Jow Forums my state has its republican primary in two weeks. We're so conservative that the primary is all that matters.
What candidates are Jow Forums approved? Governor, Congress, everything.
Pic related: my state
Jow Forums my state has its republican primary in two weeks. We're so conservative that the primary is all that matters.
What candidates are Jow Forums approved? Governor, Congress, everything.
Pic related: my state
>he still thinks elections matter
elections wont matter, the end is near my friend. btw enjoy all the californians ruining idaho
BTFO in 5 - 10 years when Boise becomes Idaho's Seattle and determines everything for the whole state.
I'm fucking asking who to vote for in 2 weeks, not next decade.
In 5-10 years Idaho will be 4 states and Boise will be under Sharia.
>I think their all shit.
Hey wasnt Boundary County won by Ron Paul in 2012 Primary?
Feel out your precinct committee men first.
>asking who to vote for
People being too lazy to do their own research is how we fucking got here...ffs
>We're so conservative that the primary is all that matters.
Wait till commiefornians start moving in and fucking things up. Tech is starting to become a thing in Idaho which is a good thing for now, but won't be in 10 years.
Who's even running? Not being in Idaho myself, I get basically no news about it.
Vote for the Democratic candidates if you're truly redpilled and not a refugee from reddit who came cause of the election memes.
what? these retards need to die.
Shawn Keogh is my favorite Senator.
why is this allowed?
It's called "treeing" a bear. If you don't know about it, you should hear the stories of what all leads up to that phase of the game.
In the end, the idea is to get the bear so exhausted that it comes back down the tree and lies there to be abused and finally shot dead while everybody laughs and jeers.
find the one that will run those "refugees" out of boise and twin falls. thats your guy.
did you motherfuckers know that boise has taken on more refugees than NYC and LA combined?
Idaho's candidates are always garbage fires every election. They always have what I like to to call "Idaho autism." You're better off just moving and leaving the state to decay.