>tfw another lonely saturday night

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we're here for you bro

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This is true for probably introverts. I can't program for shit if I'm in a call with someone, I just cannot concentrate at all.

this thread is designed to demoralize the users of this website which OPs statement applies to. It's basically psychological terrorism. Especially since this board is meant for news current events and happenings, not /b/ tier shit.

it's my birthday in an hour and i have no friends or woman to celebrate it with. 2 dates cancelled earlier this week, a third cancelled tonight.

time to bust out the VR goggles and play with your waifu

Join a 24/7 gym. Lifting in an empty gym on a saturday is comfy as fuck

Where is your family, bud? I have to assume they're not all dead.

Do you have great aunts or uncles whom you haven't spoken to in a decade? Give them a call or write them a letter tomorrow.

Today, I worked into the wee hours, slept until eleven, ran some errands, visited my sister and her husband, went to my cousin's first communion, visited with family in the backyard, came home, wrote the first few paragraphs of my travel journal, and now I'm drinking and Jow Forums posting.

maybe. Could be genuine, but OP hasn't replied.



Sounds pretty depressing.



it was mine a few days ago. my sisters got a cake and shit for me, but i had no one else. to not appear as a loser in front of my senpai i took my car out and told them im going out with some friends. parked on a road somewhere and sat there alone for 6 hours, was considering killing myself.
anyways, happy bday bro

Happy birthday mate.

Why do you care so much? Wish I had a beer but the world would like to make you think you’re missing out on something. You care to much your fixated on the micro, time to zoom out bub

Happy early birthday man. I know that feel. Two years ago my I tried to have a party and no one came. Now I dont celebrate my birthday anymore. Have a glass of the good stuff.


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no way, you are just lying to make him feel better

i came here to troll and have fun, now i am depressed holy fucking shit

......consider smoking weed or something for christs sake....i am happy with vidya and weed dont need to be calling no friends and be disappointed


Man the fuck up, it's called getting older, enjoy it!
Learn to live with yourself.

Happy Birthday!
Try harder, never stop asking the chicks, what's the worst that can happen. Ask away.

mfw I didn't even realize it was saturday night until you mentioned it.
Too busy getting shit done.
Checking in...
Giving Jow Forums the required 30 min.

Also, bait.

We're all gonna make it, friend
happy birthday

Happy birthday, user!

>A nomal Saturday night

if only i didnt fuck up

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solitude is pretty cool, stop being a pussy

the jews will win

I remember when I used to live alone, being a NEET and all my friends were away on holidays. Spent a month like that, without any actual social interaction (beside the clerk of the supermarket).

I felt like dying. Pure and uninterrupted loneliness can fuck you up really hard. I almost begged a remote acquaintance I stumbled upon on the internet for irl meeting (scaring him shitless in the process).

But there are things to learn from those kind of experience. Rainer Maria Rilke as interesting thoughts about loneliness in his book "letter to a young poet".
Then again, if you really need a quick fix to remember how solitude is a great thing, I recommend using mass transportation on rush hours (a trick that helped me a lot).

Happy birthday user

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a fucking month?

are you shitting me nigger?


>tfw ruined your life and family beyond repair
>the reality that things will never be the same are starting to hit you hard
and the worst part is that it's all my fault

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A month is babby tier, you aren't cut out to roll with the neet bois

>tfw wizard
>tfw no friends or social life
>tfw the whole world is going mad and not even the internet is your safe haven anymore
>tfw shitty job with less than 20 hours a week
>tfw it only gets worse from here

At best I can only make physical improvements. My life is finished.

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Well a whole month without hearing the voice of any relative or friend was a long time to me and enough to turn me into someone who doesn't need any social interaction anymore.

At least you're not gay. Count your blessings, faggot.

Eh, you get used to it.
Those so called "friends" only seek you because they want something from you. Worst thing of all is that I was always sincere and supportive. Maybe too much and people took me for granted. Once in a while, if I get invited (people stopped inviting since I decline most of the times) I'll go out to some party, to get shitfaced just to bare with it and remind myself why I stopped going out. People come and greet me with a smile and hugs and tell me "where have you been, man? how come we never see you?" and I find it fucking hilarious because by "seeing me" they only mean to meet by partying every weekend.

>didnt get date with girl from work
>come home and have the best wank i've had after saving it up the whole week
feels good man, coping hard I know, but feels good

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Happy birthday user, roasties gonna roast

Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday, user.

It's never too late.
You still have time to fix things.

went throu same shit myself. working abroad will do that to you. atm at st. nazaire and couldnt be happier with all the money i make per day. money and solitude m8.

But this date with Jow Forums is never canceled.

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