Attached: Masonic_symbols_in_corporate_logos.jpg (1024x838, 122K)
Explain this
William Butler
Other urls found in this thread:
Cameron Watson
Zachary Johnson
Luis Nelson
Nothing to see here, goyim
Move on.
Benjamin Russell
ive never heard of "the seal of satan" seems like LARP-shit
Jacob Rogers
oh boy, if you are interested in symbolism
here is all i have on it. this here is basically the same just without being restricted to 2000 characters
This here
goes a bit into the some esotheric knowledge while being less centered on symbols, and here again the same in blog form
Justin Gray
It's from Grimoirium Verum
Carson Young
Elijah Lopez
ooohhhhwwwwooowwww ddaaa petty cazy
Isaiah Peterson
((( coincidence )))
Jacob Murphy
Theres hidden nazis too you know.
Henry Barnes
Chase Miller
Chase Gray
Christian Wilson
Don't be silly, those companies are your friend goy.
Jordan Smith
leaving a second and last bump here. would appreciate it if you check out this thread
otherwise good night
Juan Watson
yea they know shut the גאָדדאַמן thing down
Dylan Carter
It's the illuminati and their satanic agenda to bring about a new world order in preparation for the coming of the anti-christ. Don't you know this stuff?
John Lewis
Looks pretty serious user
Illuminati or whatever they call themselves, this is no bueno
Blake Turner
retards who don't understand the mystery schools will fail to understand this symbolism.
If Jow Forums had a better understanding of archetypes we'd be more successful.
Owen Phillips
Secret knowledge. The big secret for many thousands of years was that telescopes existed to see the planets particularly Saturn with its orbiting rings and all that this proved about planetary orbits. Maybe there was just one telescope in the whole world. The Saturn hexagon was rediscovered with the Hubble but it can be seen with a simple backyard telescope.
Joseph Nelson
I use mine to look at boobies
Thomas Watson
Why can't we just have a decent non-chromium-based browser??
Ian Price
Levi Fisher
Fuck technology at this point. Space doesn't exist, it's a meme to further technology and degeneracy and waste resources leading to a pointless "space war".
After hearing the whole "Why are they called astroNOTS", I'm done. I'm cashing out guys.
Justin Sanders
Guess you don't believe in NOTical miles either...
Cameron Hall
Isaiah Harris
Once you see that '666', you can't unsee it.
Elijah Robinson
Jose Young
And some not so hidden Nazis. Just have to call theirselves antifashist and you're good to go.
Josiah King
Q is literally a mossad shill. Why are you posting this shit?
Ayden Hall
This another thread ?
Evan Harris
don't let the jews slide this thread
Kevin Ross
What's that got to do with the flags design? They are VERY similar.
Jayden Bell
This thread isn't about a flag design, it's about Q being a FUCKING ZIONIST LARP YOU FUCKING KIKE SHILL.
Joseph Richardson
It's about symbolism. Look at the top spaz. Some symbolism is satanic and some is Nazi.
Joshua Harris
Are you genuinely asking or just being a goof
Grayson Davis
>envelopes are freemaaon symbols
>the letter F is also Masonic
>masons have a monopoly on measuring tools
>I honestly have no idea what you're making of the chrome logo, this has always puzzled me
>triangles are Satan
>eyes are also Satan
Interesting ideas you have there. Why would you think any of these things are so?
Austin Long
Freemasonry is a front-end of Zionism
Michael Fisher
Benjamin Wilson
You don't even know what satanic means. Q is a fucking LARP and you're a Jew.
Jack Scott
He's the one that brought up Q user. I was using the image for flag comparison.
Jackson Edwards
Wtf now I like microkike
Bentley Rivera
Fuck off to metakike.
Nicholas Morgan
>an envelope with a M (for "mail") outlined is actually an allusion to some Masonic symbol
really activates the synapses lmao
Ian Reyes
No. You proviee a source for those claims and then we can discuss their validity.
Ian Allen
Eli Hill
Hmmm. Since I'm NOT a Jew then I guess Q isn't a larp either. Also, I ain't clicking that shit.
Aaron Turner
Huh... you think maybe they did that for a reason?
Grayson Davis
Ryan Robinson
Jeremiah Moore
Kayden Campbell
Take your fucking medication.
Matthew Williams
Connor Myers
Not an argument.
You're losing again, Cucknada.
Isaiah Harris
Things get hidden here two.
Nathaniel Peterson
Know what building it is? I've never seen that.
Owen Walker
>you can see it from space
Gavin Diaz
Hudson Ward
fms own and steal technology. if you create something and you dont kiss the ring they will take it from you . speaking from experience
Ryder Foster
Holy shit! he's about to shut it down
Chase Reed
James Kelly
ok your turn
Angel Hughes
Elaborate user?
Noah Diaz
Mason Davis
Aaaaand they've got a devil star up on the wall. Two points up like goat horns. Pentagram is that the name?
John Collins
That's the sigil of Lucifer.. not Satan.
Asher Gomez
oh ok then whew
I was almost worried for a sec
Bentley Ortiz
Ian Mitchell
Ahhhh yes, the royal arch. The secret “4th” degree, cause 3 wasn’t enough enough, and, you know, they really need the money
Levi Butler
CERN also, right?
Luke Jenkins
Jackson Edwards
Play and Chrome are pretty spooky. The others are just plain retarded.
Christopher Flores
Just a coincidence goy, don't be evil.
Matthew Mitchell
Oh shit....there's the eyeball in the pyramid too. Guess this stuff is real.
Brody Sanders
Gmail logo doesn't have a red border. Gmail logo is an M that also looks like an, the similarities are superficial and coincidental.
Also, most lodges don't have red-bordered aprons
Grayson Cooper
navy buildings in Norfolk i think, if my memory serves me correctly.
Nolan Torres
Thanks maybe I can find it.
Jackson Smith
So you think the nazis are still out there, fighting the good fight. Explain this:
Why are they allowing your country to be racemixed with arabs and other subhumans then? If they are out there.
Joseph Perry
Red aprons are Dork Rite, I mean york rite
David Robinson
It's real.....why the hell would they do that!?
Zachary Martinez
found this lol
needs a pepe up there.
Alexander Johnson
Google Hangouts spooky too
Caleb Gutierrez
you guys are retarded. that's on the naval base in coronado. those buildings fucking suck too. my platoon got put in them twice for amphib training and they were the worst maintained squad bays int he area by far. they were also covered in bud/s graffiti so i know they put dirty little bud/s duds in there who pissed in the sheets and did gay coke lines off the towel racks
Noah Torres
nuevo orden mundial Cabalista
Colton Diaz
>Google Chrome
Holy shit, they literally change it from a logo that made sense to that Masonic symbol that makes no sense from a 3-dimensional perspective. Lines wouldn't be straight if they were going over a curved surface. That's crazy.
Jace Morgan
as further proof i know what im talking about:
the field next to it looks like shit because that's where they haze the bud/s kiddies. that long building across the street is the chow hall. the px is the big building on the bottom left
Dylan Cook
I know, right? This article says it was all just a big silly mistake and they're going to re-do the landscaping... back in 2007:
But as you could see, little has changed.
Thomas Green
They modified that building years ago.
Its in San Diego only a naval base near a jetty. But you need to use google earth and roll back the years because they modified it.
Adrian Martinez
wow google and facebook are evil who knew
Hunter Kelly
Dylan Brooks
don't forget your favorite youtuber
David Jenkins
excuse me for not being up to speed on american naval building locations jarhead
Julian Evans
Oh man...its on everything. Why tho.....why make a swastika building? It's not esthetic or practical.
Aaron Rogers
Christopher Williams
thought this was common knowledge at this point
Adrian Brown
good goy watch Internet Bloodsports (tm) where you favorite shills publicly humiliate anyone who joins
Kevin Gutierrez
How do conspiritards even live when they think every logo is some Illuminati symbol. Are bricks and stone buildings satanic too because they were built by Masons? You retards do a great job of discrediting legitimate opposition with you incoherent babbling about mind control rays and chemtrails.
This is what happens when you smoke too much weed. That shit makes you paranoid AND stupid. A very dangerous combo.
I hope he makes fun of flat earthers more. Conspiranoids are an unmilked lolcow waiting to be trolled to death.