Kanye West is mentally ill

>Refers to himself as Yeesus for many years and even makes an album about it.
>Gets hospitalized after nonsensical rant about Trump and the media.
>Gets prescribed powerful anti-psychotic drugs and a lifetime regiment of anti-depressant pills for the rest of his life.
>Promised to be released under the condition that he sticks to his treatment.
>Take anti-depressant pills for many months until they fuck up the chemistry of his brain entirely.
>Comes back a year later and goes on a manic political twitter rampage with a message of “love”.
>Textbook bipolar manic behavior combined with a Messiah Complex.

Face it /Pol and stop laughing about him, he’s fucked in the head and he unironically thinks he’s Jesus. This guy needs help.

Attached: MessiahComplex.jpg (1296x730, 185K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Most niggers usually are.

in case someone wants to know what is slid with the kanye threads


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>a lifetime regiment of anti-depressant pills for the rest of his life

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Not sliding anything. I legit think that he's losing it and suffering from an extreme case of Messiah Complex.


A messiah complex (also known as the Christ complex or savior complex) is a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief that they are destined to become a savior. The term can also refer to a state of mind in which an individual believes that he or she is responsible for saving or assisting others.

27 millions of Twitter "followers" to be saved. Think about it. Jesus also had "followers. Same story different time.

This: What we consider mental illness is kind of the default in Negroids.

Combine it with taking anti-depressants and you get the shit show that we are witnessing today. Sad.

I bet he sucked off his shemale father in law and the sudden realization he was gay made him snap out of his gangsta ways.

He's literally just an ego driven nigger. Same as any other. Only differences is he has more of an effect because of his celebrity status. Regardless, he is still a nigger.

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He literally is 'a' the messiah, people.

He is not mentally ill. He is just a gay fishstick.


He was sent to an?MK ULTRA hypnoprogramming hospital and now he is performing his culture war role



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Be good Goy Kanye and take your medicine. Open your mouth. Say Ahhhhh! Good boy! Here's some Love for you my Nigga.

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>lol based black man XD

lol fucking nigger kike cuck shils.

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you are fucking gay.

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u mad?

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Stop hating on him!

Now buy my new t-shirt Goyim.

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>he’s fucked in the head
Ive said this for years about him. Even the people
that propped him up in the industry regarded him as being an autistic fuckwit.

everybody knows he's a loony toon. he's been that way for ages

Privileged millionaire black man mocking sexual minority hispanic girl's hairstyle?
The left is going to crucify the black Yeesus.

they won't do shit. Everyone hates that cunt and the left has no ground to stand on anymore.

He's just overcompensating with his message of "intellectual Love" because his dick is limp and he can't fuck his wife anymore


That's also textbook behavior for someone suffering from penile dysfunction btw.

No. You're wrong and are probably a Jew.

Kim just got him to watch some anime and now he acts like an anime character because he has Asperger's Syndrome.

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The Man Boobs don't lie. SSRIs will do that to you once you lose interest in life and let yourself go like he did. Open your eyes user.

Pic very related.

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It's not even a secret.

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He's more sane the degenerate liberals today that's for sure. All the transgender and multiple gender stupidity

Better screencap.

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If the only thing that keeps alive are the thousand pills he needs to take daily, he's still a degenerate in my book. A hundred years ago he would be dead by now without the help of modern science.

you would have a jesus complex too if you knew that the deep state will likely try to kill you

sacrifice is the ultimate gift to your country

but i don't think it will come to that- he will be a strong leader for his race and that is exactly what we need

trust him and help keep him alive, he's much more important that you think

I mean, have you ever seen someone that better illustrate the Fluoride Stare meme in real life?

This guy is high as a kite and barely aware of his surrounding. Someone should pull the plug from the life support machine.

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You can think whatever you want about him. Meanwhile if people hundred years ago saw the logic and beliefs of liberals today they would think they are mentally retarded.

I'm sure he will. LOL. It's going to be hilarious watching him crash and burn. This whole thing reminds me of the Britney psychotic meltdown. Only this time it's in slow motion and it's political. Which makes it even funnier.

They would hang on the public place. People back then didn't have time for these people.

He's playing both sides right now and he thinks that he's really clever and "artistic". This won't end the way he thinks it will end. Being a hardcore centrists won't play well in the current polarized political environment. People are taking sides right now preparing for the upcoming civil war. There's no coming back from this. And his message of "Love" won't change anything. We are too far beyond that.

Why are we still talking about this dude?

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He is as mentally ill as any other person. Phycology is poisonous trash that acts like a feild of medicine. It is a propaganda print and press that exists only to stamp out cookie cutter normands. It is a recruitment tool for societies, not medicine for the mind.

Control the people by controlling the thoughts. I am quite envious of such a well made system.

He's disrupting (((their))) narrative. Of course the jews would stir up controversy as a result.

>Not qualified to make diagnosis
>medical records are private
>poster committed a crime

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Why do you give a fuck about celebrities and pop culture you massive faggot

You are literally part of the problem, kys

Sounds like Freudian nonsense. People cant aspire to do great things? Does the world not need a little saving? Why is this considered a "Complex"? Swear to fucking god Freud, people were lobotomized because of you!