everybody is a fucking kike, or a virtue signaling idiot, even the old fucking movies. FFFFFUUUUUCCCKKKKK.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wouldn't even care if it wasn't literally the exact same shit with the exact same characters and plot year in year out

I can't consume any media at all because it's so fucking obvious at this point they are trying to subvert some aspect of our lives throuhg it. They sacrifice quality for the agenda and it's cancer.

hollywood precode (early 40's) was great. men were men, women were women, and everybody took what they wanted. andy griffith show from the 1960's was fantastic (with ronny howard, lol). it started to suck when it went to color but the first 5 or 6 seasons were wonderful.

take ur meds.

Dollars trilogy. No bullshit, just pure kino.

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If this is the state of shilling you should honestly just quit your job and find something more enjoyable because your supervisors are only gonna get more and more stressed from here on out.

Why don't you watch Anime, Samurai films, Soviet Cinema, North Korean films, or Bollywood films, onii-chan?

Even the Soviet and North Korean films which are filled with obvious propaganda are not as bad as Western MK-Ultra shit. And it's not aimed at you.

But you should be watching Anime and Samurai films. No excuses. At the very least. ..... And even Pajeet films.

The entertainment industry was never not controlled by Jews. They owned it from the very beginning.

Even if you're right you still sound like a schizo.

Horror movies, especially slasher movies, are pretty redpilled. All the vapid degenerates get slaughtered while the pure girl is left to survive.

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I truly pity the braindead retards like you that can't even eek out minor enjoyment because you're so autistically fixated on chasing phantoms. Shitbirds like you need to see the inside of a few more lockers and porcelains thrones in school. Helps you spergs assimilate into society.

can you tell me why all of you shills recycle the same 5 or so insults? It seriously seems like all you guys can do at this point is namecall. Absolutely pathetic.

Then don't.

My boss is taking the whole office out for a movie night to watch the Avengers. I had to politely decline. They asked why. I said religious reasons. They probably think I'm weird, but I don't care. I'm not fucking supporting pedowood and the motionjew. I'm especially not going to do it while watching a goyboy marvel movie. Fuck 'em.

Gods and Generals directors cut is an astonishingly good film if you can handle the 5 or so hours it lasts. Beyond this I can't think of a decent film without kike narratives involved

>even the old movies
What the fuck are you watching
I know the criterion collection gets pretty Rules for Radicals but you can find GOLD with a filmstruck subscription these days

Hell man just start on the spaghetti westerns if you need a shot in the arm that badly, can't go wrong with any of the dollars trilogy

Thats exactly why I only watch horror movies. Its somehow mostly uncorrupted. James Wan's movies are pretty right wing too. just stay away from torture porn movies.

Oh shit hi sweetpea

I also have this problem. I can still watch the classics but I can't sit through 5 minutes of one of the newer movies and shows.

I mainly stick to animu.

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>Why don't you watch Anime
Because i'm not 14 years old

then watch foreign films

This, just watch older stuff. I don't even torrent anymore because everything is just awful. I always hated westerns, but have been really digging them now. I'm old and have always resisted the "new movies suck" tripe, but entertainment as a whole is unbearable now.
I always wondered if I'd ever get bored enough to start reading again because movies/tv/games wouldn't entertain me anymore... well, it's happened.

It's truly astounding that with so much access to so much content and like .01% of it is even any good.


good for you. that means the redpill is working.

Nips treat and respect their children like adults, and HollyJew treats their adult viewers like children.

Anything in Anime is more mature than anything you find in the West that was made in the last 20 years. Even their most childish Anime is more mature.

You just don't want to read subs or learn Japanese over time.

Take your syrup and shove it up your arse frenchy cuck


Old scify is good and predictive cause wonder how long till bongistan will have the modified garbage trucks for the onions green shortage riots

beat it kike. . .nothing the kikes hate worse than the goyim abandoning the electric jew.

pretend you are the bad guy then turn it off before the end, that's what I do.

Watch Seven Samurai, nigga.

One of the best movies ever. A lot of redpills, come to think of it. And no kikes in Seven Samurai.

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excuse me but onions are a mild form of tear gas, and the cutting of onions in the UK is strictly prohibited. we prefer non-violent foods thank you very much!

Is this Darling thing the weebs are crazy about any good?

No nigs in it

I honestly don't think there's been a great, memorable movie made since Lord of the Rings. Django Unchained was fun, but very Jewy. Hey, OP - Kurosawa, Kubrick, Leone, Carpenter, etc. Movies basically died after the 20th century ended.

holy digits batman
nothing about
sounds schizophrenic at all, but there's something sinister about the responses. yeah - i can't watch movies anymore either, the jews have been subverting us through them since there were movies

But it genuinely bores me. Anime is even more formulaic than Hollywood shit, literally everyone and everything is a walking trope that's been done to death

what shitty taste you have in movies.

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kubrick. villeneuve.

Old Westerns and War movies
That's it

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even the Jow Forums approved movies are fucking gay.

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Why are you on this website

I think it's good. ..... But I wouldn't start off with that as a mecha series. It's really hard on the eyes and mind if you are a beginner. But great if you understand the subconscious tropes in Japanese culture over decades.

Start out with some 70's Super Robot genre, or Gundam 0079 or Robotech/Macross stuff first.

If you don't want to do that, at least start off with Evangelion, ..... otherwise Darling in the Franxx is going to hurt your mind if your just coming into Anime.

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..and that's a good thing.

Good call, and if the boss wants to take the office to a movie, he needs to do it on company time

>Another jewish actor that had 12 roles.
>Another superhero, he can't die wow so dramatic
>Here comes the evil (conservative/racist/banker/lawyer/capitalist/etc)

>watching the televized jew
>streaming the cinema jew
>playing the vidya jew

Commando is good.
Same with original death wish.
Most war movies are real shitty so they should be older war movies.. where no punches where pulled.

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>reeeeee everything is a kike
anti-semites should just an hero

Dude, I love movies. I pretty much gave up movies around 1976. Very sad. There's been about 4 to 6 movies I've watched since then. It's all insufferable jew crap.

havn't seen the new death wish but it looks good gunna see it soon.

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you seen commando ?

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It promotes healthy family values.

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I don't understand how people can watch the same superhero movies over and over again and actually get excited about it.

The plot is basically get in a fight, almost lose, barely make it out alive. Over, and over, and over, and fucking over again. You know they're never going to lose, but they drag these retarded fucking fight scenes out for 15 minutes. It makes me want to kill myself. I literally can't sit through movies anymore.

Calm down Jacob Wohl

You're exactly right.
I see it in alomst every movie I watch for some time now, and yes all the older movies as well. They control it.
Also all the degeneracy in the movies and TV programming, is so in your face it is unbearable and that's why I don't pay for cable and never watch the jew tube that's hanging on the wall.


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There are literally tons of Genres, most where that is true, but not all. You should just type in "Weird Anime" in google, and you will find series that don't follow tropes if you look hard enough.

But searching for those is the same kind of skill you have to use when searching for European Art films. most are just as Trope-y, but if you are honestly looking, you will find Kubricks and Tarkovskys among Anime.

>I . . .

no one cares you bluepilled normie twat.

Last capeshit movie i saw was in 2013 i think

Lame leaf, go get a job!


Agreed. 70s/ 80s action movies have some cucking, but for the most part only 10% of what goes on now.

>everybody is a fucking kike, or a virtue signaling idiot, even the old fucking movies. FFFFFUUUUUCCCKKKKK.
Listen to some books on tape

Some master and commander shit

Wait until you find out about the porn industry.

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>hollywood isn't jewish
you're going to need to take a step back and check which thread you're in mate, even normies know hollywood is all jews (though they have no problem with it)

literally read the Bible, Don Quixote, Moby Dick
you now know the story of 99% of all movies and books

Halloween should get bonus points for redpilling as the main villain wears a William Shatner mask, who has Jewish grandparents.

good move. A white man paying marvel for their bigoted anti-white product is about as cucked as it gets.

70s 80s action movie cucking is like "black guy dies fast"

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did anyone catch how they did the ol black VA for Venom trick?
They are so sad.

The Cowboys, starring John Wayne.

A newer Chinese film is Saving General Yang, a film about duty and filial piety. Hollywood could not make this film.

Yeah it's like movies/music/books/TV shows should only be made once in a while, or else every creative idea is used too fast. Now it's just companies pushing entertainment for profit by recycling plots/songs.

Recommend some. I liked Welcome to the NHK but i don't like anime with the same 5 characters over and over and over


here's a good movie for you all to watch.

It's really quite good; great cinematography, excellent screenplay, solid acting. Very enjoyable.

Watch this user

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Venom's is a black guy now?
Gunna make it hard on his KKK family....

>putting words into my mouth
you cunts are just as bad as the boogeymen you rant about.

thats the extent of 80s cucking..
how far we have fallen.

shark tank master race. also, jsut build a fire and watch that for hours, doesnt get boring

Favorite paranormal movie ever, worth every second.

Im worse than some fucking boogeyman.

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yep the symbiote is a black guy im pretty sure. So they cant even have a movie with a white lead wothpit also having a black lead.
Probably the only reason they agreed to make it.

>parents watching some old black and white tv station
>they describe the movie playing next
>its about some thot moving to the big city to become a strong independent career womyn slooting it up by 1920's standards
women were a mistake

dont reply on behalf of other anons you cocksucker

its kind of funny because that makes Spiderman's motivation for defeating him is he is nigging out.

Paranoia Agent is pretty good. And tells different tales based around the same attacker, for different characters each. If you are looking for variety of characters that focus on an overlapping theme or message, or tale.


Watch Sniper.


I pay for cable TV cause it's cheaper to get the internet I want and bundle it, but the only thing I watch is LivePD and Food Network. Even Food Network is jewwy but at least it's mildly entertaining watching people cook.

I started watching old Kung Fu flics from the 60's and 70's (everything past the 70's gets too special-effecty and loses the kung fu magic).

John Wayne is one of those guys I wish I could love. I love the idea of John Wayne, and he was in some great movies (Red River, The Searchers, Rio Bravo), but he came from a time when America was so self-confident that it was almost cornball. John Wayne was too easy going for me.

The nanny-states of the world don't tell me what to do I could put my cigar out on the queen of england's face and she'd give me honors for it.
So who the fuck are you again ?

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>disparages others for seeing kikes everywhere
>doesn't deny there are kikes everywhere when called out
This is why Hitler hated your race.

Deep. Deep into the bowels of hell.All we have now is nostalgia.

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Thx will take a look later

completely agree. I'm not even excited for Avengers Infinity Guantlet or whatever the new Avenges movie is. I read one of the major spoilers without even thinking twice. The green cunt dies. She's black/hispanic like me, and I think she's stunning, but then I remember the bitch has posed nude before, and in this film, she's someone little girls look up to. I just can't support that crap.

Disney seems to love doing that; hiring whores to play big roles in kid's movies. They're even having that softcore porn actress Emelia Clark play a big role in the new star wars han solo movie. The Rey chick has even done nude scenes. So did the whore lead actress from Rogue One.

Anyway last movie I paid to watch was Spiderman Homecoming, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Haven't been back to a theater since. And I won't until Battle Angel Alita comes out, and that's only cause James Cameron is involved...

If anyone can find any evidence of him being an insufferable liberal cunt, I'll drop him too and never go back to a movie theater again.

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watch gay niggers from outter space.

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They couldnt let venom outshine BP. Venom is much cooler classic libshit damage control