Why do Weeaboos like Japan so much? Do they see through rose tinted glasses?
Japan is a fucking harsh place to live, watch this documentary:


>Naoki once had it all - the fast car, the executive home. Boss of his own business he lived the good-life when Japan's economy was at it's height. Then the bubble burst - and he met Yoshie.

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fuck off muhammed

Actual Jap or Weeaboo "living the dream"?

What are you talking about? Living here is awesome. My overtime hours even just got cut back this year. I'm only working 05:10 to 26:30 now. Just another year of probation and I'll be getting my full paycheck again after my boss caught me slightly frowning when I thought I was alone in the company bathroom the day my mother died.


itt: JIDF

Japan is *the* ideal ethno-State and whites should use them as an example because everyone loves anime

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it is the only advanced culture that is not just Mc British in Bigland

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Me and my wife uploaded our sex tape to japanhdv while we were over there, almost went to jail. Fuck that noise.

Pretty much this. It really is the only place besides the west that turns out new math proofs and science discories and new biotech, good art, etc on the regular. so that makes it interesting.

The Japanese culture is a multi-layered and complex system that has been developing within itself and forming new layers for thousands of years. When Westerners think of Japanese culture, perhaps one of the first images that spring to mind is one of an ancient Samurai warrior wielding his heavy sword, or perhaps they picture a young Geisha, pouring tea and serving sushi. While these elements do play some role in the entire concept of Japan as a whole, the entire meaning and history of the nation is larger than that.

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*an heroes*

What kind of a hostess club is that?

Well they ‘are’ the whites of the asians, it’s no surprise ya’ll see eye to eye.

>be degenerates
>break the law as a guest in a country.
>but mah white rights.
That is how dumb you sound. Also link to sex tape please?

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To be honest, it's pretty cool he has a GF half his age who is pretty good looking too. She must find something attractive in him.


>those huge bug eyes and misplaced dot nose
that is some creepy shit you got there user

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Two bombs weren't enough. How disgusting white men want to act like total cucks and jerk off to non whites. I bet half of you on here would prep a small tojo bull for your wife.
God kys

>everyone thinks I visit Japan to live out anime fantasies and to roleplay being a ninja
>in reality it's a really peaceful country with great people who are respectful and kind and quiet and have great food
it's an introvert's wet dream

How is rice for every meal great five star class food. Fuck go to a real first world country for once cheap commie and actually eat.

>tfw haven't watched anime since high school but people still call you a weeaboo every time I go back

No joke every time I go there it just cleanses my soul. I could spend months just walking around every day drinking canned coffee and hanging out in small back-alley restaurants. Even if it's forced the culture of respect is something that I admire more every time I go back because service is just so shitty here comparatively.

If someone can get me another first world country that even comes close I'd move there in a heartbeat.

From someone that came from Japan (me), life sometimes isn't great at all. Take the mostly threatening Karoshi, straight up working to death. In Japan, there’s not even a term for “work-life balance." like America. Japan is now normifying a culture where spending long hours overworking to the brink of death is acceptable and white guys jacking off to 2D hentai is not caring much. I don't want to sound like a traitor but...I can't look at my country the same way again.

eye contact girl knows she fucked up

Japan isn't perfect, but it's the closest thing we've got right now.

Japan is the most privileged race in Asia. Copied Chinese culture, sent their dumbest people in the meat grinder during ww2, then the US gave them funds and modern machinery to rebuild and called it a ""miracle"" economy. Their fake culture and nationalism is just a stupid illusion.

Naoki is an alcoholic moron

Why though?
He seems like a pretty cool, laid back guy to me.

I'd drink with him.

>smokes and drinks regularly

Poorer people tend to drink to try and forget their lives are shit. This isn't a secret.

Smoking I'll agree with you on, but it seems most middle-aged men smoke in Japan.

I work st smc here on mexico and ghe months i worked over in japan were pure hell, i ised to work hard with my granparet as a welder when i was a boy and even he had it a little better in terms of working time/time off
Its just too mucho amigo, but you have a pretty good looking country

Japan has the right idea on a lot of things, like they've kept immigration to a reasonable level and they have a very strong sense of identity, people here actually still celebrate children's day, go to shrine on new years etc.

On the other hand... yeah you don't get anything for nothing here and your boss will treat you like shit expecting you to work 12 hours a day and only get paid for 7 of them. They also do generally just show deference towards authority purely on the basis that it's the establishment.

>Japan is now normifying a culture where spending long hours overworking to the brink of death is acceptable

It's funny that weebs see this as being part of the "samurai" culture and not because the workers are being exploited by their employers.

It is changing, they're getting stricter on 'over work', but they don't reduce the workload, so it's even more stressful because you now have to do the same amount of work but quicker.

Japan is one of the most ideal place for a 2 weeks vacation, but any longer than that or even getting a job is going to be a massive pain in the ass.

t.Exchange student from singapore

Naoki was probably a degenerate if he cared that much about meaningless frivolous things and i dont feel sorry for him

If you're from Singapore you can just teach English.

Greatest ally

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At 10pm, there's still so fucking many salaryman getting off work. it's amazing and sad at the same time.

Yeah, I can prolly do that, but I'd rather stick to STEM and Singapore is more comfy in a lot of ways.

>Nip food

> The STEM meme.

Just do whatever makes you the most money mate.

Also... I do have to say there is this bullshit of 'look busy'. I've seen with my own eyes people basically finish work at 5 or 6 and then just sit there for 2+ hours shooting the shit with the other higher ups.

Ah, I saw that one myself, the 'look busy' thing. people in my lab just sit there playing with phones even though they are already done with their work.
I was like "Just fucking go home m8"

>Just do whatever makes you the most money mate.
I'll need some money to start investing and borrowing money from the banks, STEM salary is alright in Singapore

It looks very pleasant and comfortable, very few stupid people wandering the streets.

>Why do Weeaboos like Japan so much?

What is there not to like ?
>Puts the interest of their nation first
>Racist as fuck
>Have empathy unlike the rest of Asia
>Don't eat bugs or dogs like the rest of Asia
>Rich history

>But m-m-muh degenerate anime
Give me one western cartoon that isn't complete degenerate leftist trash
At least anime sometimes promotes manly men and womanly women

Just because I love anime and video games doesn't mean I want to live in japan and be japanese you fucking moron. I'd love to visit, might go when the olympics are on, but live? FUCK NO.

Why couldn't he just have sex with then the normal way. Fucking retard

what if you think this is your fetish but then after being duct taped and tied down you realize it's not


>Give me one western cartoon that isn't complete degenerate leftist trash
Early Spongebob.

I gotta say Wakfu is a shining example of a cartoon that promotes men being men and women being women, and even allows them to grow like ALOT in charecter and in age, why the fuck doesn't the rest of the west do this?

If the simpsons tommorow turned bart and lisa to teenagers they woiuld have SO MUCH MORE story and plot to work with.

>Give me one western cartoon that isn't complete degenerate leftist trash
Avatar: The Last Airbender

Lived there for two years. My job was alright. 40h per week and almost no overhours. I miss it everyday. The food, people, cars, nature, services, etc.

The only reason holding me back is the danger of those fucking earthquakes and because I don‘t want to leave my parents. I see it as my duty to take care of them in future.

>Why do Weeaboos like Japan so much?
because that's what a weeaboo is. it would be like asking why a paedophile likes children or why fat cunts like fast food.

Finland and the US have higher suicide rates though.

You eat shit and die and leave second best girl alone.

>pic related, best girl

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best jap ally confirmed

japan became a bad meme after getting nuked and its literal god-emperor cucked

Japan's only downside is the retarded work environment and that's improving too slowly.

i think automation and further research on AI waifus will finally allow japs to have a more comfy cyberpunk dystopia

ITT: weeaboos and weeaboo mods fervently defend japan

japan internet defense forces is here to make Jow Forums more popular because it's based off japshit. nip monkeys btfo

you smell like a corean

stfu island monkey

Japan is great, but its still part of the American empire. Plenty of feminism and nigger culture. Demographics are excellent and I hope that doesnt change, but they definitely have their progressives there. If the "international community" ever decides to really ramp up the pressure I'm not sure they could resist it.

China is dirtier, more polluted, and less civilized than Japan, but its the only truly independent place in Asia,

oh fuck it's an actual shit-eating corean

>island nog trying to insult high IQ korean race
who do you think you are exactly

not being ruled by fucked-up women who live the meme life of being goddesses for one

Why you spend so much time thinking of Japan? Is it great pain to think of U.K.?

No I just fucking hate Japanese and all Asian women as a whole, and I'm not even a racist lmao. I'm pro all cultures and people around the world and I'm a strong supporter of multiculturalism and integration between people who come to my country. I even dated outside my race too. I Just hate Asian whores though. Anyone should be welcome to my country except Asian women.

>Best girl

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japan is a nice country with a horrible work environment
and britain is just too sad to witness now

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atleast they deal with corruption. what the hell is your island doing about your crappy dictator

this is good, 99% of long office hours mean inefficiency rather than high work load

What is horrible about work? You work. Simple. What else will you do? Over work is exaggerated. Most Japanese people are not salaryman in cruel office.

NEET in Spain gets more not than minimum wage in Japan

sadly being cucked by chinks, and their powerful jamming stations in the scarborough islands still pisses me off :-\

>defending wageslavery
fuck that shit

yeah, see. btw you can't do anything about the south china sea, it's a lost cause

>Pretty much this. It really is the only place besides the west that turns out new math proofs and science discories and new biotech, good art, etc on the regular. so that makes it interesting.

are you fucking retarded? do you have any idea how many scientists there are in China?

Hating asians is still racist though

Not really. Not if I'm anti racist and actually support other people to make a home in my country. I just hate Asian females. That doesn't make me racist.

lost cause indeed
so any news from whatever sea nearby the peninsula

You just have low standards mohammed.

And look at Spain. A dog on chain to Germany must rely on other countries to survive. No domestic industry worth the mention. You think you are independent?

Says a monkey who his sister is either nurse or maid to Arabs, or a prostitute. If you do not like to work as a professional, work something else. Your weak ethic in a Philippines makes you Mexico. All drugs and violence and foreign tourists.

Are you proud?

England is an absolute slum, from the grafitti covered, litter strewn Afro Islamic ghettoes to the 'white' children who talk in that ridiculous Jamaican accent. You couldn't have the things we have in japan because your people would destroy them. 24 hours shops on every other street here, staffed by Japanese and no need for security. No niggers playing music on public transport, ever. It's the little things.

Worked at a household name Japanese Fortune 50 company (one of the official Tokyo 2020 companies). And I have no idea why anyone would worship the Japs when they're so blatantly xenophobic in such an obtuse, innocent way. Their Shanghai division so blatantly hated everything not Japanese that I wondered what they were even doing here when promotion rotations only take 2 years and they had been here for 4+.

>unique culture and food
>unique museums, and architecture.
>unique mannerisms.
>unique entertainments
>unique lores

German here. I do that stuff too is it autism?

More independent as an individual person than you are. Aren't you also facing a severe problem paying off your aging populations pensions too?

They are victims of extreme positive propaganda these type of propaganda make people brain dead idealists they believe japan is divine they never heard anything bad about japan

Ha. Independent. You speak of government handout NEET money like a virtue. If I must choose to be a slave to labor or slave to indolence I will choose labor. You know who will do nothing but be fed and given a home? A pet. You are not a man. You are a thing of pity.

Hahahaha, good. You're wrong though, it's not nearly xenophobic enough here. Just look at roppongi.

As somebody in Japan right now I can confirm this is bullshit. We generally hear nothing but bad things about Japan from countries that are usually failed multiculti experiments or lesser cultures. It is fantastic here.

I'm talking about weebos not all people nip poster

Ha. Racist? You say racist? Chinese? Chinese are different from Indian only because US made greater investment to spite Russia and continued a economical relationship with china only because of cheap labor. What is china without the US? India. Poo in street like dogs.

the only reason why we delude ourselves into thinking we're proud is because libshits, commies, and landbarons have crippled this country.
this is why there's not much work here. the money is stagnating badly and sending workers overseas was suppose to be temporary instead of being fucking cancer.
and we're actually asian Honduras than asian mexico

The reality of propaganda

>hurrr durr weeaboo
>hurr durrr ageing population need more niggers
>hurrr durrr everybody dies from work
>hurr durrr Japan bad

Nobody is saying anything good about Japan, they resent what we have here because their own world is so miserable. If this was Europe you'd be singing our praises as a high IQ ethnostate with world leader status, instead you are jealous and bitter. There is no 'extreme positive propaganda'.

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Asian Honduras

You are right. I will concede this point.

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