"Servicepeople" are worse than welfare queens...

"Servicepeople" are worse than welfare queens. At least single mothers on child assistance don't go abroad to murder innocent people.

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It would be better if they stayed home and only killed internet faggots like OP.

servicemen didnt murder just because they like killing things for fun.

Its their job.
learn the difference.

As long as those kids were minorities, Im good with it.

>innocent people
sorry sweetie, they only kill arabs and blacks.

>Female troop
>Killing anybody

LOL. Bitch was probably a desert queen & got ran through

>Doesn't know there are other jobs in the military that don't require you to kill

Wew lad, and I'm not even pro military.

I didn't know Dresden was populated by Arabs and Blacks.

Attached: dresden.jpg (598x413, 132K)

This cuck is still mad about the 1945 stalking of some nazi krauts11






Attached: dresden-cucks.png (640x360, 382K)

We don’t choose who we fight but our intentions are for your sake (unless you’re talking about national guard, there just trying to get free college) but you’re still a fag OP

Ugh, the same title, same picture, same being a complete faggot. If you’re not getting paid for this I have no idea why you don’t kys

You don't fight for our sake. You're tax-eating parasites who live off the production of productive people.

Muh 6 Brazilian German babies day din do nuffin

> spend 6 years serving as an Air Traffic Controller in Random-Tundra Alaska
> end up scoring a job for a major airlines when I return to civie life
> random Jow Forumsack calls me a welfare addicted mercenary who kills kids for the kikes

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This. I mean wtf.


Well, if they had told you to, would you?

Palestinians amirite OP?

I fucking wish I could go out and kill innocent people. I'm stuck on piece of shit JBLM in an infantry division that never deploys.

Nobody's innocent. Get off your high horse.

Yeah, they just raise their nigger kids to do it here instead.

>combat role
>actual kill made

but thats all subjective

Did you burn your hand spilling some boiling water Jamal? Is that the extent of your “service” record. Cuz I know it is

>You're tax-eating parasites who live off the production of productive people.
that's like saying white blood cells and platelets are parasites.

>At least single mothers on child assistance don't go abroad to murder innocent people.

>innocent people
>ISIS throwing gays off rooftops

Fixed that for you.

Just because they're A kid doesn't mean THAT kid is equal to MY kid. They'll grow up and blow themselves up the same as their daddy did. Fuck those kids and fuck those moms and fuck those dads.

>It would be better if they stayed home and only killed internet faggots like OP.

it would be better if the armed forces were disbanded and they got an actual job

No they just breed niggers who will kill us at home.

>>innocent people
>>ISIS throwing gays off rooftops
>Fixed that for you.

Like the US isnt the one arming and protecting ISIS

where have you been lately?

Nothing wrong with that, except they sometimes kill white people, like Serbs.

This is because USA has the illusion that there are "good" Muslims that are worth allying with. No, stupid, they will always turn on you.

Just wait until we don't need oil anymore, see how friendly Saudi Arabia is.

US is an exporter now Vee.

Libertarians are worse than either, since your belief is essentially that society exists as an economic zone and that the only thing that matters is money.

Literally fuck you. I'd rather live in an Islamic dictatorship than a Libertarian state, at least then I'd get to watch them throw faggots off of buildings. Fuck liberty and fuck faggots, fuck niggers, fuck spics, fuck freedom. We tried it and the result was that we're turning into Brazil.

Neither of us is getting what we want, but I might just get to see Catholicism become the state religion, which at least is better than what you'll get--i.e. fucking nothing.

>Female soldiers
She didn't kill shit except probably her own squadmates. Why are these subhumans we call women are allowed rights is beyond me