don't really know as most people migrating to UK are chav tier, so normal people have no contact with them. I personally never visited your country as i am against going to muslim countries.

Ah ok. Yeah stay there, all is lost here, over run by Muslims, save yourselves and stay in Poland. Also ring your uncles, brothers, sisters, dads and auties and save them too, bring them home to Poland. Please.


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you fucking faggots starved him, took water away from him, and took him off life support till the parents reeeed at your retard doctors.